Chapter 9: Healing

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(A/N) Warning mention of anorexia and depression is mentioned in this chapter!
Your POV
It seems like it was after school when I woke up "I see you are finally awake." Recovery girl says typing something on her computer "Yeah." I said sitting up "What time is it?" I ask "4:30" she responded "I called your parents they know you are here." she added. I mumbled a thank you and got up. I must have gotten up too quickly cause I immediately fell down on to the bed "You should rest for a bit, also here you probably want to eat this you want to be in shape." Recovery Girl hands me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I finish eating up my sandwich and grab my stuff. I open the door, a body falls in and groans "You fucking bitch." He groans as he rubs his head "I'm sorry I didn't see you." I sympathetically said holding out my hand to lift him up.  He grabs my hand and instead of me pulling him up instead he pulled me down to which my face hit his chest. I yelp in pain as I rub my nose "You are such a jerk." I said "I guess now we are even." He said I can tell he has smug look on his face. I got up, I down to see Bakugo staring strait at me, he starts to blush really bad. I didn't understand why that is until I saw the position we were in. My arms were beside his head and my knee practically inside of thigh, in a nutshell I trapped him. I jumped up and moved out of the way "I'm so sorry I didn't mean- I was only- it's just." I said stuttering my butt off I'm so embarrassed "Let's just not fucking talk about it now come on your coming to my place to catch up." He said getting up "Huh?" I said "Are you fucking dense you are coming to my place to catch up the work you missed today." He said grabbing my stuff and his stuff. I got up and followed him "You know I can carry my stuff." I offered "Yeah right you couldn't pull me up you lazy ass what makes you think I'm letting you carry your own stuff." He smirks "First of all you were the one who pulled me down and didn't give me a chance to pull you up and second of all I feel bad cause your carrying my stuff." I explain "Well don't be besides we don't want you fainting after all that sandwich isn't going to hold you up on our way to my house." Bakugo said "I guess- wait how did you know I ate a sandwich?" I ask "Did you fucking think that Recovery Girl has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich prepared at all times when an idiot decides its a good idea to starve herself?" Bakugo said. How in the world did he- was it to obvious? "Why the fuck do you look stupid." He growled "Nothing it's just I thought it wasn't-" "Trust me even fucking Deku figured it out it was that obvious and also when was the last time you fucking slept even after a 2 hour nap you look fucking ugly." Bakugo said "Why are you suddenly sounding like my mom." I said in a bored tone "Because you need to take care of your self dip shit. I wanna fight you when your healthy not in a fucking hospital bed that makes me an asshole." He explains followed with a growl "Arent you already one." I said trying to hold in a giggle "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT YOU FUCK FACE!" He exploded. I couldn't hold it in anymore I started to laugh I even started to snort "You sound like a fucking pig." He insulted me, but heck I didn't even care I couldn't stop laughing. It was a few minutes before I started to calm down and we walked in silence, but it was a comfortable silence.
We made it to his house he didn't get the chance to open the door next thing I know I'm being embraced into a rib breaking hug. "Oh it's good to see you again (Y/N)!" Mitsuki said "Its nice to see you too Mitsuki." I struggled. She finally takes a good look at me "Sweety when was the last time you slept and now hugging you, you felt a bit thinner than usual what did you eat?" She ask "She had a peanut butter and jelly and she finally took a nap today." Bakugo said "Well a sandwich won't do for me how does chicken with green peas sound." Mitsuki says. After Bakugo and Mitsuki yelling, Bakugo led me to his bedroom "Here are your assignments." He gave me a folder containing my assignments "And here's the fucking notes I took for you by the way." He says throwing a stack of notes at my face "Oh uh thanks." I said looking at the papers "Wow you never cease to surprise Sparky." I said "What the fuck do you mean fuck face." He growled "I never knew you had such neat hand writing." I said showing him his notes. He looked up for a moment red tints his face and he quickly turns away "Oh is the hot headed Bakugo being bashful." I teased "S-Shut up." He stutters "Oh come on Bakugo I thought you would get cocky over a compliment." I said. He just grunts and goes back to work.
After an hour of Bakugo yelling at me when we were doing Algebra Mitsuki's mom brought us our dinner "Sorry I can't join you for dinner (Y/N) I have some last minute business things I need to attend to and if you need to stay here for the night you are more than welcome to. And Bakugo be nice to our guest." She said leaving us alone. Which reminds me I need to text my parents about them picking me up mom isn't working tonight. We finally finish with homework and dinner "Thank you." I said getting my phone to shoot a quick text my mom "For what?" He growled "For today, I really needed it." I said "Whatever fuck face." Bakugo smirked. For a few minutes we played slap jack unfortunately for him he's playing against the master "How the fuck do you keep winning!" He yelled "Just faster than you I guess." I said giggling. There was a honk outside I looked out of the window to recognize the cop car "Welp that's my ride." I said grabbing my stuff. Bakugo walked me out to his door "Don't forget to eat and make sure you get plenty of sleep this time." He growled "Yeah yeah I know." I said rolling my eyes at him "Oh also can you tell your mom thanks for the hospitality by the way?" I ask "Yeah right fuck face." He smirked "And also thank you again for today." I added "Would you quite fucking thanking me for everything how about as payment you will actually take care of lazy ass self." He said. I got into the car and waved good bye to him and for a moment I swear to god I saw Melissa standing next to him smiling at me.

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