Chapter 3: First Day! Plus Ultra!

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Your POV
Now that all of our furniture is here I get to decorate my room the way I want it. I put my (F/C) comfy chair in the corner, then I set up my desk in front of the window, I put my collection of manga on the bookshelves, and I also put up my fairy lights. I go downstairs to grab a snack when I hear knocking on the door. I look down to see random pieces of envelope I look down and go through then until I find one that caught my eye. ITS A LETTER FROM U.A. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. I quickly open the letter stoping at the words of "You have been accepted." I scream in glee. My parents came rushing in "WHATS GOING ON." They both yell in unison I show them the letter. They both look at each other and squeal along with me. We jump up and down until one of our neighbor tells us to shut up "We have to celebrate."dad says "I'll order a celebratory pizza." Mom said as she dials a pizza place "And I'll bra- I meant tell your aunts and uncles that you got into U.A." Dad says as he quickly dials a number "I'll tell my friends about the news." I said as I headed upstairs to video call them. "You serious." Jame said to excited to use proper English "Omg (Y/N) this is so awesome!" Melissa squeals "Told you, you could do it." Tristan smugly says. We talk for a while until mom yells at me that the pizza is here.
After we had dinner there was another knock on the door. Dad gets up to answer the door. He comes with a package in hand and brings it to the counter and opens it to reveal my U.A. uniform "Go ahead try it on." Mom said I grab my uniform and go upstairs. I put it on it's a bit big on me, but I like it. I go down stairs to show to my parents "Looks a little big sweety why don't we ask your uncle if he could find you a uniform that fits you." Mom suggest "Nah I'll grow into it in a few years besides it's cozy." I said as I hugged myself "Whatever you say sweety." Das said.
Time Skip: a few days later
Today is the big day, I'm going to U.A. I quickly do my hair up in a half ponytail, then put on a little bit of makeup on, and finally I put on my uniform. I go downstairs to eat my breakfast and like usual dad isn't here to send me off to school. "Did you pack everything you need for today." "Yes" "What about your subway card" "Yup" "The signed papers" "In my binder" "Your class room." "On my phone." "Be sure to go to the counselors office to get another copy of your classroom" "Dad made an appointment to them" I said as I put my dish in the sink I grab my bag "Oh wait!" Mom stops me "Let me take a picture before you leave dad wants to see you off." Mom said as she grabs her phone "Mom" I groan "It'll be a sec." Mom insists as she opens the camera app I do a smile and an awkward pose. "Alright bye sweetheart have a good time." Mom says as she hugs me and kisses my hair "Bye Mom." I said as I headed out into the city. I quickly make my way to the subway station. I get there, I almost missed my subway. The ride there was quite boring, no villains attacking, no people that I recognize, heck I don't even have friends to hangout with. I didn't realize how lonely I was. I looked around hoping I could find someone that I could talk to. I notice a green curly hair dude sitting by himself, he is wearing a U.A. uniform "Wait I know that guy." I thought to myself I make my way towards him "Uh hey." I say he looks up "Midoriya right?" I say trying to remember "Yeah" Midoriya says at first he looks at me confused until he recognized me "Oh your the girl that took an entrance exam not to long ago." He smiles, but it quickly fades away into a small frown "I'm sorry I don't think I caught your name." Midoriya says "Oh it's (Y/N) (L/N), but you can call me by (Y/N) since I'm used to people calling me by my first name." I said "Oh okay." Midoriya he scoots so he can make room for me to sit down I say thanks to him. "Congratulations, by the way I see you made it in." Midoriya said "Yeah, thanks." I said. We sat there in silence it was awkward. I giggled "Is there something funny?" Midoriya "Sorry it's just this is really awkward I barely know you, and I'm already comfortable with you." I chuckled. We both started chuckling. Soon enough we just started talking about random things from knowing about each other's quirks to talking about All Might. The subway stopped and we both got off walking together to school. "I gotta go to counselors office see ya around Midoriya." I said as I waved to him. I quickly enter the counselor's office and ask them conformation of my class room number. They gave me a tardy pass and a note for my teacher. I walk aimlessly around the hallways trying to find my classroom. I look up to see class 1-A. "Well here it is." I said to myself I look at the door to see it's really huge I feel my sweat drop I take a deep breath in and grab the door handle and open it......I walk in to find a familiar face. Midoriya smiles and waves at me I wave back I look to find that my teacher is none other my uncle "Do you have a pass (L/N)?" Uncle Aizawa asks "(L/N)? That's new." I thought as I walked towards him to give him my papers "Alright why take a seat next to Tokoyami." He said. A guy with a head of a bird raises his hand. I make my way towards him. I got a seat next to the window, I got myself all situated I look up to see all of the students either looking at me or whispering "Alright everyone since today we seem distracted we are going to take a pop quiz." Uncle Aizawa said with an annoyed tone. Everyone groans "Shoot is it because of me?" I thought to myself "(L/N) can I speak to you for a moment. I quietly get up and once again I feel all eyes are looking at me, but there is one in particular that I sense is glaring daggers at me from my peripheral vision I see the ash spiky blond hair dude glaring at me I look at him and smile, all I get in return is a growl "What the hell did I do!!!???" I thought to myself. I walk out of the classroom and meet Uncle Aizawa in the hallways "(Y/N) let's set somethings straight. During school hours or any school event you are to refer me as Aizawa sensei. Just because I know you doesn't mean I'll go easy on you, or give you special treatment. Also do you have your provision license?" He asks "Yep got mine in the fall." I said "Good we should be getting ours in 2 months." Uncle Aizawa said "Also will you be joining us to the training camp for the summer?" He continued "Yes." I I said. We continue to talk more, soon enough we both walk into class and everyone was taking a quiz. While I had nothing "Aizawa sensei is it alright if I can go and sit outside of the classroom?" I ask. It looked like he was about to say no, but I gave him one of our old codes we used when I was a little girl. I grabbed a bag and headed outside. I say cris cross on the floor and started to meditate. I usually did this back when I was learning to control my quirk, I still use it to do that but now I use it either if I was stressed or angry or when I'm bored. I close my eyes and go into a peaceful state of mind. Next thing I know is that I open my eyes to find myself looking at nothing. It was pure white I walk around soon enough my mind starts to get a bit more creative. The white abyss turned into a scenic forest and in the middle of the forest was a lake I sit on top of that lake and concentrate on my breathing.
"(Y/N)." I was sucked back to the reality of life when my Uncle awoken me from my peaceful state of mind "Get into your P.E uniform we are going to the battle fields." He said I get up and follow my class to the changing room.

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