Chapter 18:Practicals part2

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Midoriya POV
After (Y/N) and Captain Fusion introduce themselves they go to the opposite ends of the arena "Who knew (Y/N) would be fighting a former villain huh Deku." Uraraka says "It almost feels as they favor her more than us." Iida says "Iida the Hero Legue Academy is one of the most prestigious school in the Hero course I'd think it be number one of UA didn't exist. (Y/N) already took the practicals in her first semester in the Hero course and we are just starting ours. (Y/N) is already more advanced than any of us are. They are trying to give her something more on her level. Besides we actually fought villains back at USJ." I explain "If she is so advanced than why isn't she with the second years or the third years." Mina asks "Yes (Y/N) is ahead of us by academics and physicals, but there are somethings that make her on the same level as us." I respond "Like?" Todoroki asks "Well haven't you guys noticed whenever she uses her quirk she quickly gets tired out which means her school has yet to help her in overcoming her boundaries and expand her quirk." I give an example "And she hasn't gotten her provisional licenses either." Momo chirps in "Actually she has." Aizawa sensei says "Huh! Since when." Kaminari asks "In the fall, Midoriya is right though the only reason she isn't a grade ahead you is because there are things her old school didn't work on." Aizawa explains. "THE PHYSICAL PORTION WILL BEGIN NOW!"
Captain Fusion makes his move. He is coming at me quickly I am quick on my feet as I make a hole on the ground and close it up quickly before he can catch me. "Let's see what's he's doing?" I mumble as I stomp my foot on to the grounds. I see his black silhouette looking on the ground figuring out where I'm going to come out. I harbor in my energy and force little by little to make a tunnel "(Y/N) is you don't come out in 15 seconds you will fail your test." I hear Present Mic announce. I just need to get behind him. I punch my way out and kick his back. I quickly summon out my water spears and directly attack him with them "Now let the fun begin." He chuckles as he extends his arm and absorbs my spears "What in the!" I yell. His arms were forming into water like substance and before I know I was being knocked out by his arm "You see my quirk is fusion. I can fuse with anything physical like elements and living things." He quickly explains as he swats his arm to me I quickly pick myself up and avoid his attack I air lift myself off the ground "I wonder if he can fuse two things at the same time." I ponder. I quickly tested my theory out as I controlled the wind into a tornado like form and attack him. Once again he absorbed my tornado but his arms changed into tornados as well "Okay well I at least know he can fuse one thing at a time." I mumble. Maybe if I attack him simultaneously changing my elements he won't be able to fuse that quickly if I do that it worth a shot. I descended on to the ground and made my way towards him. He also runs towards me. While I'm running to him use my body heat to generate fire around my arm as I am coming closer and closer to I quickly slide under him and attack him with my fire blast as expected he quickly absorbed my fire blast before he can regain control of it I use my water spears once again he didn't have time to dodge it as he practically flew to the other side. I muster up more strength to create a curved cement wall I quickly make a ball out of air and ride my way to the wall. I'm nearing towards him I quickly undo my ball and jump above him and use my water spears to attack him. He attacks me with the fire he fused and hit me square in the gut I skidded across the battle arena. I've never endured so much pain it feels like my gut has been incinerated. My whole body won't move everything hurts so much "I'm not going to lie but you did get me a few times, but I was expecting much more of a challenge from you kiddo looks like I gotta end this test for you." He says as he walks towards me with a cuff "No I can't fail not right now come on body get up! GET UP!" I yell mentally. Slowly but surely my body began to get up "It's not over until you're down." I gasp "So I see still got strength I'm going to make you regret not staying down." He smirks as he runs towards me. I make no attempts to move away I've been practicing this move on my own whenever I get done with homework it's not perfect but it's my chance to pass. Time went in slow motion as I put in all of my energy into one specific part of my body I extend my hand out as I feel the flow of energy going to my pointer finger. He is coming close his arm ready to attack me at any moment. In a split second time returned to normal as I dived his arm and went straight to his chest with barely a touch a strong gust of wind knocks him out and went airborne I quickly get down on my knees and place my hands on the floor. The ground created cuffs on Captain Fusions wrists and legs leaving him immobilized. "WHAT A FINISH (Y/N) YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE PHYSICAL PORTION OF YOUR EXAM!" Present Mic voice filled the arena I can hear cheers of my classmates I quickly release Captain Fusion from the cuffs he jumps himself up and walks to me "I gotta say I'm thoroughly impressed with your-" was all I heard before I collapsed and blacked out.
Aizawa POV
(Y/N). I thought she was done for when she didn't get up from that blow I thought she was gonna fail. "Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida after this is over would you mind taking her to see Recovery girl." I order all three of them nod their heads. "Sir look!" Ojiro yells he points at my niece. She's getting up. But how. She is not use to taking in such a punch not to mention it was with her power how in the world is she getting up. Well isn't she just full of surprises. As in cue before Captain Fusion could even lay a finger on her she dodges it and aims at his chest though what's surprising is that she barely touched him and he went flying and before he had the chance to get up she quickly immobilized him. "WHAT A FINISH (Y/N) YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE PHYSICAL PORTION OF YOUR EXAM!" The loud mouth announces "All right everyone return to class and begin the written portion of the practicals." I say "Aizawa sensei look!" Momo exclaims I turn around to see (Y/N) collapse "You three take her to Recovery girl then return to class immediately." I order. Midoriya ,Uraraka, and Iida leave without a second thought.
Midoriya POV
Uraraka, Iida , and I are running to the battle arena to get (Y/N). The light at the end of the tunnel gets bigger and brighter as near the end. We see Captain Fusion holding (Y/N) in his arms "Ah help, does she usually faint after a fight?" He asks handing her to Iida. Iida picks her up bridal style "Well it's kinda hard to predict." I explain. Captain Fusion joins us on our journey to Recovery girl since I have gone to see her so many times I practically know the way not something I should be proud of though, but Incase's like these it's really useful. The way there was quiet aside from our footsteps. I look back to see how Iida was doing so far he isn't tired from carrying (Y/N) meanwhile (Y/N) has a couple of scratches and blood is seeping through her costume hopefully it isn't to serious. We walk in to the room to see Recovery girl typing on her computer "Ms.Recovery are you busy?" "Hmm what is it now?" She turns around to see all five of us "I'm surprise it isn't Young Midoriya this time lay her down on the bed and I'll tend to her you may all return to classes."Recovery girl shoos is away "If you don't mind I would like to stay with the girl until she wakes up?" I hear Captain Fusion asks before we leave to go back to the testing room.
Time Skip: a few minutes later
My eyes slowly begin to open. There is this slight numbness going through my body, but my head is pounding I must have over done it this time to find everything sore and numb. I sluggishly turn my head to the side to see Recovery girl written something down she looks up and makes eye contact with me "Ah I see you are finally awake how do you feel?" Recovery girl asks "Like I got ran over by a bus." I murmur "Well you used a lot of energy Ms.(Y/N)." Recovery girl chuckles "In a couple of minutes you should be fine." She quickly added "Glad to see you are okay kiddo." I hear someone say I lift my head up to see Captain Fusion with his hat off. He wore a gently smile he had slicked black hair with a five o'clock shadow. Overall he was still in his costume "Captain Fusion?" I ask. I was starting to gain some energy and I adjusted myself to a seating position "Please call me Hiroto no need to use my hero name." He says "Oh sorry" I say "You did great out there, but there are things that you can tweak." He explains "Like what?" I ask "You take too long to make a move." He says bluntly "Well it's not exactly I can come up with a plan on the spot." I retaliate "True, but you also have to take into a count that villains won't be able to give you time to plan their actions will speak louder than words." He explains. "How long?" I mumble "How long what?" He asks "How long you were a villain?" I ask once again "*sigh* for as long as I can remember I started out in middle school. Long story short I became a villain was because I was an odd ball in my school. I was a loner nobody wanted to be my friend and my parents made it even worse at home. So one day I just 'disappeared'. I did a lot of bad things, but it wasn't until 6 years ago a hero helped me start over at first I refused his offer but eventually I caved in and now here we are." He explains "Was the transition hard?" I ask "Of course it was I had to makeup for my evil deeds, but luckily I had heroes that were supportive of me which made the transition easier." Hiroto smiles "That's cool was my uncle one of them?" I ask getting out of bed "Your Uncle was the one who offered his help to me ever since then we have become close friends." He chuckles ruffling my hair in a kind way "(Y/N) you need to head to the classroom to take your written portion of the test." Recovery girl says handing me a slip "Good luck kiddo." Hiroto says as he leaves the nurses office.

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