Chapter 22:Adjusting

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, currently it was 5:30 in the morning and I did not feel like getting out of bed for my morning routine. But like Adair and my dad always said the early bird gets the worm or something like that, so I push myself out of bed and get into my workout gear. When I looked in the mirror I never really noticed how much muscle I gained during my time in Venezuela. I mean I'm not very buff, but I do got some guns going on in my biceps. As I head out to the hallway I quickly put my hair in a ponytail and put on some meditation music.
The outside air was cold and refreshing, it looked like the sun was getting to rise. I start off my runs with a jog as a warm up then start getting faster as I get the extra boost I need. I tried my best to not to go too far from the school since I still don't know the town very well. I can feel everything in my body aching and begging me to stop, but I keep pushing forward my breath is short and ragged. Still I keep pushing forward, it might not be wise to go out running this early in the morning since the League of Villains are probably near the area. I head back to the dorms once the sun is starting to peak.
I quickly tie my messy curly hair into a somewhat of neat bun with a few hair strands on my face. As I walk out I noticed out of the corner of my eye the dorm next to me belonged to none other than "Huh, who knew Bakugou's dorm was next to mine." I mumble. I quickly run down the stairs and head to my classroom. I didn't realize how close I was to being late to class until I walked in as soon as the tardy bell rang. I quickly took my seat before Uncle Aizawa comes in, Midoriya gives me simple wave as I make my way to my seat I return the gesture as I sit down. Uncle Aizawa comes in with his usual yellow sleeping bag announcing the upcoming events, for the most part I pay attention, but my eyes start to wonder to the back of Bakugou I can't help but feel happy and sad to see my friend alive and well, but saddened of the thought that he was captured by the League of Villains. I wonder though, how did the League of Villains know that UA students were at camp it couldn't be coincidence, could it? "Alright now that you know what's expected of you, I'm taking a nap the rest of class is a study period till the next class period." Aizawa sensei said as he got into his yellow sleeping bag. Midoriya, Uraraka, and Kirishima went up to my desk "Hey." Kirishima greeted me he took out his hand. I look at it for a moment to only realize that he wants to do our usual handshake "Oh right." I mumble as I went through the motions "So how was your hero internship (Y/N)-San!" Uraraka asks gleefully "Yeah how was it you didn't really tell us yesterday since you got to the dorms pretty late." Kirishima asks "Well it wasn't that much interesting really just did some patrols with Adair and worked on getting my quirk stronger that was pretty much my routine." I simply said "Aw come on that's it no going to the beach or parties?!" Kirishima whines "Kirishima! (Y/N) was only doing what any UA student would do and that was to learn and train to become a hero! She wasn't going to waste any of her precious time to doing such things." Iida joined the conversation as usual he does his arm gestures to prove some sort of a point "Come on Iida she isn't like you she likes to have fun at least." Mina shouts across the room. Mina and Iida are arguing while Uraraka, Deku, and Kirishima try to calm down the two of them in between all of this Bakugou quietly sneaks away from the classroom I look around to make sure no one was looking I to quietly get up and follow Bakugou.
I followed him up to the roof I don't believe he has noticed my presence, but then again he could have and he hasn't said anything about it. He goes to the rails and looks over the view doing nothing. I make my over to him "You're awfully quiet." I say to him, Bakugou says nothing for a moment he glances at me then back to the view "You know the reason snuck away was to get some fucking peace and quiet." He says, his tone is different there was no hint scowling not growling "That's very oddly of you normally the noise doesn't bother you." I say "Be careful with your interactions with Bakugou don't push him too far." Nezu's words echoed in my mind "Alright I'll leave you be then, just come back to class before next period." I say walking away I don't hear him say anything as I retreat back to class.
As usual classes went on challenging, Bakugou did come to class before next period and nobody noticed him enter and leave except for me. Now it was after school I was doing the work I missed and the work I received today when I heard a knock on my door. I sigh as I get up and go open the door "(Y/N)-San! Are you busy right now?" Uraraka asks, it wasn't just her it was all the girls from our class "I was just working on homework that I missed and today's homework." I say. All of them either sweat dropped or disappointment evident on their face "I guess you are pretty busy we were wondering if we could see the inside of your dorm." Momo explains "Oh actually, I haven't been able to do anything with my dorm since I got back but I was wondering if maybe you could help me?" I ask. The girls looked at each other before nodding enthusiastically I let them into my room "The decorations are in those boxes I'll start unpacking my clothes and you guys can do whatever you want." I say as I pull out my suitcase. I go ahead and put all of my casual clothes in my closet and my pjs in my drawers "Hey (Y/N) who are these people?" Mina asks I turn around to see her holding a picture frame "Oh, they are my best friends friends from America." I say as very found memories pass through my thoughts though my heart twinges when I see Melissa's happy face "Was this taken before you left America." Jiro asks examining the picture "Yes, the boy with messy chestnut hair is Jame, the boy with black hair is Tristan, and the girl was Melissa." I say. Mina and Jiro look at each other with small frowns, but they go back to what they were doing.
My room was finally put together and decorated. I had all of my manga and books put on shelves in order thanks to Momo's help. I had fairy lights hung up on the roof. My bed had a nice white comforter with a soft purple blanket on the ground there was a fluffy pale lilac carpet. The girls said they were gonna come over later to do a slumber party, all I had to do was finish up the rest of my homework assignments and I should be done for the night. All of a sudden i hear a knock on the door I go and open it up to see Midoriya standing there with a look of panic on his face "Is there something wrong?" I ask "Is it alright if I can speak to you (Y/N)- San?" He asks. I nod my head and gesture him to my room. I close the door and sit on my desk chair while he sits on my bed "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" "It's about last night, what you told me." He answers "What of it?" "Well why did you say it?" He asks "Well I mean why would they tell me about your situation if it was kept top secret? There has to be a reason why I'm the only student that knows about this." I explain "Maybe it's because they thought you were trustworthy of keeping this a secret." "That could be one reason, or maybe they are hoping to use me as some sort of pawn to a game." I suggest "You don't think the heroes would do that would they?" Midoriya worries "In desperate situation probably, they don't want their next symbol of peace to be at a risk of death. In other words I could be some sort of shield that is going to protect you." I theorized "If you are also hoping to question about my loyalty, you don't need to fret I mean what I said Midoriya I won't tell anyone, but that doesn't stop from rumors to spread." I added. Another knock came to my door, I glance at Midoriya and tell him I'll be back when I open the door to my surprise it was Bakugou "Um, hello?" I greeted him. He looked at me for a second before trying to look the inside of my dorm "I heard the fucking nerd is here." He says "How did you-" "I don't need to fucking answer to you, Oi nerd  follow me!" He yelled at Midoriya. I hear Midoriya shuffling his way to him I look at him with concern, he gives me small smile before exiting. I look at Bakugou seeing he doesn't have his usual scowling face. He glances at me "Tch." He walked down the hallway. I look their backs before they disappear in the distance.

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