Chapter 5:Balance and Harmony?

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It was lunch time "Shit! I have no one to sit with." I said to myself. I looked around to find any tables I see Midoriya waving at me beckoning me to come over. I walk towards the table and pull up a chair "Hey you guys." I said "Hey (Y/N) I hope you don't mind sitting with us." Midoriya says "Nah you just saved me from eating my lunch in the bathroom." I said jokingly "Anyways why did you transfer here from America." Uraraka asks "Oh my dad got a job offer here and since I was in the hero course in America my parents made appointments to transfer me to here." I explain "Which school did you come from." Iida asks me "I came from Hero League Academy." I responded "No way that's the best school in America for the hero course!" Midoriya exclaims "I see so doing the entrance exam wasn't too hard for you." Iida says "Don't get me wrong the robots were pretty easy the writing portion though." You shuddered at the memory "Yeah we get ya." Uraraka said patting my back. We discussed more and more topics and soon enough class was about to start so we headed back to class 1-A.
Time Skip: After School
"Mom!Dad! I'm home!" I exclaim "Hi sweetheart." Mom came out of the kitchen "How's was my hero's first day." Dad said as he gave me a hug "It was something." I exasperated as I walked upstairs to put my bag in my room "I'm sure it was and we can't wait to hear about it! Diner should be ready in a couple of minutes!" Mom yelled.
"And then Uncle Aizawa paired me up with this guy that has anger issues for the rest of the semester." I said with a frustrated tone "I'm sure Uncle Aizawa didn't mean it as a punishment who knows maybe both of you will bring the best out of each other." Mom said trying to see the silver lining of the situation "As long he doesn't try anything with my baby girl I have nothing against the guy in fact I heard this Bakugo is the won first place in the sports festival so having him as a partner might put you in an advantage." Dad explains while stuffing his face with diner. I told them the rest of my day through out diner, and then after I was done cleaning the dishes I went to my room to do homework and to talk to my friends. "Really?" Jame said "Yeah, but other than that U.A. is awesome!" I said "Yeah hey anyways isn't getting pretty late over there." Melissa asks. I look over my clock that reads 8:30 shoot "Five more minutes you guys." I whine "Nice try you have to finish your homework and we have to start heading into class." Tristan says as he puts on his dad act "Fine talk to guys later." I said as I hung up.
"Finally done." I stretched as I got up from my chair. I put all of my assignments into my bag and climb into bed "Man, today was exhausting." I yawned.
Once again as soon as I open my eyes I see nothing but pure white. I walk somewhere my steps echoing I finally stopped in front a door I open it to find nothing but blue skies and white fluffy clouds. I walk in not really thinking that there might be a chance that I might fall to my death. I look down to see my reflection I continue walking until I am in front of a statue of an ancient looking goddess I go up to reach for her.
*BEEP* I grumbled in annoyance and shut off my alarm. I got up and stretched I grabbed my uniform did my usual routine and went to the subway to catch my train and sit next to Midoriya and talk about random stuff. Soon enough we got off of the subway and made our way to school still talking about the different types of quirks that our classmates have "Todoroki's quirk is so cool he has fire and ice and he can control both of them senselessly." I said in amazement "Don't you basically have the same quirk as him but more than him?" Midoriya asks "Yeah but you know how cool would it be if I ice shooting out of my hands." I said looking at my palms "Besides I can't fully control fire and I still have to learn how to change water into ice." I said with determination. Uraraka and Iida joined us to walk to class "(Y/N)-San do you want to hangout with the girls today after school?" Uraraka asks "Yeah sounds fun." I responded I quickly shoot a text to my mom saying I'll be coming home late "Great!" Uraraka squeals as she hugs me. We get into class and I head towards my seat "Hey Tokoyami" I greet him he followed it with a simple hello.  As usual my uncle came in with his favorite sleeping bag and gave us a few announcements such as upcoming events and then giving us a few assignments to work on. Later he had to teach another class and today the Vice Principal Midnight came in to teach us "Alright class today we are gonna learn the Ancient Greek gods and our first goddess is gonna be Hahanaru Shizen who was their only goddess that 'claimed' that she was their first teacher in balance and harmony." She continued teaching and she showed us a picture of her "She looks oddly familiar." I thought to myself trying to recall where I have seen her.  Midnight sensei continues on with the lesson "Alright here is your assignment, you are gonna be in pairs and I would like for you to present how you can create balance and harmony you may be as creative as you would like. And a note from Mr.Aizawa that Bakugo and (Y/N) are automatically paired up." Midnight announces everyone in the class goes and finds a partner Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida give me sympathetic looks and find people to work with. I get up and walk over to Bakugo's desk "What do you want shitty extra." Bakugo says "We have to work on the assignment remember sparky." I said giving him a fake smile "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU FUCKING BITCH." Bakugo explodes "Cmon we gotta do some brainstorming." I said over my shoulder I go ask Midnight sensei for a pass to the library. I walk out of the classroom and head to the library I can hear heavy stomps coming my way I didn't need to look who it was "Oi extra do you know where the library is?" He asks "of course I do it's in front of the cafeteria." I respond "Alright, also WHY THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO THE FUCKING LIBRARY!" He yells "We have to do research I'm sure there are books on balance and harmony and also so you can finally be quiet." I said "YOU LITTLE BITCH." He yells once again. We enter the library and I go to look at some books. I come back to find Bakugo sitting at a table with some writing utensils "What fucking took you so long." Bakugo asks "I was just look for books." I said as I set the books down. We each grab a book and look at it "Oi extra do you know what the fuck are chakras." He asks "Its a belief of spiritual power in a human soul there are 7,but that's not what we are learning." I said "I know that I just happen to look at your fucking stupid looking booklet you brought with you." He said pointing at the little book that I have brought with me. "How about looking at my booklet you read the book you have in your hands and take notes." I said "Don't tell me what the fuck to do you fucking bitch." He said "How about you do the work if your interested I can tell you a bit more of the chakras." I said the last part I was joking "Alright fine I'll do the fucking work and also I don't fucking care about those charcoal." "Chakras." "DONT FUCKING CORRECT ME!" "Shhh" everyone in the library shushed him. I stifled my laugh I can tell he's glaring at me I hear him grumbling something. Soon enough we finally get some work done and head back to class "Oi extra tomorrow after school at my place got it!" He said growling "For what?" I ask "To work on the project are that fucking stupid." Bakugo said as he flicked my forehead I whimper in pain as I rub my forehead. Soon the lunch bell rang and walked with Midoriya to the cafeteria. We reached to the table "So how was working with Kacchan?" Midoriya asks "Where do I even begin." As veins start popping out of my forehead.

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