Chapter 41:I don't kiss and tell

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Your POV
I wish I could say that going home on the weekend was relaxing, but it wasn't. In fact most of the time I was still hung up on him, Bakugou, ever since that night things between us have been weird. Earlier this morning after I left my dorm room I happened to bump into him. All we did was stare at each other awkwardly before he walked passed me. Not uttering a word to me, I wanted to say something, anything, to make sure that everything is okay between us. However I'm not so sure, he hasn't texted me either he usually texts me to make sure I made to the station safe. "What's with the gloomy face dear?" Mom asks glancing at me but maintaining her eyes at the road mostly, "Nothing mom." I say as I look down at my phone in hopes that maybe he will text me or call "Honey, you and I both know that somethings up." She says. I look at her, I sigh, there's a lot of things bothering me, first my anxiety disorder, next my very first mission, and now Bakugou "Is it about the mission? Your father told me what happened. That poor little girl, I can't help but feel sick to the pit of my stomach." She says as she clenched the steering wheel "Me too, but once we rescue her she'll be in good hands." I say smiling softly, no matter how many times it takes for us to get her she will be safe in the end, with that thought in mind I am determined to fight for her. "Right, plus you're very first rescue mission, that's exciting, as long as you don't get separated everything will be fine." She smiles. I look at her, I sadly smile and look away "What's wrong? Is the mission still a little bit to intimidating?" She asks "No, no nothing like that. It's just...I got a lot of things on my mind is all." I say "Do you want me to lend you an ear?" She suggests, I want to tell her everything, but I don't want mom to worry too much she's already dealing with the case about the quirk enhancers, plus taking care of the house and also trying to do her job as well. I have to find the right time to tell them about my anxiety disorder, but it wouldn't be so bad to talk to her about my boy problems, would it? "Well, Im kinda in a dilemma with a friend of mine." I say "Is it Bakugou?" She asks, I immediately blush "H-how did you know?" I asked surprised "Honey, out of all your friends, you mostly talk about Bakugou, whether it be you two got into a fight, or him getting upset of something, or telling me his comical antics, you always seem to be talking about him." She giggles. My mouth was dangling, I couldn't come up with a come back, I haven't realized that I talk about him that often. "So what happened this time? Hm? Did he get mad at you? Did you do something? Did he do something?" She asks. Oh boy he did something alright, I sink into my car seat alright starting to chicken out on what I was going to say "(Y/N)?" Mom calls out "Well you see.....him and I were doing homework....and then him and I started to talk.... and then something happened." I say as I get softer and softer with each word "Well what happened?" She asks still paying attention to the road, we draw closer and closer to home, I cover my blushing face as I recall him getting closer to my face "He kissed me." I squeaked. The car abruptly stops, I remove my hands due to the shock of her suddenly slamming her foot on the brakes "He kissed you?!" She exclaimed, I shyly nod my head, her eyes wide like saucers, she then had the biggest grin on her face "HONEY! THATS INCREDIBLE!" She squeals as she gives me a bone crushing hug "You aren't freaking out...well I mean you are but aren't you oh I don't know... freaking out in a bad way?" I ask "Well I mean...I should be but I am so happy my baby girl finally got her first kiss!" She fan girls "I want you to tell me everything! I mean well not everything. But i-" "I get it mom." She chuckles, she then waits for me to tell her what had happened "Well I mean I don't remember the details, I was in shock, majority of it." I nervously chuckle she looks at me with sparkle in her eyes, I grimace a bit, I know for a fact she isn't going to give it up unless I cough it up "Him and I were just talking, I was telling him how nervous I was about this mission, he comforted me in his own way. Anyways I was starting to leave when I felt a little bit better, but he gently grabbed me by the arm and forced me to face him. He wanted me to promise him that I would come out of this mission safe. And then... he kissed me." I said, feeling my face get brighter every second "And then what did you do?" She nudges, I cringe at what happened next "I ran away." I look down in shame "WHAT!" She screeches "Poor Bakugou." She sighs out in frustration "Tell me about it." I whine "And now I'm worried that I may have ruined our friendship." "Well?" She asks "Did you at least like it?" She asks with a small smile, I look at her before looking to the side "I...don't know." I sigh. I look at her again "How come you aren't giving me an earful, or at least bit protective?" I ask. She looks at the road before lifting her foot off the brakes and shifting it to the accelerator "Well...your father and I...we were worried about you." She starts off "When you started middle school, your dad and I talked about you going out on dates and having a boyfriend or girlfriend, whatever floats your boat. At first we didn't want you to date because you are our baby girl, and we don't want you to be hurt by no one. But we knew that you were gonna train and study at the hero business." She explains, her eyes held mixed emotions, worry, fear, sadness, and little bit of happiness but her expression remains calm as ever "You know, this hero thing, it's a life risking career, a job where you aren't guaranteed to live. Your dad and I we wish nothing more than for you to pick another career path, but we can't do that, because it's your dream and we support that. However it takes away from you ever having a normal childhood. You put your time and effort to train your quirk to save lives, but how can we be so sure that you'll use it to save yourself. Hm?" She looks at me "So your dad and I agreed that when you start going out on dates and talk about your first kiss or whatever we would be supporting, because at least we want you to have some sort of a normal teenage life."She smiles "So we were starting to get hopeful when you started to talk about Bakugou. I mean we thought you were never gonna get into a relationship, your father actually bet that you would end up with Tristan, I laughed at him that boy was gay from the moment I saw him." She laughed "Speaking about Tristan, have you told the boys you were coming?" She asks "Nope, I still haven't gotten the tickets." I say, mom drives up the driveway and places the car in park. "Well we need to start packing then." She says as she gets out of the car.

I pace around my room, its been a day since I've heard anything from Bakugou. He still hasn't called me or texted me. I can't handle this, we need to fix whatever is going on. Should I go to his place or invite him over, would it be too weird though?! I'm only 15 for crying out loud! "Honey dinner!" I hear mom call out, I grumble a bit before heading into the staircase. I abruptly stop when something flashes out "IF YOUR EMOTIONS GET OUT OF CONTROL THEN YOUR QUIRK CAN HURT SOMEONE!" The blob yells out. Oh right, even if I did like Bakugou, I can't be with him like that, because if I let my emotions get out of control then that means I could hurt him. Well hurt him even more, mom was wrong, I can't have some sort of a normal teenager life. I hear the door jiggle, before it opens to reveal "I'm home!" Dad announces, I force out a smile as I run down the stairs to greet dad "You're home early." I hug my dad. Dad came home in a simple button white shirt with a black tie with some black dress pants "Well I asked my boss to give me the night off, so kiddo, how have you been?" He asks as he walks towards the kitchen to greet mom "Ah well you know the usual, trying to catch up with school and agency stuff." I explain as I take a seat on the table "How's that guy, you know the one with anger problems or something like that?" He asks "Oh...well..." "He kissed her!" Mom squeals "EH!" Dad spins his body towards me, great, "WELL WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO EARLIER!" He yells as he struts his was towards me and pulls up a chair next to me "Well I mean...-" "Is he now your boyfriend? We should invite him to dinner? Honey do you have their house number?" He looks at mom "Let me check-" "Wait, wait a minute dad you don't even know what happened." I say trying to reason to not call the Bakugous "Sure I do my little girl has finally started seeing guys, I wanna formally introduce myself to this guy, and give him the ol' dad talk if you get what I'm saying." He winks, oh my god he's too much "Look dad I don't think it's such a good idea-" "Eh?! Why not? You don't need to worry about me going all over protective mode-" "No dad it's not it, it's just-" "Did you find their number honey?" "No not yet." She yells out as she flips through a small blue notebook, when in the world did she get that "Dad it's really not a good idea-" "Sweety I'm not gonna embarrass you, also do you know if he's allergic to anything?" He asks "What? No he's not, but anyways it's not a good idea-" "You know what we should do? We should do casserole, everyone loves casserole-" "DAD, I RAN AWAY AFTER THE KISS!" I yelled the whole house shook. My dad is absolutely quite, I softly pant "You..ran?" He asks softly "YEAH I DID." I yelled in frustration this time the house didn't shake "Why?" He asks out loud "What do you mean why? Dad you know that I've only seen him as one of my closest friends." I say as I calm down a bit "Sweety, I think closest friend is a bit of an understatement." He chuckles "In all of my years of raising you, not once have I ever seen your eyes glow whenever you talk about this boy. Not even when you talk about Tristan or Jame, not even you male classmates that you thought were admirable." He smiles softly. I look away in frustration "Even if I did like him, I can't be in any romantic relationship." I grumble "(Y/N) if you are worried about us getting on your case-" "No it's not about you guys." I dismissed them immediately "Then what is it?" Dad asks "Nothing, forget I said anything." I get up and leave the kitchen "Wait a minute, why can't you date?" Dad follows behind me and mom following him as well "It's nothing." I said as I walked up stairs, all of a sudden I am being halted by water shackles "Dad let me go." I said in an annoyed tone "(Y/N) you know our house rule, if there's a problem you can come to us. In fact I didn't want to say anything up until now. As of for a couple months you've been looking like you haven't gotten proper amount of rest, now you look a little bit better. Is there something going on?" Dad asks "No there's nothing going on, can you let me go now?" I ask "Really? Because I received a phone call from the pharmacy saying that pills, sedatives and anxiolytics, that have been prescribed to you are ready to pick up. Now I was hoping you would care to explain that to me, but you haven't mentioned anything about it so tell me young lady why have these medications been prescribed to you because certainly it's not for your allergies." Dad says getting serious every sentence. Shoot, dad knows somethings up "Wait what? Sedatives and anxiolytics? (Y/N), do you know what's going on?" Mom asks now starting to get worried. I clench the rails, as I now realize that I'm going to have reveal my parents everything.

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