Chapter 39: An Unpleasant Talk pt.2

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"It's like we're talking about a different world"Tsu quivers, the whole room went quiet for a bit before Ryuku broke the silence "In other words, that effect came from a person... someone's Quirk? A quirk that destroys Quirks..." She tries to make sense of the situation "Hmm... I'm not really sure I'm following this. How is this related to the Hassaikai?" A hero in a beast like mask asks "The man Kirishima captured, and the illegal drug that guy used! The distribution channels for things like that are complex. Its gotten a lot smaller these days, but various people and organizations sell them wholesale until they finally reach the end user. There's no proof that the Hassaikai handled the goods, but they did interact with one of the intermediaries." Fat gum presents his theory "That's it?" "The other day, when Ryuku's team broke up a fight between two villain groups, controlling one of the groups was intermediary dealer organization." "One of the two that turned giant had been given an inferior drug that didn't last very long." "There have been a rash of gang-related recently, and most could be connected to the Hassaikai if you tried hard enough. It sounds like you are trying really hard to make Hassaikai guilty. Don't you have something that implicates them more obviously?" All of a sudden the screen shows of a young man wearing... a bird like beak mask. I felt my blood go cold when I saw his mask, its him, the man that has been appearing in my dreams, but I've seen him as a bird like figure, it's only because of his mask I was able to identify who he is, but yet I've never met this man in my entire life how is it that he is the one that keeps haunting me. "The young head, Chisaki's Quirk is Overhaul. His power lets him disassemble and restore things. " Sir Nighteye gives details "Disassemble... a Quirk that lets him break and then fix them and a bullet that can break down Quirks." I start to tremble a bit as Sir Nighteye goes in detail of what his quirk does "Chisaki has a daughter named Eri. There are no records or details about her birth, but when Mirio and Midoriya encountered her, she had a large number of bandages wrapped around her arm and legs." Adds on I look over at the boys to see their faces in horror "Don't tell me something so horrific..." Ryuku exasperates "It's a society of superhumans. If you can dream it, you can do it." Gran Torino explains "What? What are you talking about?" Kirishima asks "Are you sure we need the kids? I'll only say this once. We're wondering if this Chisaki bastard is turning his daughter's body into bullets and selling them." Rock Lock clears the air, I knew what Sir Nighteye and the other pro heroes where talking about, but when Rock Lock says it so straight forward its such a horrific thing to say out in the open "N..." Kirishima stutters "No way.." Ururaka breathes "We don't know if he's actually selling the bullets. At their stage, their efficacy is still to uncertain. However, if they're at the test stage, and he's using them as samples to gather more to his cause... There is no evidence. But he's gathering people and funds across the nation...If the completed drug would be able to completely destroy someone's Quirk...? Im sure they'll have many ideas for crime using this." Sir Nighteye explains, but still it doesn't make it any better that this man is using his daughter for something so vile its sickening I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder I look to the side to see Captain trying his best to comfort me in his best way while also trying to keep his anger in check I then look over to see what's my dad's reaction to find him a dark aura surrounding him, I believe this is the first time I have ever seen my dad so angry "Just imaginin' it makes my blood boil! Let's go find him right now!" Fat gum exclaims "Wouldn't this have been resolved already if those two had just taken the child?" Rock Lock spits out " I take full responsibility for what happened. Please do not blame them. Even though they didn't know the full story, they acted to save the girl. Midoriya was willing to bear the risk of taking her then, but Mirio thought ahead and acted to try again when the odds were better." Sir Nighteye tries to calm the situation down a bit, I look at both of them again to find them hunched over defeated "The ones most frustrated here right now are these two." Sir Nighteye says, all of a sudden Mirio and Midoriya stand up synchronized "We will definitely take Eri next time..." "...and protect her!" they said "That's right. That is our goal." Sir Night eye says "It's fine for the kids to show off, but what if we think, that the girl's crux the young head will want to hide, right?" Rock Lock asks "She got out because of some kind of trouble. On top of that, some kid heroes saw her! You think he'll just keep at home? I wouldn't if I were him. Even if we push our way in, it won't matter if she's not there. Have you identified where she is." Rock Lock argues "He's right, How about it, Nighteye?" Ryuku asks "That is the real issue. Since we don't know how far the plans have gotten, we have a chance to strike when it counts. To that end, we have found groups with connections to the Hassaikai or land owned by the Hassaikai and made as thorough a list as possible. I would like you all to investigate each place and narrow the list down to possible locations." Sir Nighteye instructs, well at least that explains why there are so many local heroes in this meeting "The heroes here and the localities where they work are the same!." "Heroes were chosen who know the areas." "For someone who was All Might's former sidekick, you sure are careful."each hero comments about the situation "This is too roundabout! While we're takin' our time, that little girl, Eri, is probably cryin'!" Fat Gum yells out angrily "We cannot become All Might. That's why we must put together our analysis and predictions and try to make the possibility of saving her as close to 100% as we can." Sir Nighteye calmly states "We can't rush. If we make a big fuss about this and then don't get her, this could be the kindling for something bigger. Like how Stain's capture became like an ad for the League. In fact, that might've been the intent behind distributing Quirk-destroying weapons to those hoodlums." Gran Torino explains "You're thinkin' too much! If you keep sayin' stuff like that, you won't be able to do anythin'!" Fat gum tries to ration "Um..." My uncle speaks up "Can I ask a question?" Sir Nighteye nods to him "I don't know how your quirk works exactly, Sir Nighteye, but if you can predict the future,then why don't you just use Foresight to see our futures?If we continue like this, it seems a bit illogical." Uncle asks "I...cannot do that." He sighs "My Foresight requires a 24-hour interval between activations. In other words, I can only use it on one person for one hour each day. In addition, it's played in my mind like a flashback. Please think of it as the ability to watch a film of someone else's life for an hour after activation.However, that film is all from the perspective of that person. All I can see is that person's actions and a little bit of their surroundings." Sir Nighteye explains his quirk "Well, that should be enough to let you find out a lot, though. What do you mean by saying you can't do that?" Uncle persists "What if in that person's near future, death...just merciless death was waiting?" He answers "My quirk should be only used after we have already drawn out the highest probability of success, when we can be used to ensure our victory. It shouldn't be used haphazardly when there still so many uncertainties." He adds on "What?! But death is information, too!We could put together a plan to avoid it!" Someone yells out "It isn't the same as fortunetelling. I have no conclusive evidence that it can be avoided." Nighteye reasons "Nighteye, I don't get it! Fine use it on me! I'll show you I can avoid it!" Rock Lock provokes "No." he sternly says, the room was once again engulfed by silenced "Nighteye.." Rocklock breaths, everyone awaiting for his response, but there was none. Ryuku sighs "Anyway, let's do this. There's a girl in trouble. That's the most important thing." Ryuku says in a calmly order "Confirm the girl's whereabout, and take her into our protection with the most accurate information we can get as quickly as possible. I'm counting on all of your help." He says before ending off the meeting.

It was sunset when the meeting has officially ended. I sit with the rest of my fellow classmates, the mood at the table is gloomy, both Mirio and Midoriya are the ones that are taking this very hard. "If only I had taken her back then, even if I had to do it by force, right now Eri would be..." Midoriya grieves out  "I see something like that happened...I-its so frustrating ." Kirishima looks down "Deku..." Ururaka breaths sadly worried for Midoriya. Its quiet for the most part we are all probably thinking the same thing, that guy is probably torturing that poor little girl for his sick and twisted schemes. Speaking about him, I can't get his face out of my head, it scares me to think that there's a man behind the beast. If only I can try to remember how in the world do I know this guy before this meeting? My thoughts get interrupted when we hear an elevator door open and close, we all look to see who it was "Is this a wake or something?" Uncle calls out "Kero! Mr.Aizawa." Tsu gasps in shock "Oh, call me Eraser Head outside of school. But man, I was going to recommend your work studies be suspended today..." He says nonchalantly, in one swift motion with no hesitation all of my classmates and I stood up from our seats and shouted "What?!" "Why, after all of this time ?" Kirishima argues "You heard them say the League of Villains could be involved, right?" Uncle retorts back, I quietly tch at the mention of that name "That changes things." He reasons. Midoriya was going to say something but bites back his tongue and looks down. Uncle glances at Midoriya, he sighs and scratches behind his head "But you know, Midoriya, you still haven't regain my trust. Unfortunately, I'm sure that if I stop you now, you'll rush out again on your own." Uncle makes his way to Midoriya and gets to his level "I'll watch you . If you are going to do this, do this properly, Midoriya." He then softly punches Midoriya in the chest and proceeds to say "Got that, problem child?" Midoriya nods while trying to hold back the tears, I softly giggle at the precious sight. "Mirio, please lift your face." Tamaki softly whispers "Hey.I know about this. Hey Togata, even if you regret something and get depressed, nothing will change. Did you know that?" Nejire encourages Mirio which somewhat helped "Yeah..." He says wiping his nose "I'll say this to give you some piece of mind. The hand you missed grabbing onto did not necessarily mean despair for Eri." Uncle then rises up "Face forward." He say, Midoriya in his confident voice responds yes sir "Mr.Aizawa...!" Ururaka yells desperately, uncle reminds her to call her Eraser Head " I will follow you for the rest of my life, Eraser Head!" Kirisima proclaims "That's too long." He deadpans, Kirishima quickly apologizes. I smile softly, "(Y/N), between everyone here, you probably have the least amount of experience when it comes fighting villains, but you probably the only one that understands the most of what needs to be done. You and Kirishima need to be careful when we go." Uncle Aizawa explains, "Don't worry your pretty little head uncle, I got this." I smile brightly. He rolls his eyes, before giving me a soft smile. Once again the elevator door opens and this time Captain Fusion and my father show themselves "(Y/N), lets go we are leaving." Dad says seriously. It seems like dad is still mad about what's going on, normally he would tease Uncle before saying good bye. I look around everyone, I softly nod to everyone before leaving joining my dad and Captain Fusion. I can feel uncle's gaze following me, as if quietly telling me to be easy on him as if I already didn't know that.

The car ride was long and filled with unpleasant tension, both Captain and Dad have been staring down angrily deep in thought while I sat there awkwardly.  I sigh through my nostrils, maybe now isn't the best time to tell him about my anxiety disorder and how I'm going to see a therapist once this is over. "(Y/N), I'm going to need you to stick to Captain, Aizawa, mom, or me when we go and save this little girl. Do you understand me?" He gravely says not looking up at me "I know dad." I say solemnly. The limo stops right in front at dad's agency, he crawls to me, kisses my forehead, and pats my head before exiting the limo. Once the door shuts, the limo starts to drive to UA "(Y/N), are you sure you'll be able to handle this? You do remember what the doctor told you." Captain Fusion speaks to me the first time since the meeting has ended. I glance over at him "I'm going to be fine, its not like I'm physically injured. Just because I can't get over a little nightmare doesn't mean I'm incapable to save a little girl." I grunt "(Y/N), you and I both know its not some little nightmare-" "I'm going to help save Eri, Captain, no matter what. Besides the medications have been helping me a lot, soon I'm going to be seeing professional help." I look at him with determination. He sighs before he chuckles "You sure are stubborn, but if you ever decide to back out of this one, you can tell me." he offers. I smirk "Not gonna happen." I say.   


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