Chapter 33: Melissa

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Back in December
Tristan POV
"Hey cutie" Jame greets me as I walk out of Algebra "You know you don't have to wait for me every time, your next class is all the way across campus." I say as I reach out to hold his hand "Why would I want to be on time to Mr.Smiths lectures. Plus I get more time to my boyfriend." Jame he bumps his shoulder to mine. I roll my eyes as him and I go to my next class which is the Hero Basis course. As we start getting closer to my class Jame quickly pecks me on the cheek "I'll see you and Melissa at lunch." He says as he starts to walk off to his class. I quickly enter I take my seat next to Melissa "Well aren't you two the cutest things I've seen." Melissa teases me, I know my face is beet red. Ever since we had told Melissa our little secret she has now made it a routine to lightly joke about our relationship "Dang if only (Y/N) could see you two now, she would be so proud of her two gay best friends." She fake cries "She doesn't know yet Melissa." I say "Come on when are you guys gonna tell her? she's gonna be butt hurt." Melissa asks "Yeah, yeah we know we are planning on telling her when we see her during Christmas break." I explain "You better or else she'll be hearing it from me." She threatened as a joke obviously.

It's been a few days, and Melissa has been acting differently. First we thought it a was a bug, but all of a sudden her attitude has changed completely. She has been paranoid for some reason. Just two days ago she kept looking over her shoulder and making us stop in the middle of the street. Then every time we pass a hospital, Melissa just stands right in front of it looking solemnly at it. It was lunch time and this time she looks completely exhausted, her face has gotten paler, there's huge dark bags under her eyes. Almost like a zombie, "Okay what's been going on Melissa?" Jame asks out of nowhere. Melissa just looks up from her food that she was just poking at "Hm?" She hums "Don't pretend like you didn't hear me." He says "You've been odd lately. And every time we've asked you about it you would simply brush it off. Not this time we need answers now." Jame commands. She simply looks at the both of us and looks back down at her food "Melissa what Jame is trying to say, we are concerned, normally in a day or two you are back to yourself, but now it's affected you completely. It looks like you haven't been getting enough sleep recently, and you've been paranoid lately. Can you just give us a hint to what's going on?" I ask hoping my calmer approach would allow her to open up to us. She takes another moment of silence before raising her head up with tears welling up. "It's (Y/N) you guys. I'm so worried!" She cries out "What do you mean?" Jame says suddenly starting to get worried for our friends "For the past few weeks I've been getting these dreams of (Y/N), it wasn't until recently it has started to get even more intense." She cries. Jame and I look at each other unsure what to do, all we could do was wait for our friend to continue. "It all started when (Y/N) moved to Japan. When I've been dreaming of her." She starts off "These dreams before would typically be her just walking towards me on an endless sky, when I turned around there was an ancient stone statue pointing at where (Y/N) was coming from." She says before taking a breath "Then just recently, whenever she got close to me my whole body just started to disintegrate into ash and the whole scenery just turns into a black hole. Next thing I know I'm suddenly in ghost mode, and I see (Y/N) on the ground, gasping for air before getting up and walking around town. Next thing I know I see her face to face with a goo monster that had beak shaped mouth gobbling her up. And then it cuts into her being in a hospital room, unconscious with a blonde spiky hair boy that seems to go to UA with her." She explains before breaking down once again. Jame is the first one to get up and hug our anxious friend "I'm sure (Y/N) is doing fine, don't you remember last night she told us she was has just got through her first week of UA and they had gone out to the battle fields, she has yet to do any dangerous hero work." Jame comforts her "Plus this (Y/N) we are talking about she's strong enough to beat any opponent, I think you are having these dreams because you miss her and are worried about her." I say in a soothing tone "Yes I know but these dreams are too repetitive for not to mean anything and what if-" "Nothing in those dreams are gonna come true." Jame intervenes. But little did we know this would continue to tournament her till the day she died and after.

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