Chapter 28:Work studies and Manga?

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Uncle Aizawa has announced that us first years won't be required to do any work studies until the third and final year of UA. Everyone obviously disappointed that they won't be able to experience it until the next 2 years. But there is a few students that are going to attempt to find a work study anytime soon. It's obvious that Midoriya is going to look for one since he wants to become stronger and get to the same level All Might "(Y/N)?" I turn around to be faced with a neutral heterochromatic eyed classmate "Are you going to be working under your father's agency?" Todoroki asks "Nah, my dad is trying to get his documents in order to even get an agency, besides he doesn't want me to be depending on him so much. I do have someone in mind that I do wanna work with though." I answer leaning back to my chair "Really who?" Todoroki asks "Capitan Fusión, he asked me to meet up with him later this week. Hey Todoroki do wanna come along?" I ask sincerely "But I don't have my provisional license to be qualified to go." "You don't have to go to do it I just don't wanna be alone during the whole process." I respond "Why don't you ask Midoriya or Bakugou you seem a lot closer with them than with me?" Todoroki asks "Well you and I both know that he is also gonna be looking for a work study, and Bakugou is....well...Bakugou." I said sheepishly. In all honesty I enjoy his company but I don't think it's a good idea to bring him along especially when he doesn't wanna feel left behind "Besides I need a calming presence and you are probably the most calm person I know except when mentioning your father of course." I added on. Todoroki at first look hesitant but after thinking about it he agreed to accompany me to my meeting. The rest of class went by real quick luckily the teachers didn't assign us to much homework. As I walking down the hallways I accidentally bump into someone "Sorry didn't see you." I quickly apologized I look up to see a boy that could be mistaken as All Might's son behind him there was a boy who seemed to be extremely shy and a girl with beautiful long purple hair "Oh hey it's the girl that came from America." The girl said "Your right Nejire, I don't believe we've introduced ourselves properly the last time we met I think you were absent when Aizawa sensei introduced us." All Might Junior explains. I try to recall of such thing, but then I remember Midoriya mentioning that the class fought against a student whose quirk allowed him to go underground or something along the lines of that the day I got sick with a fever. "Anyways we are 'The Big Three' and Im Mirio Togata, the girl is Nejire Hado, and the shy looking one there is Tamaki Amajiki." Mirio introduces themselves "Oh hello I'm-" "We know who you are (Y/N) (L/N) we've been dying to meet you ever since you got here, but with all the studies that us seniors have to go through we weren't able to set up a date to meet you." Nejire says as she was hugging me excruciatingly tight "Y-you shouldn't d-do that Nejire." Tamaki shyly scolds. Nejire sets me down gently "Anyways we were just heading to the library it was nice to meet you (L/N)." Mirio leaves and while the two of them follow him. Well that was interesting?
I quickly text Todoroki that I'll be ready in about 2 hours. I look through my clothes to see if I can find anything professional and comfortable to wear unfortunately the only things I have in my closet are yoga pants, a few tank tops, some work out shirts, and hoodies. I try to think of a person that might have some clothes that are comfy and professional I quickly think of Momo, but I'm afraid her chest area is bigger than mine, maybe Tsu has something her and I are about the same size except that I have bit of a bust but overall we should be the same size. I walk quietly to Tsu dorm and knock on her door "Oh hey (Y/N)-San. Kero." Tsu greets me "Hey I was wondering if I can borrow something out of your closet?" I asked her politely "Sure.Kero." She lets me in into her dorm. Her dorm is decorated with nice light green with cute frog designs. On her bed she has light emerald green sheets with a frog plushie as a decoration. I open the closet as expected her wardrobe is multiple shades of green, with a few items that are pastel yellows and pinks. The thing that caught my eye was dark forest green blazer which I can style that with one of my plain training shirts. "Thanks Tsu, I'll return it to you clean once I come back." I said she said her thanks as I stared to head out of her room.
"Thanks for coming and also for navigating me to the agency." I said to Todoroki "No problem, also you look nice." He said calmly "Thanks I forgot that I need to do some shopping had to borrow from Tsu." I said. We both walk in to the agency to be welcomed by a man with cat ears and tail, wearing a black suit with matching shoes, and holding a clipboard "What are children doing in this vicinity?" He sneers "I have an appointment with Captain Fusion." I respond calmly from my peripheral vision I can see Todoroki giving the man a cold stare "Name?" He asks "(Y/N) (L/N)." I answer. His eyes go wide for a moment "You mean daughter of Aqua Warrior? The young women that has the quirk of the main four elements?" He asks "Yes sir." I respond "My, Capitan Fusión has been talking about your appearance today I didn't think it would be a student and who is this?" He asks glancing at Todoroki "Oh this is my friend,Todoroki." I introduce. He nods before turning around leading us the way. I could already tell Todoroki doesn't like this guy the way his glare is so cold that it effected the right side of his arm I place my hand in his shoulder trying to calm down the peppermint boy. He leads us through a series of hallways before arriving at large door with Capitan Fusion's name "He's in there." He states before walking off. I knock on the door, waited for a minute to hear a soft come in. Entering his office it was clean and tidy as I expected it to be "(L/N), it's so nice to see you again." He quickly jumps off the chair and speed walks towards me and giving me a friendly hug "And who is this young fellow?" Fusion asks with suggestive smirk "This is one of my friends from UA this is Todoroki. Todoroki this is Capitan Fusion or Hiroto, the guy I fought when I did the test a few months ago." I introduced them both, they both shake teach others hand and saying nice to meet you "So (Y/N) or should I say Ataraxia, do you have your forms so I can stamp it?" Fusion asks walking to his desk and rummaging through his drawers "Yes sir I do." I said fishing through my little black backpack for the forms and handing it to him. "Doesn't she have to do some sort of test to prove herself worthy?" He asks "Is that a thing I'm supposed to do?" Fusion asks obviously teasing, but Todoroki didn't quite catch his teasing tone. Todoroki stares at us blankly "Anyways when do I start?" I ask breaking the uncomfortable silence "Right you start on Monday, and have a wonderful rest of your evening you two." He says after he stamps my paper and gives it back to me. Once exiting the facility, Todoroki and I decide to go to a cafe to grab some drinks before heading back to the dorms. I've noticed a few things about Todoroki number one being that he gets bashful very easily when complimenting him, two although him being the quiet he knows how to carry on a conversation, and three he always keeps his attention the person that he is engaging with. It was nice very different from when I'm talking to Midoriya or Iida, definitely different from Bakugou. "Is there anything else you wanna do (Y/N)?" Todoroki asks "No, not really I don't have anything else planned." I respond taking a sip of my Pomegranate tea "Do you like manga?" He asks out of the blue "Yes? How did you-" "I remember Momo mentioning it to me one time. There's a manga store nearby do you want to check it out?" He checks. The inner weeaboo inside me is quivering excitedly "Yes!" I quickly grab him by the wrist and drag him out of the door.

The manga store was big and comfortable there was shelves full of endless types of manga, there's a reading area at the front of the store with a wall sized window showcasing the extravagant view of Musutafu. There was two comfy grey sofas with glass coffee tables and two yellow green cotton bean bag chairs. Todoroki and I explore each isle "So.....Do you like manga Todoroki?" I ask scanning the row in front of me "Yes." He responds. I quickly spin my head towards him "What?"he sweats  "Its a shock I've never taken you as a manga reader." I say picking up a random manga "Really what type of reader would I be?" He inquires "Well I would say someone who reads a lot of classical books mostly first edition and poetry." I respond almost too immediately "That reads in front of a lit fireplace with those maroon comfy chairs with a pipe and golden framed round glasses." I add. He looks at me oddly before chuckling quietly "That is very imaginative." He says "What genre are you into?" I ask "Comedy or slice of life?" He says looking quizzically at manga with a half naked man surrounded with rose petals and glitter. I look at him surprised "Well I like it simply because it makes me forget thee dark times of my life." he responds. My look softens as I pat his shoulder "Have you read Gintama?" I ask "Yes it was one the first manga I have ever read I loved it. What about you what type of genre do you enjoy?" He looks over "Its kinda embarrassing." I say as I feel my face redden "I'm sure it isn't bad." he reassures me "No its kinda is..." I say hiding myself. He just stares at me and I'm sinking in his gaze "Fine. I like any manga you name it, but the one that I'm obsessed with is..... boy love." I say in embarrassment "Oh." he says "You're weirded out aren't you?" I ask "No, my sister enjoys reading it and showed me some. The plots are nonrealistic, but overall they are funny to read." He says. I look at him in adoration, he simply chuckles and continues looking at the shelves. 

After leaving the manga store we head back to the domintory to get some rest "Today was fun." I say walking besides Todoroki "Yes it was." He smiles softly. The school gates gets closer to us each second "We should do this more often, how about we hangout at the manga store once a week just the two what do you say?" I ask "I would like that." He says smiling a bit more. Once entering the dormitory Todoroki and I bid our goodbyes and went our separate ways "Oi! Where the fuck have you been shitty nerd!" I look up to see Bakugou livid "I was out with a friend." I said trying to be discreet about it knowing he'll make a big fuss about it "No really? If I fucking knew you where out I wouldn't have asked now would I?" He mocks "Why are you upset with me? Like I said I went out with a friend." I pushed "What friend, I swear to my fucking god nerd if you say Deku I'm going to kill that damn nerd-" "No, I was with Todoroki." I intervened "With Icyhot! Why the fuck were you with him?"He asks a little bit calmer now than before "I invited him." I respond trying to make my way to my room "Why?" he asks a bit more angrier "If I tell you, you are going to make a big fuss about it and in all honesty I don't have the energy for it." I say "DID YOU GO ON A DATE WITH THE HALF AND HALF BASTARD?" He yells "What no! I went to Captain Fusion to get permission to do work studies and I didn't want to be alone so I asked Todoroki to come with me! There you happy!" I stormed off not waiting for his response.        

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