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(Erick p.o.v)

Ya han pasado 4 dias desde que hablé con Ashley. Me esta matando.

Quiero echarle la culpa a Joel, Richard, y Zabdiel pero es mi culpa por hacerles casó.

I can't beleive my needy ass couldn't wait for my girlfriend. I was trying so hard to prove to Ashley that I can be loyal and that I could do commitment.

Y lo arruiné todo.

Currently I was on my way to Ashley's house. I parked my car and got out.

I walked up to her door and started knocking.

After a minute or so she opened the door. She didn't look happy, mad, or upset. She just had a blank expression on her face.

"Puedo entrar?" She moved out of the way and I walked in towards her living room.

No me quería sentar porque no sabía como esto iba terminar.

I turned around and saw her sitting down.

"I know me saying sorry won't mean or fix anything but I am truly sorry. I was being selfish. I really want to be with you Ashley. Por favor dame otra oportunidad." I walked up to her but she got up and walked towards the kitchen.

I followed her and saw she was pouring a big glass of wine.

She downed the whole thing, poured another one, and then turned to look at me.

"Look Erick..." I cut her off. "Erick? What happened to babe?" I asked upset.

"Look ERICK... I had four days to think about it and I know that what I'm about to do is right. We can't be together. We've clearly tried it and it didn't work out. I just want to be friends at least please." She finished.

Friends? I don't want to be friends. I like her a whole lot more than just freaking friends. But I respect her and if that's what she wants to be then I'll do it.

"Friends it is!" I said with a fake smile.

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now