Chapter 13: Summer plans

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Your POV
After a two hour study session I finally go home. Mom and dad had night duty today so the house was all for me. I took the liberty to take a shower before starting homework. The rest of the night was uneventful since I had a lot of homework to go through. Ding. I heard my phone go off it was a message from Momo asking me if I wanted to go shopping this weekend with the girls. I quickly reply to her saying I should be free.
"Done." I yawn after hours of finishing up homework I call it a night and go to bed.
I am back. The sky seems to be very clear I look down to see my reflection. I walk somewhere with no sense of which way I'm going I just walk. In the distance I see a small figure. I dash towards that direction soon enough that figure became two figures. As I get closer the figure become crystal clear  the first giant figure was the statue I have been seeing for the past few years then the second one was "Melissa."  I breathed. Her back faced towards me I don't even know how I guessed it was her, but when she turned around my guess was correct. Her hair was slightly flowing, her gaze was soft and gentle, her smile was brighter and genuine. She looked like an angel minus the wings and the halo. Her outfit was indeed pure white it was a peplum shirt with white skinny jeans and white looking converse. Suddenly the ground started to shake the sky immediately turned dark grey.Melissa was trying to reach out me I barely touched her when she turned to ash. The statue was crumbling into pieces buildings shot up from the ground. I looked around to find it was the city abandoned. A shadowy creature comes into view. On instinct I get into my fighting stance "(Y/N). You and I will become one." It gurgles out and lunges at me.
I sit up straight with sweat running down my face. I was slightly panting. I get up from my bed and go to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. I look at myself in the mirror to see I'm a bit pale "What a weird dream." I mumble. I sluggishly go back to my bedroom to get some more rest.
"Mom don't forget I have after school classes today." I yelled out "Alright have a good day at school Sweety." Mom yells back. I go running to the subway station. I look around trying to find Midoriya "(Y/N) over here!" Someone screams out. I look around trying to find the source a green curly boy is waving his arms. I smile and jog to him. Today he looks better than yesterday where he looked like a literal zombie "How'd you sleep?" I ask jokingly "Better, but what about you?" He asks looking at my face "Huh? What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?" I ask wiping off whatever it was he looking at "No you don't have anything it's just you kinda have bags under your eyes." He explains getting in the subway. We walk to our seats and continue talking "Oh I just had a really weird dream that's all." I said. Midoriya doesn't seem to push the subject any further so we continue on talking about heroes and such till we arrived at our stop. Like usual Uraraka and Iida are waiting for us at the gates and we walk to class except today something out of the ordinary happened. "(Y/N) you reported to go to Principle Nezu right away." My uncle announces. Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida look at me with worried looks "I'm sure I did nothing wrong." I mouthed. I gave them a reassuring smile before I left. "Wonder why Principle Nezu wanted to see me?" I muttered. I knock on the door "Come in." A calm voice answered. I open the door too see a rat polar bear person sitting in a red chair that is way too big for it and was drinking tea "Ah (Y/N) just the student I was hoping to see." Principle Nezu. I close the door behind me as I make my way towards him  "please take a sit. Would you like some tea." He asks "No thank you Principle Nezu." I politely decline. I take a seat on the blue chair "I'm sure you are wondering why I had called you didn't I?" He asks "Did I do something wrong sir?" I ask "Please there is no need to call me sir. And nothing serious Ms.(L/N) as we are aware you are taking the advance test this year instead of taking the practicals am I correct?" Principle Nezu asks "Yes sir won't be taking after school class till after school." I responded "Well (Y/N) I have news for you. Since you haven't done an internship in your year of the hero course instead going to camp with your class you will be training with a hero." He starts off "So... does that mean I get to pick my internship or do you have someone in mind?" I ask hoping I get to work with my dad "Well your dad said to chose your hero intership he wants you to meet other heroes and learn new skills. So your uncle and your other teachers have chosen your internship." He added "Who am I going to train with?" I ask "Well based on your quirk since there isn't a hero that has such a unique quirk as yours. We asked your parents if they knew someone who can train your abilities. And they said that they know a retired hero that goes by the name of Adair." Principle Nezu said "Which means you will be spending your summer in South America. So Ms.(L/N) I would brush up on your Spanish cause it will be here before you know it." Principle Nezu cheered. He climbed on his desk and handed me a file with some paperwork that I probably need to fill out before I leave. "Do you have any questions Ms.(L/N)?" He asks "No sir." I bow "Then. You may return to class." He dismisses me. I walk down the hallway to my class "I don't even get to spend the summer with my friends." I mumble as I slip the folder into my bag.

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