Chapter 22

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Edited: 16th April, 2021.


Now I am sitting with Andrew and Xavier in Andrew's car. Xavier was sitting behind with me and he was totally drunk. "I feel like a driver over here," Andrew mumbled making me laugh.

Xavier kept his head on my shoulder and he had my hand in his hands. "What's with him?" I asked looking at Xavier. "He is tired," Andrew said looking at us from the rearview mirror.

We first went to Xavier's house. He was still awake but was stumbling. We helped him to his room and laid him down. I slowly tried to take my hand out of his grip but he pulled me down making me fall on him. I tried to get up but he wrapped his hands around me.

"Xavier. Leave her." Andrew said sternly. "Never," Xavier mumbled. "Please stay," Xavier whispered pleading.

I sighed. "It's fine Andrew. I'll sleep on the couch." I said. Andrew sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Uh... I'll be in the next room then. Call me if you need anything. And you can change into his clothes, he won't mind." He said and left from there after looking at Xavier the last time.

When his hands loosened a bit I quickly took the opportunity to get up. His eyes quickly opened and he pouted his lips like a small kid. "Come back." He said frowning.

"Can I change first?" I asked softly. "Yeah. Remove my clothes." He said making my eyes widened. "You look cute." He said smiling. "Now remove my clothes." He said sitting up and looking at me.

"Uh... I..." I was cut off by him. "Please?" He asked with puppy eyes. Drunk Xavier is a kid.

I nodded and walked towards him. I removed his jacket and kept it aside. He pulled me down and made me sit on his lap. I gasped which made him grin. I was now actually straddling him with my legs on his sides. I pulled my skirt down and blushed because he looked down and smirked at me.

I unbuttoned his shirt and removed it not daring to look anywhere else except his eyes. "You can wear this shirt." He said smiling. I got down from his lap. "My jeans?" He asked. "I am not removing that. The closet is there." I said and pointed towards his closet.

He pouted but went into the closet. Hiding back a smile I went inside his bathroom. I changed into his shirt. It was looking too big so I just pulled it down from one side.

I went out and Xavier was already on his bed and had a beer bottle in his hand. I quickly ran towards him and took the bottle. "No drinking," I said narrowing my eyes at him. He quickly nodded like a kid and then looked at me. His eyes roamed over my body making me self conscious.

I cleared my throat and took the extra blanket and walked towards his couch. "Why are you going there? Come here!" He whined like a kid again.

"Sleep Xavier," I said keeping the blanket on the couch. "You sleep with me." He said. "If you don't sleep now... I will leave." I said. His eyes watered. I was shocked to see him like this. "Please don't leave." He said with tears in his eyes and a crooked voice.

I walked towards him and cupped his face. "I am not leaving. Stop crying." I said wiping his tears. He wrapped his arms around me. "Promise?" He asked looking up at me. I stared into his eyes and nodded. "I promise," I said. I love you... and always will.

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