Chapter 29:Surprise

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Bakugou POV
The fuck the nerd went with icy hot! That damn nerd "Yo Bakubro what's gotten you in a sourer mood?" Shitty hair asks "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS SHITTY HAIR!" I yelled. He just kept looking at me trying to figure out the fuck is wrong with me "You sure cuz you look like you are going on a murder spree?" Why the fuck is this shitty hair keep talking. I don't pay any fucking attention to him as he keeps blabbering on and on about me having to fucking confide with him because he's my fucking bestie or whatever some shit "Morning (Y/N)." I look up to see the fucking nerd say morning to but she fucking ignores me! This fucking "Kirishima I'm gonna need my calculator back I have a ton of math homework. Those slopes are going to solve themselves." She fucking says to the shitty nerd "Good timing cuz I finally got manly enough to tackle it, let me get right now." The shitty nerd jumps and leave the fucking nerd and I alone. She turns around and leaves. This fucking bitch "Oi nerd!" I yell she keeps walking away from me "NERD!" I bark "(Y/N)!" I barked out again. She abruptly stops and turns around with an aggravated face "What is it Bakugou?" Fucking snippy today aren't we today "I wasn't done talking you fucking nerd!" I yell. She sighs and rolls her fucking eyeballs "Well I was, look Bakugou I don't want to argue with you right-" "Well to bad cause I want to" I growl as step closer "Bakugou-" "I don't get the fuck why did you invite that-" "ENOUGH" she booms out the floor quivered "Look the reason why I invited Todoroki to come was because I knew that you were gonna get all bothered about the fact that you didn't get your provisionals and I just wanted someone to come with me that was going to be chill about the situation." She sighs and walks away from me again. I grunt in frustration as she walks away from me "Oi nerd I don't care if you hang out with other people especially that half and half bastard as long as you aren't dating him or some shit." I puff out. She turns around and raises an eyebrow "Okay....I guess as long you aren't being a child." She says walking away from me again.
Your POV
"Oi nerd I don't care if you hang out with other people especially that half and half bastard as long as you aren't dating him or some shit." He did a complete one-eighty on me. I know they both have their own grudges against each other. But still gives him no right to control who I associate myself with, still it's strange at one moment he was yelling at me for hanging out with Todoroki and then he's suddenly in his own way I suppose apologizing me. "You can come out." I call out "Dude how did you know I was here you had your eyes closed?" Kirishima walks out of the bushes "The Earth part can sense anything within 5 meter radius." I respond as I turn around to face him "Right completely forgot, anyways I know it's not my business to butt into confrontations, but I heard you and Bakubro arguing and then all of a sudden there was a sudden earthquake and something told it me it had something to do with you?" He asks "It's nothing to worry about." I say "It kinda does especially when it involves two of my best bros, and when one of them is pretty chill about mostly everything." He eyes me. I sigh before looking around to make sure no one was within hearing distance "Bakugou and I got into a small argument last night, and we continued to argue about it today." I say "Woah why?" Kirishima awes in wonder "Is he usually on your case on who you hangout with?" I ask "Ummm...No at least I don't think so." He pondered "Well him and I were arguing about Todoroki and how I hung out with him yesterday. He even thought I was dating him." I giggled. I look over to see Kirishima smirking at me giving a suggesting smirk "What?" I ask "Oh nothing just thinking how oblivious you are." He says. What does that suppose to mean "Well anyways he apologized for his behavior." I continued on "Woah, Woah, hold on...did....did you just say he apologized?" Kirishima asked in shock "Sort of...but anyways is there something you need Kirishima?" I ask. He takes out my calculator "Oh right thank you." I say as I grab it.
"SWEETY!!" My mom gives me bone crushing hug after I got off the train station with my bags "'re kinda.....suffocating me." I breath "I'm sorry sweetie it's just I've missed you so much!" My mom still doesn't let go of me for a bit while longer before she lets go of me. I take a moment to look around "Mom where's dad?" I ask "Oh he's at work, but he'll be home earlier than usual anyways I have a surprise at home waiting for you." She sings "What is it?" I ask "It wouldn't be a surprise if I say what's the surprise silly." She patted my head and places my belongings in the trunk "So hows UA so far?" she asks "Well I just got to do my work studies with Capitan Fusion and I start the Monday coming up." I answer "That's great Sweety what about your friends how are they. How Bakugo?" She questions "Midoriya, Kirishima, Tsu, and Uraraka are also doing the work studies with different agencies. The girls and I have been doing our regular slumber parties last night was Jiro's turn to host it we played lots of music and played never have I ever. And Bakugou is.....still Bakugou." I say as I recall our argument. I haven't seen him since that morning other than class and all but we haven't talked to each other yet. Mom continues to ask me my life at UA until we reach to the house. Mom races out of the house and quickly grabs my bags and runs into the house while I was just barely getting the seatbelt off. I speed walked to the house "Mom wait up." I yelled as I entered the house. The hallway was dim I look around and start heading into the entrance living room where I see two shadowy figures. I get my fingers into a snapping position and then I jumped just as soon as I was about to snap my fingers to release my fire whiplash "SURPRISE!" I heard. I looked at who said that to find "Tristan! Jame!" I leap for joy "We've missed you (Y/N)!" They both days in unison the last time we saw each other was at Melissa's funeral, and keeping in touch has been getting harder since the time difference and our schedules "What are you guys doing here?" I ask "Well we wanted to come and see you since we are in spring break already back in America." Tristan explains "So our parents have been planning for all of us to come and hang out." Jame intervenes. I look at my mother who has been snapping photos with her phone "Also Daaaamn (Y/N) UA has been working you hard look at you! You have muscles now!" Tristan awes at my change of figure "Me look at you? You no longer have your little pony tail you've cut it off!" I pet Tristan's new hair "And Jame you're taller than me!" I look at him in awe. Before I left, Jame and I were almost the same height. At Melissa's funeral he was just a tad taller but now he's a giant "I'll let you three alone (Y/N) why don't you show the boys around town?" Mom suggests "Yes I've been meaning to shop around here." Tristan says "Alright then come on I'll show you around town." I said as I grabbed my shoes.

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