Chapter 15: Hangout

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Your POV
I ran as fast as I could. Black slimy creature thing was making its way towards me. I took a sharp turn that was a bit too sharp making me trip and fall. I tried to get but my arms are glued to the ground with black slime cuffs chaining me. I look up to see the creature "You and I are the same we will become one." It spoke before swallowing me.
My eyes slightly open. It took me awhile of the events that occurred yesterday. Oh right I slept over at Sparky's place I tried to get up but something was retraining me from moving at all. I look down to see two pair of muscly arms wrapped around my waist on instinctive I look around me to see I was sleeping on someone's chest then I looked up to see Bakugou sleeping. "Huh Bakugou not looking like he is going to kill someone." I thought. The situation didn't hit me till I was fully awake. IM SLEEPING WITH BAKUGOU ON HIS BED AND HE HAS HIS ARMS AROUND ME. I can feel my cheeks heat up from either A. Bakugou has his arms around me or B. The heat is unbearable. I try as gently as I could to wiggle myself out of his arms, but no luck. So instead I tried to wake him up I poked his face multiple times to annoy him his face started to scrunch up in annoyance I keep poking at him until his crimson eyes are glaring daggers at me "Would you stop poking my face fuck face." He growled his voice had that morning rasp to it "Well if you don't mind I would like to be let go of." I said. Bakugou raised an eyebrow not knowing what's going I quickly glance down to his arms to give him a hint. He looks down a second later he releases me and we stay in bed for a second later. All of a sudden someone's alarm went off which scared both off us Bakugou lost his balance and fell of his bed. I crawl over to the edge to turn off the alarm and check to see if Bakugou was okay. I giggle at scene before me, Bakugou on the ground with blankets tangled around him. "Are you okay." I giggle out "What do you think shitty nerd." He growls out. I giggle a bit more now that I'm out of bed I realize something. How did I get into bed the last thing I remember was writing out an essay about characteristics of a hero that Uncle and I read during after classes. "Oi sparky did you bring me to bed?" I ask "What's it to ya?" He grumbles getting up to get his uniform "Just wondering how in the world I got here last time I checked I was doing my homework." I responded also getting off the bed. "Im going to use the bathroom nerd you do what you need to do in the guest bathroom." He walks away. I sigh as I grab my uniform since I didn't really plan on staying over for the night I didn't really bring anything other than my bag and my uniform that's really it. I should be able to get away with my hair since I'll just put it up in a messy bun, but my hygen its where I can't go around. I quickly get changed into my uniform and head downstairs hoping Mrs.Bakugou is still here and that she might be able to lend me some deodorant. "Oh (Y/N) your awake." Mrs.Bakugou cheers as she sets the plate down "How did you sleep Sweety?" She asks "I slept fine Mitsuki I was wondering if you had any deodorant or toothbrush that I can borrow?" I ask her politely "Oh yes, yes. I'll get that for you real quick I made you some egg free banana pancakes please help yourself." She exiting the kitchen. I take a seat and take a banana pancake and munch on it "I can see he got his cooking skills from his mother too as well." I mumble. Not a moment too soon she comes back with a deodorant and a toothbrush "Here you go sweetie the guest bathroom is down the hallway from my room which is upstairs on your right." Mitsuki says. I quickly thank her and go to the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and put on some deodorant, I clean my face real quickly. I return to the kitchen to find Bakugou aggressively eating the banana pancakes. I clear my throat to gain his attention but he still is angrily ears his pancakes. I grab my bag and start putting on my shoes I go search for Mitsuki to thank her once again for her hospitality. To my dismay it seems she has left for work "Oi nerd lets go!" I hear Bakugou yell. I sigh and quickly catch up to Bakugou seeming that he has already outside probably not gonna wait for me. I run quickly to catch up to him since he was a bit ahead of me "So are you going to not answer my question Sparky?" I ask raising an eyebrow "What question."He scowled "How in the world I ended up in your bed?" I reminded him "Are that fucking dense I fucking picked up your lazy ass and laid you on the bed you dimwit." He yells. I send him a glare and I continue to walk in silence since it's still a bit early for me to deal with his bad temper. "Also nerd why the fuck are you going to South America for the summer?" He asks in a somewhat polite way. I look up to him surprised. I don't believe I have ever mentioned this to anyone "How di-" "I fucking found it when I was putting away your homework you dumbass the paper fell of your binder and I read a few sentences to get the fucking idea." He interrupts me "Well I was suppose to do it during my 3 month vacation back in America and since I moved before I could do my internship Principle Nezu decided I should do it during training camp as my training." I explain I looked at him. Though he was looking at me it seemed he was at least paying attention to me "Why does it matter to you?" I ask. He give me a side glare "Tch." I suddenly got a feeling that he finally sees me as a friend "Awww, your gonna miss me Sparky." I nudge him "The fuck are you talking about nerd!" He yells defensively "It's okay I'll miss ya too." I giggle he doesn't say anything as he continues to walk beside me not sparing me a glance "I know you may not think of me as a friend Bakugou, or at least I know you won't admit to it due to your pride. But I hope you know that you are one of my closest friends you've been there for me when I needed it the most. So I was thinking before I leave we can do something fun over the weekend you can invite Kirishima if you want to?" I recommend looking at him he looks at me with his usual glare, but something about his glare is different it doesn't have the "Im going to fucking kill nerd" look but more of "I'm going to beat your ass and not kill you" look "Why the fuck would I hangout with you?" He growls "Because we are friends. And friends hangout with each other over the weekend, besides we have been partners for months now. We've only hung out for school purposes and i have slept at your place for two times now and I can't hold up a conversation with you without us breaking up into an argument." I say. He doesn't say anything other then a gruff "Are you free this Sunday?" I ask. Once again no answer. Fine I see how it is I'm going to annoy you on the way to school till you give me answer!
"OKAY FINE ILL HANGOUT WITH YOU THIS SUNDAY WILL YOU NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" He explodes as we made to the entrance random people were looking at us,but I didn't care "Alright meet me there at 1 I'll go ask Kirishima if he wants to join us." I said to him "(Y/N)!" I heard someone yelling I look around to see Midoriya,Uraraka, and Iida walking up to us. Bakugou growls before walking a way "(Y/N) we though you were sick why weren't you at the station?" Midoriya asks "Oh sorry I slept at Bakugou's place again I forgot to text you." I explain with a sheepish grin. The four of us go to our classroom to continue our path to become the world's greatest hero.

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