Chapter 35: Help

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Bakugou POV
The fuck is the matter with me, when did I get so fucking cheesy with that damn nerd. It's one thing to like the fucking nerd, but it's another when I have these...these....weird feelings and when they fucking distract me from the one thing I want the most and that is to be the NUMBER ONE HERO! "Bakugou quit making that face or else it's gonna be stuck like that." Shitty hair babbles "Well knowing him it's already been stuck like that since he was born." "WHAT WAS THAT PIKACHU I WILL FUCKING KICK YOUR-" "Kacchan c-can you please stop threatening-" "SHUT THE FUCK DEKU BEFORE I-" I quickly look over to see the damn nerd that's been infiltrating my fucking mind "Morning (Y/N)." Shitty hair greets. The nerd mumbles morning before heading outside with her stupid little yoga mat my guess she's gonna do her morning meditations "Has anyone else noticed (Y/N) is getting more tired progressively?" Fucking ponytail asks poking her stupid head into the kitchen "Yeah now that you've mentioned it she seems like she's been getting more and more tired." Fucking scotch tape says, and now the whole fucking group of extras are in the kitchen watching that damn nerd. I wont admit to anyone out loud but I've been worried for her lately. Every time I tried to fucking talking to her about it she simply brushes it off. All of a sudden the fucking hobo man that we are suppose to call teacher goes outside and says something to (Y/N). Looks like the damn nerd fell asleep during her meditation because she looked freaking startled when Aizawa sensei shook her gently. They both get up and start heading inside the fucking extras try to pretend like they weren't trying to ease drop, but I don't give a damn. "Class will be starting a little late, Midoriya would you mind givin (Y/N) the assignments that she will be missing today when she returns later this afternoon?" Hobo asks. The fucking nerd looks at her for a moment, which makes my blood boil a bit, then nods to the fucking teacher. Then they walk her off.
"After you are done with the meeting your mom wanted to pick you up to see your American friends before they leave later this afternoon." Uncle Aizawa explains as we get into a small black car with UA decorated in gold on the car door. I sluggishly nodded before placing myself inside the car. I can't help but slowly fall asleep again, but the black goo bird monster thing reappears and I'm startled awake "(Y/N)! What in the-Don't try to scare me like that!" He scolds me looking at me with a glare "Sorry Sensei." I say "What's been going on with you lately?" He asks now concerned as he looks at my tired state "Nothing." I say avoiding the topic as much as possible "Look if you don't wanna talk to me as your teacher then talk to me as your uncle because you and I both know that I have your father's number and I can contact him." He says. I stay silent contemplating whether or not I should tell him "It's a long and complicated story." I say in hopes he'll take it as it is "Well we've got all the time in the world to hear it." He says.

"And that's what's been going on." I finish off the story "So you've been having these nightmares for 10 years now, and they have been progressively getting worse and worse as of recently. Do your parents know of this?" Uncle Aizawa asks "I told them about it one time and they told me it would go away, but they haven't. And they don't know about it." I say "(Y/N) I think you need to tell them-" "Please don't! I don't wanna make them even more worried about me, you know how over protective my parents are whenever I'm injured or something's wrong with me!" I plead my Uncle. He looks at me worryingly then grumbles "Fine, I know how they are, but promise me that you'll tell me that these nightmares are getting worse and go and find someway to fix it." He bargains. I promise him that I'll abide with his conditions. He pulls up at the police station where Captain Fusion was waiting for us at the front. After Uncle Aizawa parks we get off and make our way to the front desk and Captain Fusion walks with us "Remember (Y/N) you are not in trouble they are just gonna ask you a few questions about the situation." He soothes me and then looks at my uncle with a more serious look "And I need to speak to you." He says. Once entering the building there's a police officer already waiting for my arrival "Ataraxia?" He asks I nod to confirm my identity "Please this way." The investigator leads me down the hallways.

"Did you know the person that shot you" An investigator starts off. I feel like I'm in one of those black and white mystery movies where they are interrogating me for answers of whereabouts of the treasure. I try best to not lose focus due to my lack of sleep "No sir." I respond "Did he reveal anything about the contents of substance that was in the bullet ?" He asks another question "Not really all he said it was a prototype, he didn't really say where he got it from either." I respond "Did you feel any symptoms after he shot the bullet?" He goes "Well normally whenever I use too much of my fire ability my body temperature drops very quickly, but when the bullet grazed my cheek my body temperature slowly started to drop." I explain "Now your teacher, Shota Aizawa, his quirk is to erase quirks, what do you feel whenever he erases your quirk and was it a familiar feeling when the substance started to effect your quirk?" He goes on "No, whenever he erases my quirk I get this numbing feeling in my stomach, and when the substance effected my quirk I felt fine." I explained. The investigator and I continue on and on until he is satisfied with the answers "Alright you've done well Ataraxia make sure to be careful these days, in a couple of days, and  there'll be a meeting with the local heroes and police officers apparently Sir Nighteye found some lead to this whole madness." He says walking me out. When I get to the front desk I see Captain Fusion and Aizawa talking not realizing I'm done with the interview. I awkwardly clear my throat to get their attention luckily it worked and what ever they were discussing was brought to a halt "Ah Ataraxia our apologies we didn't see you here. See you in the meeting in a few days kiddo." Captain Fusion ruffles my hair and then looks back to my uncle before walking away "Is there something I need to worry about?" I ask "None of your concern Ataraxia, now let's go Im sure your mom is waiting for you." He says also leaving me behind.

"See you soon!" Jame hugs me "Yes hopefully." I respond hugging him back "Well hopefully be back for the summer." Tristan says also hugging me "I'll try to visit America as well." I said. After they both hug my mom and shake hands with my uncle they depart from us and start heading into their plane. From the corner of my eye I can see my mom trying to hold back tears for my sake, I gently pat her in the back and give her a soft smile. Upon seeing this she completely breaks down "Come on (M/N) you are acting like a child. (Y/N) let's go you have work that you need to get done." Aizawa says

After leaving the airport, we went back straight to UA. Uncle Aizawa and I rode in silence preferably his idea, whenever my uncle gets like this it is better if I oblige or else I would get tied up to the ceiling by his floating bandages. "Before your work studies, I've appointed you to a specialist to see about your dreams, I've asked All Might to take you there tomorrow since he has no classes to teach-" "I don't need to see a therapist uncle." I interrupt him "First of all not a therapist it's a specialist, second of all you need to-" "Uncle there is nothing wrong with my brain-" "Nothing wrong with your brain! (Y/N) weren't you telling me how these nightmares were getting more intense. It's effecting you negatively." He scolds "No it's not." I stubbornly say "Are you really going to argue with me. Don't you think I don't notice you dozing off in class,or how you've been not focusing." He argues with me "But-" "But Nothing! You made a promise to go and seek help and come talk to me, if you break your promise your parents will be hearing this from me end of discussion!" He yells out in frustration. I look at him, he's breathing heavily his glare hard like a solid rock on the road. I look away angrily no longer in the mood trying to convince him other wise. As soon as we park we both get out of the car and head to the dormitory not speaking to each other. Uncle opens the door for me as I walk inside "Hey (Y/N)! How did the-" "Fine." I say to Kirishima as I head to the stairs going to my room to do my missing work from class today.

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