Chapter 41

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"Its time for you to meet your real parents, Xavier." Xavier's dad said with an expressionless face. His mom looked like she was about to cry.

Xavier got up and walked towards his mom. He crouched down in front of her and cupped her face making her look up at him.

"Mom." He said and wiped the tear away which escaped her eye. "Please don't leave us." She whispered taking his hands in hers. "I won't, mom. I won't." He said and smiled at her.

"You are my mom. I don't care about what my so-called real parents have to say but you are the lady that took care of me and was by my side even when I didn't deserve it. I won't leave you." He said now being on his knees.

His mom broke into tears and hugged him. My eyes filled with tears too and I could see everyone looking down.

"Mom... don't cry. Please?" Xavier rubbed her back and tried to calm her down. I really wanted to go to them and try to make her stop crying but I chose not to because it was their time.

After some time she stopped crying and sniffing. He wiped her tears and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"So... Mr. And Mrs. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Collins, Andrew and obviously Xavier and Angelina will be coming to the castle with me and Mrs. Wilson. Rest all you will behave yourselves while we are gone." Mr. Edwards said.

Xavier came and stood beside me. "What us their name anyways?" He asked with an annoyed expression. "You call them Mom and Dad or Queen and King. I know you will prefer the latter." Oliver said and then looked at everyone. "Answer their questions honestly. No lies they will know if you are lying. They hate it when people lie." He said and then looked at Mike.

"You wanna come with us?" He asked him crouching down. Mike nodded with a serious face.

"Let's go, then," Oliver said and did something with his hands and made that black hole like thing... only it doesn't suck anything inside. "Think Castle while entering it." He mumbled and looked at me and Xavier. "You both first." He said. "Stay safe," Stacy said with a small smile.

I nodded and gave her a small smile too. Xavier took my hand and looked down at me. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded. We both walked towards the thing which is actually called a portal and entered it. As we came out we were in a beautiful garden. We stood aside and waited at all of them came through it.

Mom and Dad walked towards me and Xavier's grip on my hand tightened. "Could you give us a moment, Xavier?" My dad asked looking at him and his grip on my arm.

"Sure." He sounded unsure but left my hand. I gave him a nod and he nodded back and then walked away.

"How are you?" Mom asked with a concerned face. "I am fine," I said confused. "We know how the vampires injected you with something and how you were out for a while," Dad said. "Oh yeah. No, I am really fine." I said with an assuring smile. "Well, that's good to hear. Tell us about Xavier, now." Dad said glancing at Xavier.

"He is really the sweetest person, dad! He takes care of me and we both love each other." I said with a wide smile thinking about him. "You love him?" Mom asked with a smile. I nodded and looked at him. He was looking at me too. "We are dating," I confessed. "Well took you long enough." Mom rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, it was complicated," I said with a blush. She chuckled and looked at my dad. "Well, we knew this would happen someday," Dad said with a sigh. "I need to talk to him." He said and walked towards Xavier.

"So you both did it yet?" Mom asked making my eyes widened. We all were currently following Mr. Edwards inside the castle which was opened by two bulky men in suits.

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