Chapter 4

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Edited: 15th April, 2021

"Sometimes assuming things can lead you to a totally different way. It depends if it's good or bad."

- LK🖤


"Do you want something?" I asked. He shook his head and went out of the room closing it behind him. He only talks with Andrew I guess.

I sighed and locked the door and went into the closet to change my clothes. After I was done I came out and looked at Mike. I pulled the covers upon him.

After dimming the lights in the room I walked out closing the door behind me. "Andrew. Bring him some clothes." I said looking at him doing something on his laptop. He is always on his laptop. "I am busy." He simply said. I looked at Xavier. He was doing something on his phone.

I sighed and walked towards the door. I'll go alone. "Where are you going?" Andrew asked. "I am going to buy him some clothes," I said. "I need to talk to you," Andrew said. I nodded and sat down beside him.

"I told one of my guys to keep an eye on his parents. Um, I don't know how to say this." He said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just spill it," I said looking at him. He sighed. "They... are really happy. In fact, they are just drinking and laughing like they don't even care a bit." He said looking at me with concern.

"We will adopt him," I said. "Do you want mom dad to adopt him or you want to adopt him?" He asked taking me by surprise. "You are okay with adopting him?! Thank you so much!" I said as tears escaped my eyes. "How can I adopt him? I am not 18 yet. I legally can't." I said frowning.

"Mom Dad will adopt him. I told them everything." He said smiling. "Andrew. Really thank you so much!" I said hugging him. "I have something to take care of." He said and got up. "Xavier. Please go to the mall with her. Take Mike with you both. And buy him whatever he wants. He is going to stay with us forever." Andrew said. "And after that directly come to the main house. Mom Dad wants to meet him." He said and smiled down at me.

Xavier nodded at Andrew and looked at me. "I'll wake him up," I said and ran into my room. "Mike. Wake up." I said slightly shaking him. He opened his eyes and rubbed them. "Where am I?" He asked looking around. "It is my room," I said smiling at him. "This bed is so soft." He said looking down at the bed.

"Mike. Come here." I said and went into the bathroom. He walked in and looked around in awe. I picked him up and made him sit on the counter. I removed the medical kit and placed it beside him. He had a cut on the side of his head. I cleaned it with some antiseptic liquid and applied a band-aid on it and he grinned at me.

"Come we are going out," I said picking him up and placing him down. He frowned. "I don't want to go back to mommy and daddy." He said with tears in his eyes. "We are not going back to mommy and daddy. And we have news for you." I said smiling.

"Come with me." I took his hand took him out of my room. "You have a very pretty house," Mike said looking around. I chuckled at him. "Are you hungry?" I asked him. He nodded with a grin. I ruffled his hair and went into the kitchen to see Andrew and Xavier.

"Hey, champ...What will you eat?" Andrew asked looking at him. "Anything is fine." He said awkwardly. "Do you want waffles?" I asked him. "What is that?" He asked confused. I looked at Andrew and again at him. "It is something delicious. You'll love it." I said smiling at him. "I'll make waffles," Andrew mumbled and started making them. I picked Mike up and made him sit on the counter.

"What is your favourite cartoon?" I asked him. "SpongeBob!" He said grinning. "Do you know SpongeBob's parents are actually used sponges? And I thought they are cookies." He said. I chuckled at him. "Even I thought that when I was a kid," I said laughing. "I am not a kid. I am a big boy." He said with a serious look. I laughed at the face he made.

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