Chapter 45

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"About werewolves." She said and turned the chair towards me. She had a pencil in one hand and she was chewing on it.

"You know you will shift on the full moon?" She asked looking up at me. I nodded. "It will be painful." She said. "I know," I said nodding. "You'll lose control." She said. "I know baby. Don't worry it will be okay." I said knowing very well she is worried.

"Let's go down?" I suggested trying to change the topic. "You sure you'll be okay?" She asked as she got up. "I have you. I'll be okay." I smiled.

"Xavier this is serious!" She whined. "I am serious too," I said honestly. She looked at me for a while and then shook her head.

We dropped the topic as we reached the dining room. "Good morning, kids." The Queen smiled. I sat down ignoring her. I may have spoken to her about Angelina's wish to stay here but I still didn't like her.

"Good Morning." Angelina greeted and sat beside me. "You ready for your first day of college?" The queen asked. "It's today!?" Angelina asked surprised. She looked at me and I smiled sheepishly at her. "I forgot to tell you that," I said and she glared at me.

"So do you not want to start from today?" The Queen asked. Angel shook her head quickly. "It's fine. I'll start today." She said and looked at me. I nodded.

"Xavier will not be in the same classes though." The queen said. Angel nodded. "And since you will be going at a place full of supernatural creatures..." she said and removed a necklace from her pouch. "Here, this will keep all of them away. Well, except for your mate." She said and handed it to Angel.

"Thank you," Angelina said with a small bow. I smiled. "Oh don't thank me. Its Xander who made that for you." The Queen said with a small smile. "I'll remember to thank him later," Angelina said with a smile.

The Queen nodded and then the breakfast was served. We ate in silence except for the occasional questions the queen asked Angelina, which she answered politely.

After the breakfast was over we were given our respective bags and we took off to our college. A driver was assigned to us and he was to drop us off and pick us up daily. I didn't want a driver but then I didn't know the way around in this dimension so I just gave in.

"Are you nervous?" I asked looking at Angelina who was fidgeting with her fingers. She quickly looked at me and shook her head. I took her hands in mine and smiled at her.

"It's fine. You'll be fine." I said and she nodded with a sigh. "Its... Just that... There will be so many.. Creatures you know..?" She said awkwardly. I nodded understanding. "If you feel weird about anyone, call me. Don't think if I am busy or not. You call me. Mindlink me. Anything! But inform me somehow. Okay?" I asked seriously. She nodded with a small smile.

I can hear her thoughts even if we are not together. That's a plus point. Right now she was thinking about me. Like she was worried that I have so many classes and how am I going to cover it up. And then my shift... That it is going to be painful and all.

"Angelina. Don't worry so much. Everything will be fine." I said in an assuring tone. She bit her lip and nodded. Ah! This small action sent a shiver down my spine.

I leaned in and pulled her in for a kiss. After we heard a knock on the sheet which was for creating a barrier between the driver's seat and backseat we pulled back. She blushed and smiled at me making my insides melt.

"Your highness..." The man was cut off mid-sentence by Xavier. "I am Xavier and she is Angelina. We have names. Use that!" Xavier said annoyed. "I am sorry but the least I can do is call you sir and ma'am." The driver said nervously.

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