Chapter 47: Unforeseen Hope

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"Wake up!" A faint voice calls out, "Wake up!" the voice suddenly becoming much clearer. Melissa? "WAKE UP!"  I jolted up hissing in pain, I look down to see I got shot on my side. I look up to see Mirio standing with spikes stabbing him, I look around to find Eri, she was standing behind me cowering in fear. All of a sudden we hear an explosion, I quickly covered Eri. I take a glance to see it was "DEKU! ERASER HEAD!" I yelled out, they both look at me "Ataraxia! Are you okay?!" I hear Uncle answer "Eri is fine!" I yell back. All of a sudden Overhaul flung to the side thanks to Midoriya's grand entrance. I hear my uncle barking out orders, I quickly rise for action, but my side was on fire and I felt extremely weak and I'm going in and out of consciousness. I feel arms being wrapped around me, I weakly look over to see Sir Nighteye hugging Mirio, Eri, and I "It's fine. You both were amazing. Mirio, (Y/N), you both were amazing." He whispered. The ground started to rumble, and spikes were surrounding the four of us. Sir Nighteye navigates us to make sure none of the spikes hit us, once the ground settled down, Sir Nighteye gently placed me on the ground "You'll be fine (Y/N) it seemed the shot missed any vital organs." He explains "I-I can still fight!" I grunt "It's best if you take Eri right now somewhere safe, your mother is outside-" A gust of wind interrupted Sir Nighteye, we all look to see Overhaul being surrounded by purple electricity "Oh boy." I grunt. I use one of the spikes for stabilizing myself, I see Overhaul looking our way. Getting a good look at him, he doesn't look so prim and posh rather he looks very disheveled and angry "I'm obsessive about cleanliness, so when someone touches me, it makes my blood boil." He starts "It's the first time it's gotten to this point. What a sad life you had, Lemillion. (Y/N). If you hadn't gotten involved with Eri, with me, then your quirks wouldn't have been lost forever." He spits. I felt my blood running cold, I quickly hold out my hand and muster out a flame, a spark, something. Nothing, no air, no water, no earth either. I grip my hands and bite my lip in containing any form of cursing "If you hadn't gotten involved, you could've kept holding onto your dreams. You both lost your Quirks but persevered, and as a result, your friends got caught up in this, and now you're all just going to die. " He adds on, he then pounces towards us, I grab Eri and pull her towards the middle of the three of us as Sir Nighteye holds on to Mirio and I close to him, I shield my eyes waiting for his attack, but another crash came, I turn around to see Midoriya using one of the spikes to push him away from us. The clash had begun, quickly Sir Nighteye got up and went after them, barking out orders. Midoriya makes his way to us, jumping and running as bits of green electricity spark around him. "Are you guys okay? Can you both move?" Midoriya asks "Mirio and I are injured Eri is fine though, you go on and take her to my mom." I say "But I can't leave you guys here! I'm taking-" "No, we'll only slow you down, our priority is making sure she's safe." Mirio intervenes, he then looks at Eri " I ended up...making you sad..." He pants out "Let's get out of here." Midoriya looks around for a way out, he then kicks the wall beside us down. Mirio and I rise slowly and sluggishly "This is the path we took to get here." He says "We should put some distance between us and Chisaki!" He looks back at the three of us. "That's...enough..." A soft voice cries out, we all look down at Eri to see her crying and her fingers covered in blood, most likely from Mirio and my wounds "I'm sorry." She cries, I gently wipe her tear away, looking up at me with guilt in her eyes all I could muster up was patting her on the head and giving her a soft smile. The moment was very quickly ruined when Midoriya gasped at what was happening behind us, Mirio and I turned around "Sir..." Mirio's face went pale, it took me a few seconds to register what had happened, Sir Nighteye has been stabbed with the cement spikes, and I felt incredibly nauseous "SIR!" Mirio cries out as his master is standing up very weakly covered in blood shouting "The future" In slow motion I see Midoriya running before disappearing into green specks, in an instant he had reached Overhaul. In defense, Overhaul summoned out more spikes, Overhaul seeming very surprised at his sudden change in power Midoriya turned around "Lemillion, Ataraxia, please take care of Eri!" He cries out. Mirio quickly grabs Eri and me and starts leading us out, "Wait, we can't" I fight his grip off, I look back and gasp "DEKU!" with a boost of energy I run back into the scene I hear Mirio calling out to me "Go on without me take her somewhere safe!" I yelled back. I hide behind one of the spikes, I scan the area if I can find something anything to help Midoriya out. My eyes land on a gun and a small black case. I grab the gun and the case to see its contents inside, inside were the quirk erasing bullets, I unload the gun to see how many bullets are in, unfortunately, there was none, however, I have these quirk erasing ones. The problem is I've never shot with a gun nevertheless held a gun, I can't risk accidentally shooting at Midoriya either he's probably the only person that can defeat Overhaul right now. I load up the gun with one bullet, risky? Oh one hundred percent, I just need a clear shot one where Midoriya is nowhere near Overhaul. I look out seeing the scene unfold, Midoriya's legs are injured with spikes stabbed in panting in pain, while Overhaul stands up and says something to Midoriya. Overhaul then starts shouting "Someone else is about to die because of you! Is that what you want?! Eri!" Oh, that's how he wanna go, I point my gun at him, luckily he hasn't noticed my presence yet "I.." I turn around quickly to find Eri slowly coming back to the scene "I...don't... want that!" Her voice whimpers "No, stay with Lemillion and Ataraxia! Eri!" Midoriya yells out "Eri. Do you think this guy can do anything in this situation by himself?" He asks her connivingly, Eri bowing her head submissively "No, I don't..." She responds. I quickly look back out to see him too distracted, right now is my chance to erase his quirk, sucking in breath I quickly pop out, and pull the trigger without hesitation. The bullet zoomed by...and missed. Crap. Overhaul, Midoriya, and Eri look in my direction "Ataraxia!" Midoriya yells out "I'll go back!" Eri cries out, all the attention is on her now, "In exchange...put everyone back the way they were!" She yells out, No Eri "That's right. It's easier to be hurt yourself than to have others get hurt for you, huh?" He announces "The faith hope that budded with Lemillion has been smashed. Have you realized? That you're acting in the cruelest way possible to Eri." He adds "She doesn't want you." He finishes off, gritting my teeth "Eri! Run! Leave this place!" I screamed out "Even if that's the case...Even if you don't want my help...You're crying aren't you?" Midoriya pants out "I won't let anyone die! I'll save you" He declares. I run out to go and grab Eri when another explosion happens and I go flying, I hit my head on the spikes. I hear Eri running towards me, Shit, I lost too much blood, I don't have the strength to get up or to stay conscious, who just busted in through the wall I see...heroes! Blurry, but I'm able to recognize one of them. Captain Fusion, everything is gonna be alright. Right?

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