Chapter 36

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"Give me a piggyback ride till my room?" I asked excitedly. He chuckled and nodded. "Hop on." He said. I giggled and jumped on his back.

He stumbled a bit from the quick impact but quickly steadied himself. "You are heavy." He said as we came out of the room. "Yeah sure. I don't care." I said rolling my eyes. "And for saying that you won't get to kiss me for a week," I said smirking.

"Well, there are many things I can do other than kiss." He said returning the smirk. "Ew. Gross." I said making a disgusted face. He laughed. "What things are you thinking about, Angel?" He asked teasing me. "I.. I am not thinking anything," I said with a blush.

"Pervert." He said and continued laughing. "You are a pervert," I mumbled. "Well... now that I think of it you got to know many things because of Stacy. So your mind should be really corrupted by now." He said looking back at me. "What are the things you know about?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

I blushed deep red and looked away. "I don't know..." I said looking everywhere but him. "Sure." He said and kept walking. We went finally to my room and I get down quickly. I ran into my closet and quickly changed into something warm.

I went out of the closet and scowled at Xavier when he grinned at me. "Tell me." He said again.

"Shut up," I said and touched my warm cheeks. "I can't imagine how corrupted your mind is. You are so damn red." He said amused.

We went downstairs where everyone was waiting for us. Xavier was teasing me the whole time both verbally and physically. That stupid pumpkin. I'll get back to him.

We were currently outside a movie theater. "What are you guys talking about?" Stacy asked raising an eyebrow at us. "We are talking about how you corrupted the innocent mind of hers," Xavier said narrowing his eyes at her.

"Oh. I just told her about you know normal things.. you know... those." She said stressing 'those'. Xavier's eyes widened. "You told her about that? You are such a crack head!" He said and looked at me.

"My innocent Angel is not so innocent anymore." He said smirking down at me and pulled me into him. I smacked him on his chest.

"Oh. Don't talk dirty to her. Too innocent. She will be grossed out." Stacy said with a serious face. "I already know that," Xavier said with the smirk still planted on his beautiful face. "I am right here you know," I said irritated.

Xavier chuckled looking at me and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry Angel. I know you aren't ready for anything yet." He whispered in my ear.

"The tickets are here!" Jason shouted excitedly. Thankfully Xavier didn't see my already tomato red face heating up more. The things Stacy said were gross. Will I ever do such things with him? A shiver ran down my spine thinking about doing those things with him.

"Are you cold?" Xavier asked looking down at me. I shook my head. I am really feeling hot to be exact. He smirked down at me. I looked at him confused. "You said that out loud." He said and pulled me towards the door with him.

Again! I again blushed hard. Ugh! "You are cute." He said smiling down at me. "But you need to stop thinking about whatever you are thinking." He said as we sat down. "Unless you really want that." He added in a low voice nibbling on my ear. I froze as I sat down. "Stop it, Xavier." I managed to say. "What?" He asked innocently but I know in this mind he is anything but innocent.

"Nothing," I said and looked ahead as the movie was starting. "Where are the others?" I asked looking around. It was only me, Xavier, Andrew and Cristina here. Rest all were either invisible or not here.

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