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(Erick p.o.v)

I was currently driving Angie's car to Ashley's house. No puedo creer que ella piensa que no podemos estar juntos porque somos dos personas muy diferentes.

Como puede pensar eso!? If you love someone for who they are then freaking be with them!!

No se porque me molesto cuando ella dijo eso. I tried so hard not to show it bothered me.

I tried so hard not to show it when she kissed Christopher. I know why she did it though. It's because I had that blonde chick giving me a lap dance. She wanted payback.

It hurt, I'll give you that. I think I have feelings for her. No quiero eso. Siempre lo arruinó. Or the chicks do.

I can't just be friends with her porque cada vez que la veo la quiero besar. Le quiero decir lo que siento. Pero no puedo.

And Christopher. Oh he's getting it next time I see him! Como la pudo besar y luego sonreír como si estuviera bien?! El sabe que yo siento algo por ella. He's supposed to be freaking family!

All of this thinking was overwhelming.

After a few minutes we parked in her driveway. I turned off the car and got out.

I walked over to Ashley's car and saw Angie trying to get Ashley out of the car. She wasn't passed out but she was mumbling some words that I couldn't understand.

"Here." I gave Angie her car keys. "Yo la llevó para su cuarto. Nomas dame sus llaves de la casa." I finished.

"Gracias Erick!" She gave me Ashley's keys. "Bye, have a good night! It was nice meeting you!" She said. "You too!" I replied.

With that she walked into her car and drove off.

I looked back and saw Ashley laughing while looking at me. I just smiled back and picked her up bridal style.

I shut the car door with my foot and walked towards her house. I unlocked the door and went upstairs to find a room that looked like she's been in.

She was pretty wealthy for a 17 year old. Her house was nice. It had 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

Pretty big for just one person. She must be pretty lonely. Thinking about her being lonely makes me sad.

I sat her down on the bed, unzipped her dress, and helped her take it off. I couldn't help bit look at her. She was in her underwear and bra but she was hot. I mean beautiful.

"U-Uh you want your b-bra o-off?" I asked.

"Yeeessss pleeaaassse" She said slurring her words.

"Nevveeerr mmiiinndd I'llll dooo it myyseeelf." She said. "Coovvverr yoouuurr eeyyyeess."

I did as told. I even turned around.

"Dooonnnee!" She said.

I don't know why I did what I did next, I never do it to any girls, but I always saw it in movies.

I took my jacket off and put it on the bed for a second. I took my shirt off and turned around with my eyes still closed.

I put my shirt on her and trust me, it was hard to do it with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and saw her crawling into her side of the bed. I was about to put my jacket on to leave until I heard her yell.

"Nooo, pleeeaassee staaayy tooonniigghhttt!!!" She begged.

I wanted to. I don't know why but my dumbass wanted to.

"Ashley no creo que eso sea una buena idea." I said.

"Please Erick!"

"Okay. Okay."

I took my shoes off and laid down next to her. She laid her head on my chest and was out like a light.

I couldn't help but smile. I was exhausted pero tenia que mandarle un mensaje a alguien.

To: Christopher
From: Erick
Tu sabias que yo tengo algo por ella y tu todavía la besaste. Y luego sonreiste como si estuviera bien!

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now