Chapter 14

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Edited: 15th April, 2021. (Big changes.. possibly the plot will change a bit)

"Know your worth. Stop chasing those people who don't deserve you."

- LK 🖤


"Ow!" I heard her small voice. "You okay?" I asked as I ran toward her. She turned and my heart started beating faster. There was a big piece of glass in her hand. "Fuck!" I said and quickly took her inside. "Wait," I said and removed the first aid box. "No! Don't touch that!" I shouted when I saw her removing the glass from her hand. She flinched and looked scared. I sighed. "I am sorry. But please don't touch it. I'll remove it." I said.

My hands were shivering and I could feel my heart thumping against my chest. I was scared. I was scared that I will hurt her more while removing it. It was the first time I was panicking seeing blood and seeing someone hurt. I tried distracting her by talking about the most random things. It worked but I could see tears coming out of her eyes.

"It's almost done. You are a brave girl. Don't cry, Princess." I kept saying things and I remove the piece. I kept it aside and then took the cotton and some antiseptic liquid and cleaned the wound. She flinched from time to time. "It's burning." She said as her hand shivered and small tears kept escaping her eyes. I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. "It will be fine. It will burn only for some time." I whispered as she kept her head on my chest.

When I felt her calmed down I looked at her tear-stained face. I wiped her tears with my thumb and again took the cotton. "Look at me," I said and she did. She sniffled and I smiled at her. I quickly cleaned the wound and wrapped it in a bandage. "All done," I said and smiled at her. She looked at her hand and frowned.

"Thanks." She said with a small smile. I looked at her face. I am totally in love with her. I want her and only her. She looked so vulnerable some time ago and the tears in her eyes made me so weak. I can never imagine my life without her. I want to protect her from this cruel world.

I stood between her legs. She looked at me confused. I pulled her closer to me and kept my hands around her. "X...Xavier." She tried to push me. "Stop," I said and she stopped immediately. I looked at her lips. How I want to kiss those lips. I licked my lips and looked into her eyes. She looked tensed. 

"I like you," I confessed. She kept looking at me with slightly wide eyes. "I am so selfish to tell you this right now when I know you are going to hate me so much after my parents arrive here. I don't want you to say it back. It's fine. I just want you to know no matter how I act when they arrive here that I really like you don't even for a minute think otherwise." I said resting my forehead on hers. She looked confused and just when she was going to say something the bell rang. I looked at her for some time and pulled back. 

I went towards the door and opened it. I was immediately tackled into a hug. "Hey, baby! How are you? I know you missed me?" The annoying voice of Stacy rang through the whole house.

"Stacy," I said and pulled back trying to stay as away as possible. "Who is she?" Stacy asked clenching her jaw looking past me. I turned to see Angelina looking at us. She looked confused as hell and hurt. "Come here," I called Angelina. She slowly walked towards us and stood a little behind me.

"She is Angelina. Andrew's sister." I said. "Hey kiddo," Dad said ruffling her hair. "Look at you! Last time I saw you were this small." My mom said showing her how small she was. Angelina chuckled. Stacy looked at her from head to toe with a disgusted look. Golddigger bitch! I want to rip her eyes off for looking at my angel with that look.

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