Chapter 15

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Edited: 15th April, 2021.

"Just because when you tease someone, they laugh... it doesn't mean that they don't get offended or affected. Sometimes some things directly hit deep down."

-LK 🖤


"Lina." I felt Andrew waking me up. "Let me sleep!" I groaned and turned over. "Ahhh!" I shouted getting up. My hand, the injured one banged on the side table very hard. The pain was unbearable and I started crying. "Fuck! Shush. Let me see it." Andrew quickly took my hand. "Don't cry, baby. It's fine." He said rubbing my back and kissed my forehead.

"I am fine. Go away!" I said taking my hand away. I hated being weak. I hated crying. I didn't want to cry. I quickly wiped my tears and got up. I don't even know why I am crying. I mean I can handle pain quite well. It was like everything was so frustrating.

I went into the bathroom and took out my brush. I tried brushing my teeth ignoring the pain in my hand. I wasn't able to brush my teeth properly so I started using my left hand. Andrew came in and looked at me.

"I'll help you." He said. "No," I said and continued brushing my teeth. He sighed and came behind me. He snatched the brush from my hand and before I could say anything he gave he look that said not to mess with him. I stood there quietly and let him brush my teeth.

After he was done brushing my teeth he went out of the bathroom. I took a quick shower and went out to see my clothes kept on the bed properly. I quickly wore my clothes and went out.

"Angelina." I turned to see Xavier. "What?" I asked with a blank face. 

"Um... I just wanted to say that we are going to your house." He said. "Okay," I said and then saw Stacy coming towards us. "Hey, you girl! Come here. I need your help." She said annoyed.

"Sure," I said and went behind her. She took me to a room which I am guessing is hers. It was a mess. "Clean it." She said. "You can ask nicely," I said irritated. "Look don't mess with me. You don't know who I am." She said.

"Well, I am guessing you are a girl named Stacy who is a bit rude," I said with a shrug. "Listen bitch! Don't fuck with me. Just clean the fucking room." She snapped. "You know what? If you had asked nicely I would happily do it but now, I won't do it. Do whatever you want." I said and almost left the room but she pulled me back by my hair and threw me on the floor. My head the wall really hard and it hurt a lot. Stay calm. Don't hurt her. You will regret it later. She is just a spoiled girl. Be calm.

After repeating it several times in my head I got up. "Why did you do it?" I asked calmly as my vision was a bit blurry. "I told you before don't mess with me." She said smirking. "Now clean the mess." She said and went out of the room.

"Why does everyone bully me?" I asked myself as I sat on the floor to make the blurry feeling go away. After some time when I was feeling okay, I got up and started cleaning the room. I don't like things messed up like this.

"What are you doing?" Xavier asked coming into the room. "What the hell happened to your head?" He asked concerned. "Angel, it's bleeding!" He said with coming closer to me. "I am fine," I mumbled and walked into the bathroom. I cleaned it with water and the blood was gone.

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