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(Ashley p.o.v)

I haven't really talked to Erick throughout the week. Every time he texted I would say I was busy and I wouldn't have my phone on me.

Tomorrow is the day I see him. Right now I really don't feel like going but I already told him yes so I wasn't going to back out now.

I wouldn't miss it for the world anyways. I get to actually see my idol, talk to my idol, and pray that I at least get a hug from him.

I'm also nervous. Knowing me I'll probably make a fool of myself.

Erick: Hey Ashley, are you busy?

Ashley: Not today

Erick: Thank God. I haven't really talked to you this past week mami.

Ashley: Yeah, told you I would be busy.

Erick: I'm lowkey excited for tomorrow.

Ashley: I'm nervous

Erick: Since when is someone nervous to meet their idol?

Ashley: You're not just my idol. You mean more than that to me. And knowing myself I'll probably make a fool of myself.

Erick: You'll be alright

Ashley: You're not nervous?

Erick: Nah, I've met thousands of fans before.

Ashley: Is that all I am to you? Just a fan?

Erick: No empiezes Ashley. You mean more to me than just a fan.

Ashley: No empiezes?! Really? It was just a simple question!

Erick: You're my friend that I love talking to.

Ashley: Its getting late. Gotta be up for tomorrow. Night Erick.

Erick: Night mami.

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now