Chapter 17: Practicals part 1

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Nobody POV
For the past month everybody has been studying long and hard including you trying to balance out the work for your regular classes and your after school classes became a challenge luckily for you your friends have been helping you with a few assignments. During lunch, study hall, and any free time given to you. You would go to the library to tackle your regular class work. Kirishima would sometimes invite you to his study sessions with Bakugou for one to force you out of the house and study at a new location or be able to help them with work which in Bakugou's case he would never ask you for help but you would give him some input of how to make his essay a bit more creative. After your classes were done you'd head to the park to meet up with Bakugou and walk with him to his house and do some more work over there and your parents would pick you up there since his house didn't live to far away from your place. At first he wouldn't stop complaining but over a week he got used to you coming to the park to see him. Not only that you and him have been able to get some conversation going though it usually didn't last too long still it was progress.
Right now I'm currently tackling down my algebra homework while Bakugou is still training. "If I subtract the four from the fraction then my answer would be 6 over 8." I jot down my answers "Oi nerd ready to leave." Bakugo asks "Uh yeah." I said quickly putting up my homework in my bag. I got up and finally got a good look at Bakugou. He got a few scratches, soaked in sweat, and designer bags under his eyes. I didn't mean to go down but what I saw was something I will only get to see it once and it was his very toned chest he trained shirtless and I just happened to look at his pecks. Great just great "Oi nerd my eyes are up here." Bakugou teases "S-Sorry I didn't mean to!" I apologized I could feel my face getting hotter by the minute "Tch. Whatever come on let's go." He says walking away. I quickly follow him "When was the last time you took a break?" I ask "What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks "You know from studying you've been staying up late studying right?" I ask with concern laced in my voice. He doesn't say anything and continues walking "You know by not answering me gives me the impression that you haven't been getting enough sleep." I say "Mind your own god damn business." He growls "How about this you sleep in when you get home after taking a shower, and I'll just call my dad to pick me up at your place that way you don't have to deal with me. I'll also do your homework if you want no charge." I suggest "You already have homework for regular and after classes why the fuck do you wanna do more work you are going to kill your stupid ass self." He scolds me "Because you need sleep or how else you are gonna beat everyone in our class if you are tired and grouchy or in your case grouchier than usual" I taunt. He glares at me I just giggle "No you aren't doing my fucking work I'll fucking deal with just like how you should deal with your own business dumbass." He says "Fine, but if you ever need to help with the load you got me on speed dial." I giggle.
We got to his place instead of being greeted with a bone crushing hug from Mitsuki I'm greeted with another looking Bakugou at the front door "Good evening Mr.Bakugou I'll be intruding your humble home once again." I greeted him "Please you aren't intruding you are practically like family please feel free to stop by anytime." He says patting my shoulder "Yes sir." I respond "God you are so fucking polite it's disgusting." Bakugou gags "My apologies young Bakugou I will try to be rude to your humble family." I say in a British accent "Please stop fucking talking." He growls out. We go into his room as usual it's very neat and tidy I go to my usual spot. I sit on the floor next to his bed and continue on with my math homework while Bakugou went to the bathroom to take a shower. By the time he was finished I was already working on my English homework "Did you eat?" He asks "Yep before I left from school I had a sandwich." I respond while writing my essay. Just like that we stayed silent the only sounds you could hear were pencils scribbles and pencil tapping here and there. It wasn't until I noticed that my pencil was the only one scribbling. For the first time this month I was able to get everything done in one night I look up to see Bakugou slumped and his back slowly falling up and down. I quietly get up to check up on him to see that he has fallen asleep "And it's barely 8." I whisper. I look around his room to find a black zip up jacket "Well this will do it may not keep him warm but it's better than freezing." I thought. I gently place it on his back and start putting up his work in a neat pile. I place my stuff away as well I grab my phone and go out to the hallway and head into the guest bathroom. I quickly call my dad to pick me up which is one of the few nights that he is off patrol duty. I silently head back to Bakugou's room to check and make sure I didn't forget anything. I quietly grab my chakra booklet and start reading it while I wait for my dad. Not too long after I get a message from him that he's out side I grab my stuff and before I headed out I quickly turned off the lights in his room and left him a note saying I left. I bid my goodbyes to Mr and Mrs. Bakugou and give them my thanks for allowing me to come to their house once again. I get into my dad's car "You hungry kiddo?" Dad asks "Yep." I say.
Time Skip:Day of Practicals
I have been studying non stop for today and I'm feeling really confident. Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka are talking to me before Uncle Aizawa comes in "(Y/N) when are you leaving for Venezuela?" Midoriya asks "The weekend when we get our results back. I think?" I say trying to remember "Have you made preparations for your stay (Y/N)?" Iida asks doing his weird arm gestures "Yep got all my stuff ready in my bag, got my plane tickets, and the hero I'm training under is allowing me to stay at his place." I respond "No fair (Y/N)-Chan you get to go do your internship for the summer while we get to do school camp." Uraraka whines "Oh Uraraka I'm sure camp is going to be funner than having a hero giving you advices and doing patrols." I said trying to cheer her up "All right everyone settle down." Uncle Aizawa pops out of nowhere everyone goes to their seats and sits quietly "As you all know today is practicals I hope you have all studied and trained for today." He announces. Some of the students seem pretty calm, others a bit jittery, and the rest have gloomy faces "Now since we only have one student taking an advance test I might as well give everyone here more time to get themselves ready. We are going to the battle arena and we are going to witness our classmate taking the physical part of the test." Uncle Aizawa explains. He really likes to put the spotlight on me doesn't he. I low key glare at my uncle. From the corner of my eye I see Midoriya giving me a small smile and which I return the smile. "(Y/N) go get into your costume and head to the arena everyone else follow me to the arena!" He orders.
After getting changed into my hero costume I head into the arena. It feels as though everything was in slow motion my slowly hitting the ground and the echoes of my footsteps start loud then fade quietly. The light at the end of the hallway gets bigger and bigger as I reach towards the entrance to the arena. The sun blinds me for a second I take in my surroundings "YOU GOT THIS (Y/N)!" I hear someone cheering I look around to find my classmates sitting I see Midoriya waving his arms frantically I give him a small thumbs up "ALRIGHT LET'S GET THIS STARTED! (Y/N) READY FOR YOUR OPPONENT!" Present Mic yells through the speakers. I give him a nod "Now (Y/N) this is how you'll be graded on if you can get your opponent to surrender, or immobilize your opponent not to mention you'll points deducted for how damage you do to the arena remember this a simulation. We want minimal damage when fighting a villian we don't want civilians to be injured." Uncle Aizawa "Got it!" I yell "(Y/N) YOUR OPPONENT WILL CERTAINLY BE A TREAT. PLEASE LET US INTRODUCE YOU TO A RETIRED VILLAIN CAPTAIN FUSION!" Present Mic screeches.  A man in his early thirties enters his costume is very minimal he had a black overcoat with a very high black turtleneck, he had black pants with black shiny leather boots. His face was covered by the shadow of his black panama hat. We each make our way to the center of the arena "So you must be the student I'm fighting today nice to meet you my name is Hiroto. I hope you give me all that you got kid. I've heard about your quirk so don't disappoint me you got it." He stretches his hand to me "I promise you sir I won't." I declare. 

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