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(Ashley p.o.v)

Ashley: Annggiii

Angie: Ashleyyy!

Ashley: Pick bme btup

Angie: What?

Ashley: Djspick mee uuup

Angie: Are you drunk Ashley?

Ashley: Yrewss

Angie: I thought you were at the club with Erick...?

Ashley: Stillrf afnd hwes mafd wre hazd fiyght

Angie: You're lucky I can somewhat understand your drunk texting. Give me the address.

Ashley: **address** hioorrayyy

Angie: Stay put and ignore any guy that goes near you. I'm on my way.

I think she said she's on her way. I couldn't really read it since I was seeing everything in threes and I was really dizzy.

I put my phone back in my purse and I felt like I had to look for him. I don't know why.

A figure got in my way. "Are you Ashley?" "Yess wwhoo arree youu?" I asked holding on to the figure in front of me.

"I'm Christopher, Erick's friend. He's told me a lot about you. He said you were here but y'all got in a fight. Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"I can't reallyyy seeee." I said slurring my words.
"Ashley are you drunk?" He asked. I couldn't help but laugh at his question. "Yaaassss!!" I yelled.

"Okay let's go find him." He said while grabbing my arm and carefully pulling me along.

"Friend" is all I could say.

"Yes he's your friend." Christopher chuckled.

"No. Angie. Frieeennnd. Iiiss getiiing meeee." I said.

"Oh okay I get it. Well I'll wait till she does. But let's let Erick know."

I said nothing after that. We walked into this room and there he was. Some blonde slut giving him a lap dance. I don't know what came over me but next thing I knew I kissed Christopher.

I looked at Erick and he was upset. I was really hoping for him to be pissed but nope. It was as clear as water, he was hurt.

All of a sudden I felt a little sobered up. I couldn't say anything. Nor could I move.

After a moment of silence I looked up and saw Christopher smiling.

I was about to say something until someone turned me around.

There she was.

My life saver.

My best friend.

"Found you!" She said exhausted.

I just smiled.

She looked to her right and saw Christopher then looked behind me and saw HIM. She started by giving Christopher a hug and telling him how much she loved his singing and commented his looks.

Then she ran to Erick. Erick got the blonde slut off him while they hugged and her gushing over his looks and his singing.

He had no expression. He looked calm. Sane.

She ran back to me still fan girling. "Okay okay I'm done. My life is complete." Angie yelled.

"Alright boys, I'm taking my drunk friend home." She turned to me and gave me a puzzled look. "You are never quiet when you're drunk. You okay loca?"

I finally spoke. "I'm great just take me home." She turned to face the boys. "Someone needs to take my car while I drive Ashley home."

"Yo voy!" I turned and saw Erick stepping up to me. "Have you drank anything?" She asked him. "I had one beer." He replies.

"Alright, let's go." I felt someone put something in my purse but I didn't bother to look.

On the way home Angie couldn't shut up about meeting Erick and Christopher. I looked behind and saw Erick driving Angie's car right behind us.

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now