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(Ashley p.o.v)

Ashley: Just got home.

Erick: Thanks for letting me know mami.

Ashley: You and the nicknames.

Erick: Every girl likes it.

Ashley: Aaannyyways, I had fun today!

Erick: Me too. I loved that I got to know more about you.

Ashley: Saammee!

Erick: Sorry I had to go.

Ashley: Why did you have to though?

Erick: Business.

Ashley: Ohh...

Erick: Te quiero ver otra vez hermosa.

Ashley: Really?

Erick: Haha si. Mañana en la noche?

Ashley: Let me guess.....clubbing?

Erick: You bet!

Ashley: I'm not really a clubbing type. It really never ends good.

Erick: Andale por favor! Estaré contigo todo el tiempo!!

Ashley: Fiinnee...

Erick: Okay, me tengo que ir.

***Next Day***

Erick: Ashley!

Ashley: Erick!

Erick: Hermosa!

Ashley: Erick!

Erick: Mami!

Ashley: Brian!!!

Erick: Te odió, no me gusta que me digas Brian

Ashley: I love it. Anyways, Good Morning.

Erick: *picture* I hate mornings.

Ashley: Wow! You're so cute!

Erick: Mandame una, mami!

Ashley: *picture*

Erick: Why are you sending me a picture of you in a sports bra and shorts!? It's like you're asking me to f**k you!

Ashley: Maybe I want you to ;)

Erick: I don't play when it comes to that Ashley! You know i take it seriously!

Ashley: Okay bye! See you later!

Erick: Can't wait!

***9 p.m.***

Ashley: I'm here.

I walked into the club called "Midnight Drink". Weird name, yeah I know. I walked to the bar and ordered 2 shots of straight tequila.

I paid the bartender while ignoring his stare and grabbed my shots.

I turned around and saw Erick walking towards me with wide eyes. I downed my shots and got up from my stool.

I was about to hug Erick but he put his hand up in front of me.

"Hold up. You're wearing THAT here?! He yelled over the music. He eyed me up and down and went around me doing the same thing.

He stopped in front of me. I couldn't read his face expression. What? Nothing was wrong with what I was wearing. I was wearing some simple black heels and a short tight black dress. I honestly thought I looked like any girl does when they go clubbing.

"Bad or good? I asked. "Good for me but bad for the guys" he said.

"Why the guys?" I asked. "Um cuz you're mine" Erick said like he was stating the obvious.

"Hold up, yours? We're not together. You stated that while f**king other girls when we were talking and saying you liked Selena more!" I yelled louder.

"That's different now. Me and Selena aren't together anymore. Plus I'm a guy and I have needs!" He yelled back.

"Erick Brian Colón walk away before I slap you in front of everyone!" I said through my gritted teeth.

"No! Don't use my full name! You are taking this way overboard!" He said as he got closer to me.

"Get this ERICK BRIAN COLÓN... We are two very different people. I'm not an object! I am a human! We will never work as a couple no matter how badly we want to. It just won't work out. I can only give you friendship." I said.

He just looked at me with no expression. And just like that he turned around and walked back into the crowd.

I sat back down on my stool and took out a 20. I handed it to the bartender and said, "Give me shots that will use up this 20."

With that he poured 10 more shots and I downed them in 5 mins. After a few minutes I was feeling it. I decided to get up, dance, and have fun.

My mind was blank.

I was numb.

And I was happy.

After about...well I don't remember how long I was dancing. I started to feel dizzy. Damn, I should have came with someone else. No way I could drive home drunk. Smart one Ashley.

I decided to text the one person I knew would help me.


Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now