Chapter 34

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I stood up and walked towards him. He didn't take his eyes off me. I waved my hand in front of him as he looked like he was in a trance.

He again blinked thrice and then quickly tackled me in a tight hug. I closed my eyes and hugged him back. We both didn't say anything but I was feeling a lot of emotions all at once.

We stayed like this for sometime and then pulled away. He was crying and I am sure as hell even I was looking like a crying mess.

He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "I missed you, Angel." He said and started leaving kisses on my whole face. I giggled like a small girl and placed my lips on his.

We pulled back after sometime and just looked at each other. "H..ow come y..ou are here? I am not complaining though." He asked with his arms still around me. "Surprise!" I shouted and started laughing. He smiled down at me. "This is the best surprise I ever received." He said. I kissed his cheek and pushed him. "Now go and take a bath. Till that time I will go to meet Andrew." I said laughing.

"Don't leave." He said with a pout. "Not so easily." I said with a smile. "I'm not leaving your side even if you push me away." I added. "But no. I am not coming in the bathroom with you." I said with a disgusted face. He wiped his tears and started laughing. A smirk made it's way on his face. "That my dear... will change soon." He said with a wink making me blush. "We'll see." I said trying to cover up my blush.

"Sure." He said as his smirk grew. "Oh shut up! I am going." I said and walked towards his door. I pulled the door but it didn't move a bit. I tried again, still nothing. "How do you open this?" I asked looking at him. He walked towards me and took my hands pinning me on the door.

"You can come in with the password but you can leave this room only if I want." He said with a smirk. "I will wipe off that smirk from your face if you won't do it yourself." I said rolling my eyes. "Try me." He said leaned down to my neck. He left soft kisses and sucked at a point making me moan. "X..Xavier." I breathed out. "Hmm?" He hummed and I could feel him smile against my neck. Think of a way you idiot. Oh yes! "You stink." I blurted out.

I lied. He smells heavenly. "Yeah? I don't care." He said laughing and pulled back a little. "Kiss me and you can go." He said smiling. "We just kissed." I stated folding my arms. "You are not going out then." He said laughing. "Alright. Bend down." I said. He is really tall and I can't reach if he stands straight. He ruffled my hair and leaned down a little. I kept my hands on his chest and rose up a little and gave him a small peck on his lips.

"Now. Open the door." I said pulling back. He rolled his eyes but opened the door. He did the same thing which I had done but it didn't open when I did it. I looked at him confused. "It has a finger print sensor. Only I can open it from inside. Not many people know it. Same is with Andrew's door." He said. I nodded and waved at him. "See you at breakfast." I said and went out.

"Do you know where his room is?" He asked. "Nah." I said and looked around. He shook his head with a smile. He pressed a button and a guy came running towards us. "Andrew's room." He said to the guy with a blank face and cold tone. I rolled my eyes at him and followed behind the guy.

"This is his room, ma'am." The guard said with a bow. "Do they hit you? Why do you all look so scared?" I asked confused. "They don't." He said and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Andrew. "Hey bro." I said with a grin.

"What the...? What are you doing here Lina?" He asked with a very big smile. "Tomorrow is Xavier's birthday." I said and hugged him. "Yeah. So you came here for him?" He asked laughing. "You can say that." I said trying to sound serious. He quickly pulled back. "That hurts." He said with a sad face.

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