Chapter 10:Act 1 scene 5

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Your POV
I eventually told everyone what has recently happened with me and the death of Melissa. Class 1-a is something really everyone including Bakugo has helped me get better and have been so supportive. That soon enough I back to my cheery happy self. Uncle Aizawa was talking about a test that will determine if the class will be able to go to camp. The lunch bell rang, everyone ran out of the classroom I was about to leave but "(Y/N) can I see you for a moment." Uncle Aizawa asks "Uh sure." I said making my way to his desk "You have taken the test right?" Uncle Aizawa asks "Yeah before Christmas break. Why Aizawa sensei?" I ask "Well Principal Nezu was wondering if you would like to take a different test or just have you re take the test again." Uncle explains "Well how is the other test different from the one everyone else is taking?" I ask "Well the other one is much more tougher a lot of the questions are things I have yet to teach you. If you would like to take it you would have to come in after school to take extra classes." Aizawa sensei says "When do I have to give you my answer?" I ask "By the end of this week would be nice." He said walking out of his classroom"Also (Y/N) I'm glad you are doing better." He quickly added.
I go to the cafeteria to grab my lunch and with the gang "Hey what took you so long?" Midoriya asks "Aizawa sensei wanted to speak to me." I responded digging into some cheese burger goodness "For what?" Uraraka asks "Well about taking a different test rather take the one you guys are doing." I answer "Huh!" They all gasp "Well I kinda already took the test back in America before Christmas break. So principal Nezu was wondering if I wanted to take a different test." I explain "Wouldn't that mean you would have to take extra classes." Iida asks "Yep." I said "So are you gonna do it?" Midoriya asks "I don't know to be honest kinda thinking about it." I said rubbing my chin as if I'm thinking "Well as class rep and friend I say you should go plus ultra and take it." Iida preaches "Yeah I think you can handle it (Y/N)-Chan." Uraraka cheers "Well he said I can give him an answer by the end of the week." I said.
After lunch Present Mic was teaching the class about Shakespeare "Now class we are gonna put on a skit for the whole class I'll give you an act to work on with your partner. Now can I get a heck yeah!" He said. The class was silent and crickets were chirping adding more awkwardness "Man tough crowd, now before we get into assigning you guys to acts I do wanna warm you we are doing Romeo and Juliet so just be prepared Incase you get the kissing act." Present Mic warned us. The boys groaned (except for Mineta and Denki.) And the girls squealed with excitement well except for me cause of the stupid punishment my uncle gave me I could end up kissing Bakugo and waste my first kiss. "Alright Bakugo and (Y/N) you know what's up right or do I need to remind you guys about the- "we know" Bakugo and I interrupted him. Everyone started to pick their partners while I made my way towards my partner "I can't believe we are partners for this stupid fucking assignment why can't we just write an essay or something." Bakugo groans in frustration "Tell me about it." I said. I looked around the classroom and it gave me an idea "Hey Sparky if you had to pick anyone in the class to do the kissing scene who would you pick?" I ask "First of all bitch I told you not to call me Sparky and number two why the fuck would I pick these fucking losers to kiss." Bakugo says in disgust "I don't know just wondering I mean, I think you and Uraraka would make a cute couple but then again her Midoriya make an even better couple." I said mumbling "Oi who the fuck made you the match maker." Bakugo growls "Sorry I have been hanging around way too much with Hagakure and Mina." I said sheepishly "Well what about you who would you kiss." Bakugo asks "Hmm well I don't really know anyone on a personal basis other than Midoriya, Iida, and you." I said "What about fucking Deku I see you guys constantly talking to each other." Bakugo says "Well although he is nice and don't get me wrong cute, but I just don't see myself kissing him." I explain "So your saying that you like Deku?" Bakugo asks "Just as a friend." I responded "Alright well what about fucking four eyes?" He says referring to Iida "I mean he is handsome but again I feel like he just criticize me and tell me how to kiss in the right way while doing the arm thing he does." I say demonstrating the arm thing Bakugo chuckles "So no fucking four eyes got it." He says. Present Mic comes our way "Alright you two, ready for your act." He says looking at his clipboard. I cross my fingers hoping someone already got the kissing scene or gonna give it to someone else. I can see Present Mic kinda pale up "Unfortunately the only act I have for you guys is Act 1." He says "Which means?" I say hoping it's not it "It's the kissing scene." He quivers. Bakugo immediately explodes while I just stand there like an idiot "WHAT THE FUCK GIVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE OR MAKE SOMEONE ELSE TRADE." He jumped up and grabbed Present Mic by the collar "W-Would anyone want to trade their act to Bakugo and (Y/N)." Present Mic stutters. Nobody in the classroom dares to speak up I look around giving them pleading eyes. They all turned away. Traitors. "I-I'm Sorry I didn't realize what acts I had left." Present Mic says slowly making his way back to the desk. Great. Just peachy. IM GOING TO WASTE MY FIRST KISS ON A GUY THAT NOT ONLY ISNT MY BOYFRIEND BUT ALSO HATES MY GUTS. At the end of class Present Mic gave us copies of the book to rehearse with. "Hey if you don't wanna do the kissing scene we can come up with alternative ways to avoid?" I ask Bakugo cause I know that he doesn't wanna do the scene before he can say anything Kirishima comes along and talks to Bakugo "Hey BakuBro!" Kirishima exclaims as usual Bakugo explodes and starts to throw insults at Kirishima. I make my way to Present Mic's desk "Present Mic is there any way to alternate the kissing scene?" I ask "Sorry kiddo it's my job to teach you literature and that means we have to teach you guys to understand Shakespeare as it is I can't tell ya to avoid it but you can it will just cost ya points." Mic says. Why does the universe hate "I'll see what my partner thinks of this." I sigh in frustration.
We are currently at my place since my mom wanted to meet Bakugo "Oh my. My daughter certainly didn't say you were very handsome." Mom teases me "Mom!" I shriek in embarrassment. Bakugo was certainly going to tease me later. Bakugo smirks at my embarrassment "Alright mom we are going to my room." I said dragging Bakugo to my room "Alright you know the rules Sweety door open." She tells me.  "I see you talk about me a lot in your house hold." Bakugo teases me "Don't flatter yourself Sparky. I have only mentioned you once or twice in this household." I said getting out my booklet "What the fuck did I say about calling me that." Bakugo growled "Watch your language you can't cuss in my house." I scolded. It looked like he was about o insult me, but decided to hold his tongue back. So far we got through majority of the act until we reached to the kissing scene. "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this, my lips (gags), two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Bakugo gags at the last part now it's my turn "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this. For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." I uncomfortably say "Have not saints lips, and palmers hands too?"  "Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in pray'r ." "Oh then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do, they pray-grant thou, lest faith turn despair." Bakugo says in a bored tones "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake." "Then move not while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purg'd ." Bakugo stops and looks at me waiting for my response. I ponder for a moment to think how to avoid making lip contact with him until then I got it "Stage kiss!" I exclaim "What?" He says in a bored tone "We pretend to kiss." I say "Explain." He says "Okay hear me out, when we are about to do the kissing part you grab my cheek the one that will be towards the class you just put your thumb over my lips and just kiss your thumb that way it will look like we are actually kissing!" I exclaim "HUH WHY WOULD I KISS MY THUMB!." He yelled. I growled at him "Alright Romeo wanna try it out." I say annoyed "Ugh! Why the heck not." He whines he scoots closer to me and sits in front of me "Okay Ready." I ask "Yep." Thats all he says as he reaches to grab my cheek. He gently placed it as if I'm a fragile glass. His hands are soo soft that I kinda nuzzle my cheek into it. I look up to see Bakugo making eye contact with my (C/E) he slowly leans in and slowly puts his thumb over my lips. I close my eyes just like how they do it in the movies. I suddenly feel pressure on Bakugo's thumb I take a peek to see in deed Bakugo placed a soft kiss on his thumb. He backs away from my face "See now he we don't lose points in our grade and we don't have to kiss it's a win win." I say "Kids dinners ready!" Mom exclaims "We're coming!" I yell.

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