Chapter 33

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On second thought... his birthday is coming up. Like in 2 weeks. Maybe I could fly there and give him a surprise! Even our holidays are starting from next week! Yup! I'll do that!

"Oh Pumpkin! I totally forgot about the finals!" I wondered out loud. Since I am suspended for some days... I'll have to go after school for writing the finals! That means I'll be in a class alone with Mr. Edwards. I groaned and fell back on my bed.

I closed my eyes and let the sleep take over me.

I heard a sound coming from behind my door. "Stacy are you home?" I asked shouting as I got up. The door opened and Mr. Edwards stood there. My eyes widened. "What are you doing here!?" I said shocked.

"Why the fuck didn't you come to school!?" He shouted. "What the... wait. Let me process things. Okay... you told me leave your house late at night without caring about how I am going to reach my house without any fucking bike or car or anything for that matter. Then come to my house.. no wait.. my room... without ringing the door bell or whatever and shout at me asking why I didn't come to school when you clearly know I am suspended for 2 days." I said angrily.

"And because of you Xavier is angry at me. And I am really in a bad mood so get the fuck out of my house!" I shouted.

"I really dont care about your little boyfriend right now. Stacy said you didn't come home last night. Where were you!? And do you know how worried I was?" He said angrily. "Oh you were worried? Well why didn't you worry when you told me to leave at almost midnight!?" I shot back angrily.

"I was angry. Now tell me where the fuck were you?!" He shouted. "That's none of you business! And why don't you find it out yourself!? The most powerful Warlock of the whole world can't even do that?" I asked mockingly.

He gritted his teeth. "I can't track you. You have an anti tracking spell on you." He said. "Get out, Mr. Edwards" I said calmly.

He took a deep breath and looked more angry now. "You don't get it. You don't know what awaits for you in the future. You are going to enter in a much difficult world. If you don't cooperate, your little boyfriend will be in a great danger. All the people you love and care for will suffer. So for the love of god listen to me. Stop being hard." He said calmly. I just stood there quietly.

"Why will everyone else get hurt? What is happening!? Why can't you just tell me? There is already so much information I've got in some days that I need to process. I just came to know yesterday that my friend is a werewolf! A wolf attacked us yesterday and I would be dead if it wasn't for Damien." I said. He looked a but shocked.

"Shit! Are you Okay!? Did it scratch you or bite you anywhere?" He asked walking towards me. "No. Stay there." I said irritated. "It didn't reach me. Damien killed him." I said sighing. "I told it's not safe. You should have got the answer by now." He said with a frown.

"This is your last chance. I won't get nor lose anything if I save you or if I don't. It really doesn't concern me but I am still trying to protect you. So this is totally your choice now. Give in and let me keep you safe or just be on your own and hurt the people around you too. The wolf that came yesterday wasn't for Damien. It came for you... and because of you Damien could have got hurt. He was lucky that he is a werewolf. If he would have been a human he would have been killed and you would have been kidnapped." He said with a blank face.

I wanted to pull my hair out right now. I just started at him for a while and decided to give in. If he is saying the truth then I don't want to risk everyone's life just because of me being selfish.

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