Chapter 37

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We drove to his place after that and the guys were going to go to their respective houses or at the base. Stacy and Mike were going on the base too.

Right now I am done changing into one of his T-shirts. His clothes are really comfortable and I love wearing them.

"Are you done?" Xavier asked from outside of the room. "Yeah. Come in." I said and I checked through my phone. There was a message from Oliver saying that Xavier needs to call him as soon as possible.

"What does he want to talk about?" Xavier asked wrapping his arms around me from behind. "I don't know. You should call him." I said replying with an Okay.

"I hate him." He mumbled and took my phone. He dialed Oliver's number and kept it on the speaker. He sat on the bed and pulled me with him making me sit beside him.


Oliver: Yes cupcake?

Xavier clenched his jaw and looked angry. I rubbed his arm and placed a kiss on his cheek letting him know he doesn't have to worry about anything.

Xavier: It's me.

Oliver: Oh finally! Let's get straight to point. You turned 20 tonight so you will be getting your powers. Actually, you will be having all the powers till the morning and your memories as well as everyone's memories will return, except for Angelina's.

Me: Why not mine?

Oliver: Oh even you are listening? Oh god! This crazy love birds are always together. Kids.

I can imagine him rolling his eyes with a scowl on his face.

Me: We can hear you.

I said rolling my eyes.

Oliver: I know. So uh. Oh, fuck it. You will get your memories back when you are 18, Angelina. No questions now. Just listen. Xavier, are you even listening?

Xavier: Yes.

Oliver: Good. So don't freak out. Andrew will help you with the control of your power thing. I'll be there tomorrow so we can go to meet your real parents. I know it's too much to take in but I don't care. I am just doing my job else they will irritate me again.

Xavier: Okay.

He looked so gloomy and sad. I frowned and took the phone.

Me: He is not available tomorrow. Can't we do it the day after tomorrow?

Xavier didn't say anything and neither did he looked at me. He just sat there like a statue. It pained to see him this sad.

Oliver: We don't keep the King and Queen waiting, Angelina.

Me: I don't care. He is not available tomorrow.


I threw the phone away and looked at him. I was going to propose to him tomorrow. I had the whole thing planned out. I don't want him to be sad.

"Xavier?" I called out keeping my hand on his. He didn't say anything. He got up and started walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" I asked getting up too. "Sleep, angle." He said and walked out.

I don't want to leave him at this time. I know he needs someone to be with him. I can just feel it and I can't explain it. It's like my inner self is screaming at me to go to him and that he needs me.

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