Chapter 21

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Edited: 16th April, 2021.



The boys didn't know what to do as they looked at Xavier cry and drink. This was the first time they had seen the guy cry and so vulnerable. Heck, they haven't even seen a single emotion from him before. They were really surprised to see him like this.

"I'll call boss," Ashton said and went to one of the corners.


Andrew: What?

Austin: Boss, sorry for disturbing you but you need to come here urgently.

Andrew: Why?

Austin: Xavier is crying.

Andrew: What? I am not in the mood for any jokes. Don't call again.

Austin: Boss, please don't hang up. He is totally drunk. He drank 16 bottles and he is crying over... A..Angelina.

Andrew: *Sighs* I am coming.



"Stacy... uh.. please take care of her... I need to go somewhere." Andrew said. I nodded and went to Angelina's room.

"And please change her clothes. If I don't return then give her the medicine when she wakes up. Her heart medicines are kept there. If she is having pain in her heart and is coughing loudly then gave her the red ones. If she wakes up at night give her the blue ones. And at morning too, the blue ones." That's the most he ever spoke to me. I nodded and he left.

I stared at the figure sleeping peacefully. I smiled and went into her closet. I recently realized that I have no interest in boys. I am a lesbian and I have feelings for Angelina. That girl really has many people after her for sure!

Xavier, Damien, me and God knows how many! I groaned and walked back to her room.

I bit my lip nervously as I walked towards her. I slowly took the covers off her and took a deep breath.

I can do this.

I repeated this in my head and quickly removed her clothes and put the sweatshirt on her. I sat there staring at her. She is so pretty. I smiled and got up from the bed. I sighed. I have to accept the fact that she is straight and would never be my lover.

I changed my clothes too and sat down on the bed. Will she mind if I sleep with her? She doesn't know the truth so I don't think it will be awkward for her. I shrugged and went in the covers. "Good night, Angelina," I said with a small smile and closed my eyes.
I heard someone softly groaning and quickly got up. Angelina held her head and looked in pain. "Sorry if I woke you up." She said when she saw me awake. "Oh no! It's fine." I got up quickly walked towards my bag.

"Here." I handed her Advil. She quickly took it and looked at me. "Why don't I remember anything?" She asked. "Well duh... I did spike your drink." I said smiling. Her eyes widened. "I was drunk? Please tell me I didn't do something stupid!" She said and panicked.

"You did give Xavier a lap dance," I said with a smirk. Her eyes widened. "You are kidding right?" She asked scared. "No baby. You did that. We were playing truth and dare and it was your dare." I said laughing. "Who gave me such a weird dare?" She asked with a scoff. "Me," I said and laughed at her expression.

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