Chapter 13

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Edited: 15th April, 2021

"You never stop loving a person... do you?"


"I don't have the stamina?" I asked him raising an eyebrow at him. "Ah. Uh. Um. You... You...." he started shuttering but I cut him off. "Fight with me," I said with a blank face. "Lina.." Andrew was saying something but I cut him off. "Fight me!" I shouted.

My trainer quickly nodded and took his stance. Andrew and Xavier took some steps back and looked at me.


He fell down with a loud noise. "Dean. You couldn't even stay for 5 minutes." Andrew said looking at my trainer on the ground. He groaned and tried to stand up but failed miserably. My anger was cooled now and I was feeling bad for hitting him so hard. I ran towards him.

"Hey. I am sorry. Can you try to get up?" I asked him as I helped him get up. He stood up with my support. I walked him to the bench and helped him sit down. "I am sorry. It was just my anger that blinded me." I said with a sorry face. He stared at me for a while and then nodded with a smile. "You were good." He said and looked at Andrew.

"I wanted to show you this." He said with a smile. "Can speak with you in private, boss?" He asked Andrew. Andrew nodded and looked at me. I walked out of the room and saw Xavier who was about to walk in. "Why are you out?" I asked. "Oh. Uh. I... I had to take an urgent call." He said. I nodded and stood there leaning against the wall. 

"Did Mike go to school?" I asked. "Yeah." He said and also leaned against the wall next to me. The timings are changed now, Mike has to go early. Our classes start a little late. So we have to reach there in about an hour. "God! What is happening to me?!" Xavier mumbled under his breath. "What?" I asked looking at him. "What?" He asked me the same question again. "You said something," I said. "Nah. Nothing." He said nervously.


You have no idea what you are doing to me, Princess. I am falling so hard for you day by day.

When the stupid trainer shouted at her I so wanted to kill him but then I had to take care of my stuff! I got turned on just by looking at her like this. She is looking so damn hot right now. I never got turned on by just looking at a girl. She will be the death of me for sure. Andrew is really angry with me. He gave me this death glare and kicked me out.

"Xavier?" She called. "Hm?" I asked looking down at her but quickly regretted it and looked away. "Do you know if today's training is over or not? Can I go and get ready for school?" She asked. "Yeah. You can go." I said. "Oh. Thank God! I'll meet you both later." She said and ran towards her room.

I waited for Andrew to come out. He came out after some time and was still angry with me. "Dude! It wasn't in my hands!" I said and cringed at what I said. "I mean to say it's not my fault that it happened!" I said. He burst out laughing. "Look at your face!" He said laughing. "I know it wasn't in your hands." He said and again burst out laughing.

This time I glared at him. "Where is she?" He asked as he composed himself. "She went to get ready for school," I mumbled. "When are you going to ask her out?" He asked taking me by surprise. "What?" I asked nervously. "Okay, so you're planning to be a creepy little scared kid who is afraid to go and talk to his crush." He said casually.

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