Chapter 40: Kiss

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Your POV
It was right around after sunset when Captain dropped me off at UA. He told me I didn't have to worry about coming in for a couple of days, but to continue on training. I sluggishly walked up to the dormitories, today was emotionally exhausting everything that was told today was scary, not that I'm not used to hearing that kind of stuff from my parents, but I guess it's different because rather than listening to those stories. I'm actually gonna be in the battlefield. The man in the beak mask, that's strange how I am able to dream of him, well his beak mask. I still can't wrap my head about it, there has to be a connection with him, Melissa, and me. "Oi nerd." I hear a familiar voice call out. I turn my head in the direction of the voice to find a very familiar spiky ash blonde man, I smile softly it's nice to see someone that isn't a part of the hero agency just yet, unaware of what I just heard "Hey sparky." I wave, his face quickly turns into annoyance "I'm going to kick your ass the next time you call me Sparky." He threatens "Yeah, yeah whatever you say." I throw my head back, I hear him growl before he walks over to me "Oi, do you know where shitty hair is, he running late for his tutoring lesson." He scowls looking around for Kirishima "No, I left early, but I'm sure he'll be here any minute now." I yawn back, I quickly remembered that I still have some assignments left to do "Hey Bakugou do you mind if I crash your tutoring lesson?" I ask "The fuck? You struggling with somethin'" he asks "No not really I still have some assignments left to do, and I'd rather work with people around me." I explain scratching my cheek "Whatever you say nerd." He responds.
Soon enough Kirishima returns, a little bit shooken up from earlier, but a more livelier from earlier "Bakubro, sorry I was late I had to take care of somethings, hey (Y/N)!" He greets the both of us as he sits next to Bakugou "Whatever shitty nerd, get your shit out and lets get this over with." I simply giggled as I went head on to my work, while the Bakugou yells at Kirishima for getting a question wrong even though he explained it multiple times, I allow myself to fully immerse myself in this atmosphere, this will probably one of the few moments before we graduate where it all seems at peace before the storm comes tumbling through. I would occasionally get up to go to the kitchen to get the boys and I some drinks, to which Kirishima much appreciated. Soon enough Kirishima starts nodding off to sleep "You know what dudes, Imma call it a night." He yawns as he gets his things together and heads up the stairs heading into his room. It became just Bakugou and I as I continued to work on my assignments, I still have a little to get through "Oi nerd, you should head off to sleep as well, you had a long day didn't you?" he asks as he leans his head against his palm "The last thing I wanna do is sleep, besides I'm almost done." I respond "Nerd you've been sleeping like a normal person, don't fuck it up for some assignments that aren't due for another week." He reaches out and stops my hand from writing anymore "I appreciate the concern, but I just wanna distract my mind for awhile." I answer "Alright talk, the stench of your desperation reeks." He says throwing his head back and leaning back "I....I'm afraid that you won't understand." I say leaning my body back loosely hugging myself "Well then dumb it down, so I can understand." He smirks, I look at him considering whether or not I should tell him everything about this week, my eyes wonder to his face, its in its resting scowl as usual, but something about his scowl holds some sort of gentleness and glow to it, as the kitchen light cascades his features as they make him even more spunky than normal "I'm waiting." He calls out breaking out my thoughts I sigh before I decide to tell him "This week has been...well a lot." I sigh out, I look up to see him looking at me with a gaze that I've never seen him give, it's so attentive, but there's more to it "Oi" He calls out taking in my hand and gently squeezes my hand "Just tell me what you want I aint going to say shit to you if that's what's holding back." He says. I am taken a aback by his gentleness, I mull it over once again before deciding telling him everything "Well first I just found out that I have this thing called an anxiety disorder, and then I get hit with a prototype quirk destroyer bullet thing, and today's meeting was...overwhelming." I sigh out, "(Y/N), I know you can't tell me everything that went down in that meeting. But about the other two, I can't imagine what you might be going through, and the other one well... it sounds shitty." He speaks barely a whisper, painfully he whispers. I quickly remember something from a while ago "Bakugou was captured, even though the doctors have diagnosed him with no mental trauma doesn't mean that he won't have some lingering trauma." Nezu says no wonder his tone is like this, he understands probably what I'm feeling to an extent "(Y/N)" He calls out I feel him wiping something off my face, I am quick to realize that I shed a tear, I try to pull back the tears. "I'm fine, guess I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed especially now that I am preparing to get ready for my very first mission in a couple of days." I say as I start to get up "Wait, shitty nerd." He says before grabbing my arm and forcing me to him "Nerd, you gotta take it easy for the next couple of days." he says looking into my eyes with seriousness "And when the day arrives when you go into this mission. I want you to promise me something nerd." He says still holding his gaze at me "What?" I ask, trying to maintain my tone. His gaze, the way his hands are rough around my elbow, but he holds me gently, how close I am to him, I can't help but feel something in the pit of my stomach almost like a tickling sensation "Promise me, you will be safe and try to not fuck it up." He says with a hint of smug as he shows off his canine tooth "Please you are talking to a hero's daughter." I equally match his smugness, he smiles for a brief moment before he frowns "I mean it, come back out of this walking maybe a few scratches and a few bruises but nothing more than that." He comes closer, our noses barely touching. My heart starts beating quickly, he glances down for a second before looking at me with half lidded eyes as he starts to get closer to me. I stood there shocked, standing still as he comes closer to me. It takes a few seconds for my brain to process whats happening and its registers a little bit too late when I felt his lips touch mine. My eyes are like saucers as I stand there shocked unknowing what to do. He pulls away and immediately starts to blush "I...uh-" "Im gonna go now!" I run up the stairs not even looking back at him. I quickly reach to my room, and close it. I slide down trying to remember what just happened. Bakugou kissed me...Katsuki Bakugou just kissed me. KATSUKI BAKUGOU KISSED ME ON THE LIPS. "This honestly can't be happening." I say as I slowly get up and wobble my way to my bed "My first kiss was...with him..." I instinctively touched my lips, I was so shocked in the moment I didn't even get a chance to feel his lips, until now that memories are flooding in. His lips were a bit dry, but they were so warm! But when and how did this happen! I look at my clock to read it's past eleven, maybe this is all a dream when I wake up Bakugou did not kiss me it was all just a dream...right?
Bakugou POV
What in the fucking world did I just do? Did I...just kiss her? What in the actual fuck! She's gonna be a fucking weird and shit after we just started to get along so fucking great "Bakugou?" I turn around to find its knock off pikachu half asleep "What are you doing up so late buddy?" He asks making his way to the kitchen "None of your fucking business extra." I growl "Geez, well someone is an extra bad mood tonight, who pooped on your party?" He teases "Shut up extra." I grumble "Fine, fine, as you wish... KIRISHIMA!!" The extra takes off "YOU LITTLE FUCKER GET BACK OVER HERE!" I blast my way to him when he looks over my shoulder he yelps and starts to run faster. "KIRISHIMA!" He bangs on his door "IM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS PIKACHU!" He screams in fear "Huh? What's-" he gets cut off when I tackle pikachu into his room "This is the end for you." I create little sparks on my as I get my hand closer to his face "Hey woah woah! Bakugou chill out bro!" Fucking shitty hair was able to me off of pikachu "Now can someone tell me what's wrong?" Shitty hair asks the two of us "Bakugou is acting extra moody tonight!" The extra snitches like a fucking four year old "Huh what happened? Did you and (Y/N) get into another fight?" He asks, the mention of her name makes me feel all weird and shit "Is Bakugou blushing?!" Pikachu exclaims, I send him a glare he quickly hides behind shitty hair "What happened?" He asks all clueless as he plops down next to me. "Nothing shitty nerd." I look away "Oh boy something did happen." I can feel him smirking "Interrogate me, and I'll blow your fucking face off." I threaten "You must have done something wrong if you aren't going to tell us." He says "Let me guess, you somehow offended (Y/N), which caused you two to argue again and then she proved you wrong?" Shitty hair guesses "Nah, if they argued Im sure the whole school would have heard it." Pikachu remarks, I slowly start to grit my teeth as they continue to guess what the hell happened to shitty nerd and I "Would you two shut the fuck up, you are annoying little fuckers!" I yell "Then what happened!" Shitty hair yells "I KISSED HER!" I yelled, did I just fucking admit to them. Their eyeballs bulged out due to the shock "You kissed her?!" Pikachu exclaims "Hold on I didn't say-" "Buddy we heard you loud and clear." Shitty hair nudges me "Way the go Bakugou!" Pikachu screeches "Gosh you two are fucking annoying  "Tell us what happened?" Shitty hair exclaims. After refusing them multiple times, and them getting even more annoying I told them everything that happened between us "So she just ran?" Pikachu sympathizes "Yeah." I grumble "Hey can't be that bad, I mean I would be shocked too if you kissed me." Shitty hair punches me lightly "But I didn't figure it would take you this long to make a move." He adds on "What?" I ask "Hm? Oh, the fact that I knew about your ginormous crush on (Y/N)" he wiggles his eyebrows. I grab the collar of his shirt and start to make sparks on my other palm "I do not have a ginormous crush on that fucking extra!" I threaten. Shitty hair starts to laugh, which pisses me off even more "Are you kidding? You always get jealous whenever she hangs out with Todoroki, and whenever she has work studies you always wait for her in the common area. And let's not forget the times when she wasn't her cheerful self you would always be the first one to go and help her." He smugs "Oh! Oh! And let's not forget to mention how they always have a sleepover at his place." Pikachu pipes up "We do not have sleepovers, besides she hasn't slept over in months." I grumble "Dude it's so obvious you like her." Shitty hair giggles like an idiot. I drop him as I plop back down "So you gonna ask her out Romeo?" Pikachu asks "Tch, I don't know. I don't even think she even likes in that way." I roll my eyes "It wouldn't hurt to try now would it?" Shitty hair pops up "Whatever Im going to bed, you guys are fucking annoying." I say as I stuff my fists into my pockets and walk out of shitty hair's room. Ask her on date? Impossible, she has her own shit to deal with, I doubt she'll even wanna go out with a guy like me. Shitty hair doesn't know what he's talking about.
The fall seems to be getting shorter, but the landing seems to be more painful than ever. I once again get up and be faced with an abandoned Musutafu. I look around to find again the blob, however the blob is starting to look a little bit more human. "Your quirk will be MINE!" It screeched. Fear runs through my body, my flight or fly response kicks in as I start to run into the other direction. I run as fast as I can I don't know if the blob is even perusing me, but I don't care I have to run I want to ever survive this nightmare. No matter how many times I have the same dream, no matter how many plans I've tried all of them end in the same way. I get engulfed into its darkness. "Help me!" I hear a little girl's voice call out. I look around trying to find it's source. I whip my head everywhere in desperate need to find this little girl, she calls out again this time I'm able to detect it. I run into an alley which turns into a hallway which leads me to a room. I look around to see it looks like a cell. But it has drawings taped up, upon closer inspection the drawings are of crayon scribbles with disturbing images "Help me." The although it was quiet I was able to find its source. It was a figure of a little girl however most of her body and face were covered in black goop the only distinguishable feature were her red eyes. They weren't scary, they were big and child like, but they were filled with fear. I slowly make my towards her, she huddles herself even more "Hey...look I'm not gonna hurt you...I just wanna know where are we?" I ask as I slowly approach, I give her plenty of personal space as I reach out my hand towards her "Please don't him hurt me." She quivers "Who's him?" I ask as gently as possible "Me." A deep and familiar voice. I instantly tremble as I slowly turn around to find that blob that keeps chasing me "Your QUIRK WILL BE MINE!" He yells before pouncing, I grab the little girl and shield her away from the blob. Everything goes black, "(Y/N)!" A scruff voice calls out that is followed by a blinding light only one name utters out of my mouth "Bakugou?" I call out.
I shoot up quickly, panting, I look around to find that I'm in room, I check the clock to see it's 10:30. "I OVER SLEPT!" I yell as I get up and race over to my drawers to get my uniform, in the midst of changing I look at my calendar to find out it's only Saturday. I sigh in relief, glad it's the weekend or else I would get an earful from my uncle. I walk over to my night stand and grab my medications, I quickly gulp down my anxiolytics. I once again check my calendar to find out, that on Monday it's going to be Tristan's and Jame's physical exams. "Should I go?" I mumble, I mean I don't have any school work since I'm a bit ahead, and I don't have any work studies for a couple of days. I mull it over, why the heck not even though they have been gone for a little while it's been a long time since I've seen coach, and I do miss New York. I grab my bags that I usually take home for the weekends and made a mental note to ask my uncle and principle Nezu about me going to America for a couple of days. I shoot a text to my mom that I'm on my to the train station and I asked her about me going to America to support my friends, to which she happily replied to start purchasing my ticket.

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