Chapter 43

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"Ugh! Just tell me which room is he in?" The voice said again with a slight growl. "That room miss." A scared voice said and in less than five seconds a beautiful girl with the most gorgeous hair I have ever seen walked in the room.

Her pearly white teeth were in a display as she smiled wide looking at Xavier. Xavier returned her smile with tears in his eyes and a wide grin. I smiled to myself knowing that he was really happy.

"Dumpling." The girl, Stella said and tears filled her eyes as well. Xavier chuckled and shook his head. "Come here, you nutcase!" Xavier said and they both walked closer and embraced each other in a hug.

"I missed you, little one!" Stella said rubbing his back. "You are a minute older. Shut up." He said with a scoff.

"But you are a minute younger. Younger. So you are a little one." She said laughing as they pulled back.

Stella looked at us and her lips turned into a beautiful smile when she looked at Andrew. "Hey!" She said and walked towards him and gave him a hug too. "Wow! Look at you two dumbfucks! You both have changed so much!" She said and then looked at me.

"Language." Xavier scolded to which she just rolled her eyes. Andrew shook his head with a smile.

Her gaze fell on my hand and I guess she looked at the bracelet which Xavier had given me. Her smile turned into a full-on grin. "Oh my God! You are Xavier's mate!" She said and tackled me into a really tight hug.

"Really nice to meet you!" She said and pulled back. I gave her an awkward smile and looked at Xavier.

"You gave her the bracelet! You know I thought you would never fall in love. But you actually did! I am so damn happy today!" She chirped.

"Well yeah," Xavier said and smiled at me. He walked towards me and placed a kiss on my forehead. "She is Angelina." He said. "Oh! Andrew's sister!" She looked at Andrew wide-eyed.

"Finally got to meet the girl who I never met but know so much about." She said laughing. "Andrew would always talk about you." She said with a smile.

"Would he?" I asked and looked at Andrew who grinned at me. I chuckled and gasped when Xavier pinched me on the side of my stomach. "What the fuck?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "I just felt like doing it." He smirked. I pushed him away and narrowed my eyes at him.

Stella shook her head and smacked him at the back of his head. "Behave!" She said and then looked at me. "Would you mind if I take him with me for some time? We have a lot of catching up to do and I need to know everything..." I cut her off.

"Absolutely not! You can take him with you." I said with a smile. "Thanks!" She said excitedly. "But I don't want to leave her!" Xavier said with a pout. He sighed and frowned at me.

"Are you really okay with me not being with you?" He asked with a puppy face. I just stared at him saying him to quit his act. He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Fine. Be in contact. I don't trust the people here." He said and I nodded with a smile. "You don't trust me!" Stella gasped. "Fuck off. We need to talk about this." Xavier said and she hit him again. He hit her back and then they started hitting each other cussing at one another. I shook my head with a smile and turned towards Andrew.

He had a smile on his face. I looked back at them and then again at Andrew.
We walked away from there leaving Xavier and Stella alone to catch up.


Currently, I am with Andrew in his room and he told me how he knew about everything except Stella's part. He also told me about the bracelet.

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