Chapter 37: Dreams

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"All right one sedative per night and half anxiolytics per morning." I mumble to myself as I look at the little prescription bottles "Ready (Y/N)?" Uncle Aizawa asks "You know you don't have to watch me sleep." I say as I take out the Sedative "Dr.Haas wanted me to report your progress of sleep she hopes by the end of this month you'll be able to get a full night of rest." He explains as he takes a chair and places it near my bedside "Have you talked to your parents about getting you a therapist?" "Please if I did my parents are ask questions as to why I need one and then they are gonna pull out 'you can talk to us about anything' card" I explained "Might as well come out and tell them what's wrong to make it easier on both of us." Uncle says "Soon." I yawned.
"(Y/N)!" Melissa cries out I reach out for her but she once again disintegrates. But this time the ground doesn't break rather it transforms into the abandoned city Musutafu. Everything seems the same as before, but something new happens I hear a girl screaming. I make haste as I run in the direction of where the scream lead to. Once I get to the middle of the city the bird like fog monster takes notice of me. I tried to run, but it seems like my feet were glued to the ground. Black fog surrounds me, I make attempts to try and run away but all of my ideas are complete duds. All of a sudden yellow orbs appear in front of me "(Y/N) DO YOU THINK YOU ARE CAPABLE OF BECOMING THE NUMBER ONE HERO!" It screams, I try to speak up but it is quick to interrupt me "THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU HAVE MADE IS EXPECTING TO BE THE GREATEST HERO LIKE YOUR FATHER. YOUR FRIENDS IN UA THINK OF YOU AS NOTHING BUT A LITTLE GIRL THAT HER FATHER WILL GIVE HER EVERYTHING." "It's not true! I will work hard!" I cry out "IF THAT WERE TRUE YOU WOULD HAVE WORKED HARD ENOUGH TO SAVE MELISSA. IF YOU HADN'T MOVED AWAY YOU COULD HAVE BEEN THERE TO SAVE HER!" It echoes out "There's no possible way-" "ALL OF THESE TERRIBLE THINGS HAPPENED AFTER YOU MOVED HERE HAS IT NOT?!"it questions me "There has been a few-" "QUIT DENYING IT (Y/N) YOU WERE BETTER OFF AS BEING A QUIRKLESS NOBODY THAT WAY YOU WON'T EVER BE SUFFERING AS YOU ARE NOW!" I look away from the yellow orbs not listening to it anymore or at least I tried "YOUR FRIENDS WOULD BE SAFE, YOU WOULDN'T CONSTANTLY BE WORRIED ABOUT CONTROLLING YOUR QUIRK." It echoes "What do you mean?" I ask "YOUR QUIRK MAY HAVE THE ABILITY TO SAVE LIVES, BUT IT HAS THE ABILITY TO DESTROY LIVES!" "No, no, no, Your lying!" I scream "Oh really am I?" It questions "TAKE A LOOK!WHY YOU TRY TO CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS BECAUSE YOU KNOW IF YOUR EMOTIONS GET OUT OF CONTROL THEN YOUR QUIRK CAN HURT SOMEONE!" It raises it volume "It's not true!" I bawl out "LOOK BEHIND YOU!" It commands me images start to circle around me

"Young lady we know you are excited but please control your quirk." My mom said as she is soaked with water
This was when my parents told me I was going to UA, I remember being all excited that everything in the kitchen that was a liquid exploded every where.

I continue to sob in their arms and scream at the top of my lungs "Sweety breath, breath your emotions are getting the better of you." My dad soothingly says. I didn't notice that my quirk was out of control I quickly breath trying to control my quirk as much as possible.
When my parents had to tell me that my childhood friend died. I believe I created a earthquake around my house.

The boy group all looked at me and saw my hand on his wrist you can see a bit of smoke coming out in between my fingers.
I remember the first time Bakugou and his friends and I hung out. A group of boys tried to gang up on me, but before they got a chance to do anything Bakugou came in the nick of time and saved me. The group of boys and him were about to get into a fight, back then I didn't want him to get hurt over me, just something inside me wanted to protect him.

"(Y/N). It's time to wake up." I hear a grouchy voice call out. I open my eyes to find my eyesight all blurry. I rub my eyes noticing I had tears welling up "How did you sleep?" Uncle asks as he sits me up and hands me my medication "Same nightmare." I respond hoarsely "Yeah there was a few times when you started to hyperventilating and crying." He explains "But at least you made it through the night." He shows me the clock to read it to be 7:30 am. I gasp in shock it's been awhile since I've been able to sleep a full night without waking up in the middle of the night to be in a state of panic. "I gotta go into the teachers' office to do some paperwork, are you going to be fine on your own?" He asks me "Yeah now that I'm awake at least." I respond as I get out of bed and grab my work out uniform "Woah hold on kiddo." He halts me "What?" I ask in confusion "The doctor told you to take it easy whenever you can, how about you skip the morning work out and instead do your meditations or watch something on your phone." He suggests "I don't see how working out is a problem." I say "I know but with these medications the doctor said that you need to wait four hours to do any physical activity that's gonna get your heart pumping or else you might faint." He quickly explains "Are you serious?" I whine "You are fifteen for god sakes act like one. Now meditate or watch a movie or something, no work outs." He instructs as he leaves the room.

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