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(Erick p.o.v)

I was going to see Ashley in less than 20 min and I am pretty freaking nervous.

I've done this many times so I don't know why I'm so nervous. Ughhh.

I mean I've talked to her for about 2 ½ months and she found out that I was ME about 2 weeks ago.

Sooo I shouldn't be so nervous right now.

Ashley: Be there in a few

Erick: Okay. Ya estoy aqui.

***5 mins later***

Ashley: I'm here. I'm nervous.

Erick: Mami ya metete

Ashley: It's just now hitting me. I'm finally meeting you. My best freaking friend!!!!

Erick: Pensé que Angie era tu best friend?

Ashley: Psh. I can have more than one.

Erick: Quit stalling and get your butt in here already!!

Ashley: Okay. Okay!

I hear the bell ring, meaning someone walked in. I looked up and saw it was HER. Beautiful was an understatement. She was... I couldn't put in words how beautiful she was.
And she was only dressed casually!!

She looked around with a confused face. She couldn't see me since I was in the very back. I didn't want to attract attention so I just texted her.

Erick: Very back to the left mami. ;)

She looked down at her phone then looked up at me.

She started walking towards me at a normal pace with a big smile on her face.

Damn, esa sonrisa. I thought to myself.

Once she reached the table I stood up and stuck my arms out to hug her.

"Quiero mi abrazo" I said.

She said nothing,walked up to me, and wrapped her arms around me. I couldn't help but smell her. Wow I'm such I freaking weirdo. She smelled great though.

I noticed she was shaking a bit. I let go of her and looked her in the eyes.

"Calmate Ashley" I said with a chuckle. "I just can't believe I'm here talking to you and hugging you!" she said.

She hugged me again but tighter. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"Okay, let's eat I'm starving." I said. "I thought Christopher was the hungry one...?" She said. I just laughed as we sat down to eat.

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now