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(Ashley p.o.v)

Angie was currently parking her car in the back so Erick doesn't see it when he comes.

Angie comes in with the junkfood and smoothies. She put them away for now and ran into the living room to hide since I'll be in the kitchen acting dead.

It was time to text Erick.

Ashley: I decided I want to talk about us.

Erick: En serió? No jueges así Ashley.

Ashley: Dead serious. I know it's kinda late but do you want to come over now?

Erick: On my way!

I decided to leave the front door a little bit open to make it look more real.

Do I really wanna talk about us? I have no idea how I feel about it. I've tried so much to forget about it and move on, but it's been really hard. I don't know what to do.

I decided to just go with the flow because me being careful hasn't really been going well lately.

I walked back to my horror scene trying to not get blood on everything but only a few spots.

I laid back down and waited for him.

About 10 minutes later I heard his car. By the way, Angie is recording this right now. This is gonna be gold.

(Erick p.o.v)

I was currently on my way to Ashley's. I am beyond happy that she texted and said she wanted to talk about us.

It scares me how happy I am. I have a feeling we're going to end up together.

Prometo que esta vez no lo voy a arruinar.

Porque creo que....

La amo.

That scares me even more. I don't know if I'm ready to tell her right now but when I do, I hope she feels the same.

I pulled up to her driveway and turned off my car. I got out of the car and started walking towards her house.

As I was walking I saw that the front door was open a little bit. Wtf I thought to myself.

I walked in, looked down, and saw blood on the floor. The more I followed the blood the faster my heart was beating.

I stopped and yelled Ashley's name.

Again and again. No answer.

I continued to follow the blood and it lead to the kitchen.

There she was on the floor with blood all over her.

I ran to her and fell on my knees not caring about getting blood all over my clothes. I started shaking her a bit and yelling for her to wake up.

"Ashley! Ashley! Babe por favor despierta!! Andale baby por favor despierta por mi!! Puedes escuchar mi voz!?! Es Erick Ashley!!! Ashley por favor despierta!!!"

My heart felt so heavy. It felt like I was slowly breaking. I was now crying.

"Goddamn Erick!! If you keep shaking me like that I'm going to end up with brain damage!" I stopped shaking her and saw a big grin on her face.


(Ashley p.o.v)

Erick jumped up and started walking around the kitchen while pulling the ends of his hair and cussing. I was on the floor watching him.

I wonder why Angie hasn't come out yet.

I got up from the floor and Erick stopped walking around the kitchen. He walked towards me and hugged me really tight, then he pulled away.

Next think I knew, he kissed me out of nowhere. And yes I kissed back but then pulled away.

"Thank god it was just a f**king prank! Don't ever do some s**t to me like that ever again!" He said.

Angie came out of hiding with a big smile on ber face. "I got that alllll on tape Erick!" She said waving her phone around.

He flipped her off and laughed along. "I hope both of you had fun." He said while looking at us.

Angie walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't worry dude, she pranked me too."

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now