Chapter 40

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After taking a bath, I walked to Xavier's room. I am so damn tired but then I really feel like making up to him as his birthday messed up really bad. Stupid Vampires. I was carrying the gift I was going to give him. Well, I was going to propose him to be my boyfriend too but I guess that has to wait.

I knocked on his door and waited patiently. He opened the door and grinned looking at me. A smile automatically made its way on my face seeing him."What is that?" He asked pointing to the bag in my hand. "Your birthday present," I said excitedly.

I pulled him towards the bed and made him sit down. He was still grinning like a kid. Oh, I love him so much! I hope he likes this. I took out the giant box which had many things in it and I personally made everything in there.

I handed it to him and smiled."Open it," I said and gestured towards the box. He kept the box beside him and turned towards it and sat folding his legs. He gently opened the box. "Woah." He said and picked up the envelope first.

He unfolded it and read it. I had written about how I feel about him and how adorable he is. It was totally about us. And that he was keeping his promise. Then he picked up the pouch in which was a bracelet I had made for him by myself. It had his initial and in the inner part was engraved his birth date. Then I also had an album that had all his pictures I clicked when he wasn't looking. He looked up and smiled at me.

"When the hell did you click these!?" he asked laughing. "When you weren't looking," I said in a duh tone grinning at him. "You sneaky little bitch," he said chuckling and pulled me closer to him. "Did you just call me a bitch?" I asked with narrow eyes and a smile playing on my lips. "Yup. Mah Bitch!" he said with a cute smile.

"I love you, Xavier." I finally said looking at him with a smile. His smiled widened. "I know, baby. I spend most of my time in your head," he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "You can do it?" I asked surprised. He nodded and pulled me on top of him. "I love you too," he said and placed a kiss on my forehead. I placed my lips on his and pulled his closer for a kiss.

After some time we pulled back and just sat there smiling at each other. "So... you want me to be your boyfriend?" he asked with a smirk. "Don't be cocky," I said hitting him on his arm and rolled my eyes. "I am your's baby. Fully yours. I belong to you. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked grinning, making me blush. "You are adorable," he said staring at me lovingly. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was going to ask..." before I could complete my sentence he again pulled me in for a kiss.

He pulled back and opened his eyes. "Girlfriend?" he asked. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him laying my head on his chest. "You know... you are my first love," he announced after some time. "No way! Really?" I asked surprised. "My first and only love. I have loved you since I was a kid. It was the taken away memories that kept me away from you." he said.

"Well, you are my first love too... even my first kiss..." I said as the blood rushed to my face making it red. "I know," he said playing with my hands. "I am lucky," he added and looked at me with a frown. "Sorry I didn't save myself for you..." he said in a low voice. I shook my head and cupped his face. "We were not together at that time," I said with a small smile. Yeah, I was a bit sad that I wasn't his first kiss or anything but the fact that I was his first love made me happy.

"I don't deserve you," he said looking down. "Xavier... You are one of the best things that happened to me. You know that." I said in a serious tone. "You are just... so innocent," he said. "Plus this whole supernatural thing... I just dragged you in my messed up life," he said looking down.

"Xavier... What are we?" I asked. "Couples?" he asked. "Mates," he said after some time when I just kept staring at him. "What does that mean?" I asked him. I knew what it means I just wanted him to say it."In human language its like soulmates. We are made for each other," he mumbled. "Decided by moon-goddess herself. Right?" I asked. I know so much because I had read Oliver's mom and dad's story. He nodded.

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