Chapter 16

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Edited: 15th April, 2021.

"Never let yourself down for anyone. No one cares. They all just pretend."

- LK 🖤


"Angelina get up." I heard again after some time. It was Xavier again. "Let me sleep," I mumbled going into my blanket. "Nope. Get up. I brought you food." He said pulling the blanket. I lazily sat up and groaned. "Eat." He said again. "Okay!" I said and got up to wash my face.

After washing my face I went back into the room and sat on my bed. "What time is it?" I asked yawning. "1 am." He said. "Why did you wake me up at this time?" I asked. "I had to go to the hospital. Dad told me to spend some time with Stacy." He said giving me the plate and sat in front of me.

"Oh," I said nodding. He was with her. "Are you mad at me?" He asked. I sighed. "You make it so damn hard but then so easy too," I mumbled.

I looked down at the food and looked at my hand. I had injured my right hand. How am I supposed to eat now? Yesterday it wasn't paining that much... but as I banged my hand first and then even punched her it was paining a lot. I picked up the spoon in my left hand and tried eating it but the food fell. "Ugh," I said and picked it up again. My hand was shivering. "Stop shaking," I mumbled to my hand.

"I'll help you," Xavier said and took the plate from my hand. "Ah. No! I can eat it." I said and tried to take the plate back but he put the spoon in my mouth.

"Sit." He said with a serious face. I sat back quietly. He continued feeding me. It was quiet now. We both didn't say anything. The only sound was the spoon clanking against the plate.

After I was done eating he gave me the glass of water. I quickly drank it. He took the glass and got up. "Good Night Angel." He said with a small smile and opened the door. "Xavier," I called. He looked behind. "Thank you." I smiled. He smiled and closed the door going out.

I went in the covers but I wasn't able to sleep now. This was the reason I wanted to sleep with Andrew yesterday. I am not able to sleep alone at night. I always get up and after some time and then I stay awake the whole time.

I decided to go to Andrew's room. I opened my door and closed it slowly. I walked towards Andrew's room and opened it to find it empty. He wasn't in his room. I closed the door and turned around to see Xavier. I gasped but he quickly covered my mouth. "Shush. It's me." He said in a low voice.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I was washing the plate. What are you doing?" He said and asked. "I wasn't able to sleep so I came to sleep with Andrew. He isn't here though." I said.

"Come with me." He said and lead me to my room. He opened the door and gestured me to go in. I walked in and I heard the door close. He told me to lay down on the bed.

I laid down. He sat down near my legs and picked up my right leg and kept it on his lap. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Just relax." He said and started massaging it. He kept massaging both the legs and I don't know when but sleep took over me.


Her eyes closed and she slept. I smiled looking at her. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. I got up and pulled the covers over her. I took a pillow and kept it on her side table. Andrew told me how she banged her hand on the side table at my house and started crying.

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