Chapter 3

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Edited: 15th April, 2021

"Sometimes the thing you see is not what it is. Don't judge quickly. People are not actually what they pretend to be. Never get attached to anyone. 🙃"

- LK 🖤


When I walked out of the washroom I realised I had the next two lectures free, so I decided to make my way to the adjacent wing of this building for preschoolers and for kids till grade 8. Not everyone was allowed here but since I knew the librarians of all the wings and I helped organise books occasionally I was given special permission. 

As I walked through the corridors I saw a small kid sitting alone in the corridor. I have seen him many times and every time he is sitting or roaming alone. I made my way towards him. "Hey," I said crouching down at his level. He looked scared as his gaze fell on me. "I didn't do anything." He said backing away. He looked really scared. "Shush. Calm down. I will not hurt you." I said in a soft voice. He looked like he was in 1st grade.

"No. They beat me. They all beat me." He said taking small steps back. My heart ached to hear that. "I will not beat you," I said in a small voice smiling slightly at him. "Wait," I said and quickly removed my bag and took out a chocolate bar.

"Here. This is for you." I said holding it out for him to take. He shook his head. "Mommy will beat me. She says no chocolates for me. I am a bad boy." He said frowning. "No. No. You are a good boy." I said shifting close to him. "Come sit with me," I said sitting down and patting the space beside me.

He hesitated for a moment but then sat down. I removed the wrapper and gave the chocolate to him. "I will not tell mommy that you ate it. It's a secret between us." I said grinning at him. He smiled and took the chocolate from my hand.

"Thank you." He said with a toothy grin. "What is your name?" I asked. "Mike." He said taking a bite from the chocolate. "What is yours?" He asked. "My name is Angelina," I said ruffling his hair.

"You are pretty, like an Angel. I will call you Angel." He said looking up at me and smiling. "I like that name, little Mikey," I said chuckling at him. He grinned at the name I gave him and quickly finished the chocolate.

We sat there talking and I got to know that he gets beatings at his house. His mom and dad both are alcoholic. He had a big sister who ran away. And he also gets bullied at school. I really felt bad for him. He also said that his mom said he is adopted and a burden. He doesn't know the meaning of those words luckily.

"I will not let them beat you," I said clenching my fist. "They will. I want to run out of my house." He said as if he was thinking something. "No Mike. I will help you get out of there. You don't do anything. Okay?" I asked him. I have decided. I am going to tell Andrew about this and help him. They are not even his real parents.

The bell rang and I had to go to my next class. I got up and he looked at me.

"I need to go now, Mikey. I will see you next time." I said smiling down at him. "Please don't go." He said giving me puppy eyes. I frowned looking at him. I again crouched down. "I will meet you at the second break?" I asked him smiling. "Will you meet me here?" I asked. He quickly nodded with a grin.

He then wrapped his small arms around my neck. I smiled and hugged him back. We pulled back and I got up. "Byebye Angel!" He said and ran away. I chuckled at him and quickly made my way towards my other class.

After 3 long boring classes, I quickly ran towards my locker and kept my bag in. I then ran to the place where I had met that boy. He was standing there looking around. "Mike!" I called and he looked at me. He smiled and ran towards me. "Angel!" He said hugging my leg. He was so small.

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