Chapter 49

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"Xavier, you moron!" She yelled and punched me on my face. "Oh!" Damien laughed and went further inside leaving me alone with my angry munchkin.

"Calm down, baby." I grabbed her hands before she could hit me again. "I just didn't want you to get hurt. You were under her control once and it was not good." I tried to explain.

"You compelled me, Xavier!? You could have gotten hurt! I felt so bad leaving you there alone with that bitch! Oliver explained that I was compelled and it just... uh. You are an idiot!" She glared at me.

"I'm fine, Angel." I smiled. "I know." She sighed. "You want to tell me something?" I asked knowing that sigh very well.

She pulled back with a frown. "I'm a healer." She said. "Explain in detail, baby." I tugged a strand behind her hair. She nodded and pulled me further inside the house.

"Sit." She said rubbing her face. I sat down. "I... thought that it's a good thing... but..." she stopped. "Oliver said being a healer is kind of a curse. If I ever kill a human or any supernatural creature, after I completely become a healer I'll die." She sat down beside me.

"People will come after me for the power I possess. Some will try to kill me and this is not even the worse thing I am concerned about... the main way to take the power away from me without touching me is by killing m..mate." she looked scared and tensed.

"I am not leaving you so soon. You know you are stuck with me. And honestly, you don't need to worry so much, baby. We are not going to be separated." I said, pulling her into a hug.

Oliver and Andrew walked downstairs and they both had concerned faces. I gestured them to be quite. I already knew whatever she said now. I didn't want to tell her all this.

"But... we can't even hide this forever. People will come, Xavier. Hayley came today.. who knows what she was here for." She pulled back. "She is dead. Dead, Angel. No threats from her now." I lifted her chin up.

"Go and sleep in my room." I compelled her. She nodded, got up and walked away.

I watched her till she was out of sight and looked at the trio of Oliver, Andrew and Damien.

"This wolf boy says he is with you." Oliver scoffed at Damien. "Yes, he is." I rubbed my eyes. "This is not good. Oliver, I told you not to tell her anything!" I tried to stay calm.

"I didn't! That little sneaky squirrel heard us talking. And then we had no option than to tell her." He whined. "Shut up!" I snapped. He bowed his head down in submission.

"Now what?" Andrew asked. "If she has to save herself from any supernatural force and if the only way is by killing the creature then she is dead. If she doesn't kill the creature then she is dead. If you are killed she is dead. Right?" Damien asked. I nodded.

"Alessandro will be so pleased hearing this. He may not even kill her. The bastard will use her powers." Damien said bluntly. Oliver scowled. "Oliver stop." I walked towards him. "Any spell that can help?" I asked. "You won't like that spell." He said nervously.

"Spill," I said, urgency clear in my voice. "We can take away her powers but that will strip her off all the supernatural powers that include the mate bond." He said staring at the floor.

"That's not a problem. We love each other and we don't need a mate bond for that." I said looking at everyone. "That's not it. If your mate bond is broken it will be like she rejected you because it broke from her side and you'll get another chance at mating." He mumbled.

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