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(Ashley p.o.v)

Ashley: You could've stayed.

Erick: No estaba seguro. How's your headache?

Ashley: Gone. Thank you for that. Also for taking care of me last night...

Erick: No problem.

Ashley: I'm sorry about the fight. I'm also sorry for kissing Christopher. I don't have feelings for him. I only did that to piss you off.

Erick: I know you did. I know why too.

Ashley: Yeah...

Erick: I know we've hung out a couple times...

Ashley: Yes we have. I was there haha

Erick: Te voy a decir esto por mensaje porque lo que te voy a decir, no puedo formar palabras para decírtelo en persona. So I guess for what I'm about to do you can call me a pussy for it.

Ashley: Please don't let it be bad Erick.

Erick: Perdón Ashley...

Ashley: Erick no...

Erick: You were right last night at the club. There will never be you and me. Somos dos personas muy diferentes. I thought alot about us in the past 12 hours. We can't even be friends. That won't work out either. Me texting you even after finding out you weren't the chick at the concert, was a mistake. Texting you after you found out who I was, was a mistake. Meeting you in person, was a mistake knowing myself I would mess it up with you anyways. I won't let you be in this kind of lifestyle either. It's not all sunshine and rainbows Ashley. Perdón pero te voy a tener que dejar ir. Este es el último mensaje que vas a recibir de mi. Adiós mami.💔

Ashley: Wow! You're just gonna give up that easy!?

Ashley: Not even try it out!?

Ashley: It's because I'm me and you are you right!? RIGHHHTT!!!!!?

Ashley: I never thought you would give up that easily. Look at where you are Erick!! You never gave up on that!!!! Why this!!??

Ashley: I'm just not as important, right?

Ashley: I'm just not enough.

Ashley: I wish I was enough for you...just to be with you...Or maybe just friends...

Ashley: You will always be my idol...

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now