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(Ashley p.o.v)

It's been a couple weeks since me and Erick started dating. He left about a week ago for the CNCO World Tour.

We spent as much time as we could before he left. He asked me to go with him but I didn't wanna follow him like a puppy. I couldn't just drop everything like my job and leave my house. I had bills to pay.

He was upset and so was I. He'll be back in about 6 weeks. I already have a hard time trusting him. Erick Brian Colón doesn't get tied down, yet he wanted to with me.

If he ever cheats on me I don't think I could handle being with him after that. I know he said to have patience but I just can't.

He could honestly be so sweet when he wants to.

Erick: Hola mami

Ashley: Hi babe

Erick: Show's done. About to head to the club.

Ashley: Well have fun

Erick: Always do. Estuviera mejor si estuvieras aquí.

Ashley: I know. I know. About to head to work.

Erick: Okay amor

Christopher: Sup Ashley

Ashley: Heading to work Chris. Bad timing.

Christopher: Tenemos que hablar. Mandame mensaje cuando salgas?

Ashley: Will do

***After work***

Ashley: Out. What did you have to talk to me about?

Christopher: Erick

Ashley: Is he okay? I talked to him before work.

Christopher: Calmate. Physically he's fine, but not mentally.

Ashley: What do you mean?

Christopher: You're my friend and everything but you're messing up his head. He doesn't even want to focus on tour.

Ashley: I didn't know. I'm sorry

Christopher: Just lay off him for a couple of weeks Ashley

Ashley: Will do

Wow. As selfish as it sounds, I was happy he was like that. It meant he actually feels something for me.

But then it upsets me because it is one of his biggest tours and I was messing it up. Christopher is right. I've just got to lay off him for a few weeks. He needs to focus on the tour.

(Christopher p.o.v)

No puedo creer que le mentí a ella por Zabdiel, Richard, y Joel. I'm such a horrible friend and it's already too late to say sorry.

They have been annoying me since we've been on tour because Erick hasn't hooked up with any girls before or after the shows.

They started complaining to me about how he's so whipped and not fun anymore.

Messed up part is that Ashley no lo esta distrayendo del tour. Él ha estado trabajando mas que nunca.

I hope this doesn't end bad...

***Three weeks later***

(Erick p.o.v)

I haven't really talked, texted, or face timed Ashley in about 3 weeks. It's either I'm busy or she is.

I was kinda upset from it. I miss her like crazy. Just about 2 more weeks and I get to see her.

I was low key excited for it. Joel, Richard, y Zabdiel, not so much.
I was honestly trying so hard not to f**k or flirt with any groupies porque honestamente me gusta mucho Ashley. The guys keep calling me whipped. Nah, I just want to stay loyal and committed with her.

Pero honestamente se me esta haciendo difícil. I haven't had sex since a week before me and Ashley started dating.

So yeah, I've been really needy lately.

(Ashley p.o.v)

I've hardly been talking to Erick in about 3 weeks and it honestly sucks but I really want him to focus.

Just about 2 more weeks and I get to see my baby.

Christopher has been keeping it off my mind and telling me he's doing better.

Me and Christopher have gotten closer, as friends, even if it is through text.

Christopher: Show's done. Another good night. Vamos a salir.

Ashley: Y'all be careful, okay?

Christopher: Y'all? You from the south ma'am? Haha! Will do.

Ashley: Very funny, ass!!

Christopher: Tengo una ;) haha

Ashley: Bye Christopher!

Christopher: 😂💀

(Christopher p.o.v)

3 semanas desdé que le mentí a Ashley aka mi mejor amiga.

My guilt it eating me up alive. And what hurts even more is that we've gotten closer. 2 semanas y todo será como antes.

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