Chapter 42: Forget

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Your POV
"(Y/N)" my mom breaths, I've finally told them everything. The nightmares, the anxiety disorder. I've told them how I can either choose therapy or not, and how Overhaul is somehow connected to my nightmares. "How come you haven't said any of this until now?" My dad asks "Well it wasn't as intense as it was back in America. Plus I didn't wanna make you guys worry even more." I explain, lowering my head. "But-" "Look mom and dad, I've been doing fine these last few days, and after this mission I'm gonna go and see a therapist." I say trying to make them less worried. They both look at each other before sighing, "Just don't push yourself, okay?" Dad says worryingly. I silently nod as I turn around to head up to my room. I gently push the door to close, it's so quiet in my room, I have my fairy lights on making the room look so much more comforting than the harsh lights that came with the house. I look over my bed to see an empty suitcase with a pile of clothes that I was going through earlier. "I should really get to packing." I quietly sigh as I make my way over.
As I finally fold my last piece of clothing I hear my phone go off. I jump off the floor as I go and throw stuff across my room in search of my phone. I look under my bed, throw my desk, and under my bag to find it placed under the deserted pile of clothes I decided to not pack. I quickly check who it was and it turned out to be him. "Hey!Bakugou! Sorry turns out you were under my pile of clothes." I greet "Eh? I don't wanna even fucking know." He cusses out "Look nerd, I was wondering if... you can meet me right now?" He asks "How right now do you mean?" I ask "Tch, the fuck you mean idiot, when I mean right now, I mean right now." He grumbles "Well I didn't think right this second. Anyways where at your place?" I ask "No cuz my stupid old hag is gonna butt in, and I want just the two of us to be alone." He explains "Alone? As in you and me alone?" I gulp "Yeah just the two of us, meet me at the park where you and I used to train." He says before hanging up. Hehehe, him and I, just the two of us. Alone. Seriously even with everything that just happened he still expects me to be alone with him! I mean I would at least like to phone in Kirishima he can be my witness. In fact being alone with him isn't just my problem I have to find a way to go to him. Like my parents are gonna let me out in the dark alone just to meet up a boy. I go to my window and gently push it to see if it will make a sound and sure enough it does. I quickly panicked and closed it, I stood still trying to hear if my parents stirred from the living room. No one has come up to check on me, so I quickly open it, and then realization hits me when I look down. I've forgotten that I live in a 4 story apartment complex, and I happen to be on the fourth floor. I hoist myself over the edge, and look down. Okay (Y/N) you've jumped from building to building at higher heights this shouldn't be too bad. I push myself forward and spout out air out of my palms trying to soften the landing, sorry mom I guess you really can't punish me since I'm doing what any teen would do, sneak out to meet with a boy.
After walking down the streets, making sure no one was following me to kidnap me, I find my way to the park, and to see him sitting on the swing set. "Let's clear the air (Y/N), you can't be with him. You will only hurt him in the end." I quietly mumble. As I start to get closer to him, my heart starts to beat really fast and my stomach feels like it's doing a millions flips per second "H-hey." I stutter. He looks up, and stares at me for awhile before looking away "Do you mind if I join you?" I ask bashfully "No go ahead." He mumbles still avoiding eye contact. I sit next to him as I slowly swung myself in silence, after bit of silence I stopped and looked at him, he's looking down on the ground, this is going to be harder than what I initially thought it was going to be "Bakugou" "(Y/N)" we both say at the same time "Ahah! you go first." I say bashfully, gosh I feel so embarrassed that was such a typical school girl move "Tch, I was planning to need." He grumbles, he twist himself towards me and finally makes eye contact with me "Look about the kiss, I didn't mean for that to happen. I just kinda...." he said something kinda quietly "I'm sorry but I couldn't hear that last part." I say "Tch, the point is nerd, let's stop being awkward or whatever is going, forget the kiss even happened." He grumbles, okay that hurt just a bit, I know I was gonna reject him and all, but to forget the kiss? It's my first kiss they say that the first kiss is something you'll always remember it "Oh okay." I say as I look down with a sad smile "I guess it would be for the best if we didn't talk about it right?" My voice breaks a bit "Nerd-" "So we are cool now right guess there's no reason to be here anymore I should get going before mom and dad find out I left." I say as my voice kept on trembling. I get up and speed walk away "Wait! (Y/N)!" I hear him call out but I don't turn to him. I just keep on walking.

Once I reach back to my apartment complex and shoot myself up to my room, I slowly close the window behind me. I flop onto my bed and grab the nearest pillow and allow to release the waterworks that I have been holding on. I felt the whole apartment shake which alarms my parents because they came in busting into my room "Sweety?! What happened?!" Mom yelled as she tumbles her way over to me "(Y/N)!" Dad also exclaims also making his way over. I hug my pillow tighter and keep my face hidden as I continue to sob. While the entire apartment complex shook, while the kitchen became flooded, while everything in our apartment was flying around, and while my body burned. I still cried into my pillow.

The sun crept into my room, my eyes slowly opened which wasn't a lot. My eyes felt puffy, my whole body ached. I looked down to see a bunch of bruises that were left by fire quirk. I take a quick look around to find my room absolutely trashed, I noticed my mom on the edge of the bed holding my ankle sleeping. I get up this also stirs my mom "(Y/N)?" Mom mumbles opening a sliver of her eyes "I'm going to the bathroom." I whisper, she then falls back to sleep. I go to the bathroom, I turn on the sink and wash my face when I look up, I am faced with a version of me that I didn't want to be. Heartbroken.

Bakugou POV
"Tch, the point is nerd, let's stop being awkward or whatever is going, forget the kiss even happened." I say. The look. The look of hurt. It confused the fuck out of me. I thought she would be relieve, but yet she looked like a fucking puppy that got kicked in the ass "Oh okay." She says with the fake ass smile, I was gonna say something but "I guess it would be for the best if we didn't talk about it right?" her voice breaks a bit. I tried to reach out to her but she quickly gets up and doesn't face me "Nerd-" "So we are cool now right guess there's no reason to be here anymore I should get going before mom and dad find out I left." She cuts me off and speed walks away from me "(Y/N)!" I call her out again once again she doesn't turn around. Fuck. What did I do this time? I thought this would calm her down, but somehow this made it fucking worse. I walk back home, the walk home was nauseatingly quiet too quiet for my liking.  Once I get inside the old hag wasn't there to greet me home, and for the first time  I'm admitting this, I wish she was here cause I need her fucking help. 

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