Chapter 15. Cuddle bear

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Seulgis Pov.

I woke up as I felt a breath is hitting against my neck,
I slowly opened my eyes and Jimin's face slowly cleared in my sight,
I almost jump to realize I slept with him again, I took a glance at my body and his body having to find out that we're both having our clothes,

Phew, I thought that we did something.

I sighted in relief,

I was happy seeing a handsome face when I woke up,
Fuck, how can he be so fucking handsome? Like, is this even possible that there's a person who are both looking good with a good attitude, is he really a human.
I began to doubt,
I gently poked his cheeks and found out it was real flesh at it seems he didn't notice it cause he didn't moved.

He wasn't an alien okay.

He was sleeping soundly and we were hugging each other,
What did we do again last night?, I can't remember!
My head was a bit aching and I felt really tired,
I wathed how Jimin sleep and he's just so cute,

I noticed a smile appears in my lips, I observed his face and was amused and mesmerized on how he looks so perfect.
I watched intentionally his lips,
And that lips it was so fucking gentle, plump, kissable and soft. Thats maybe he was so irresitable and so fucking hot when we're locking our lips together,

I know, that were not on a relationship and maybe I love him but the feeling wasn't mutual, I guess, but I don't want to break our 'friendship' thing that we just found again a few weeks ago, I don't know if I'm ready to love again and I don't know if he love me too or not.
And still, I have the purpose on why Im here at Busan and that's to regain my memories back and I need that to happen soon or maybe when I go back home again in Seoul.


What if he just using me to satisfy his needs?
What if he just want to have a friends with benefits?
What if we ended up going away from each other?

Theres a lot of questions are now in mind, full of what ifs, But honestly, I really don't know what label me and Jimin is. Are we just hanging out and making a lot of couple thing and having a no string attached. Or maybe he likes me to,
Aughh, I really don't know what to think, I don't know what is right and wrong anymore,

Okay, I've decided.

I will,
probably, confess my feelings for him, but not now obviously, I'll wait for the right time to come, but it's really odd or something, cause I was the girl and the boy should make the first move first.
Augg, whatever I'll just it bother later,

I stared at him and continue to smile, but then I realize, what if he caught me staring at him and he'll think I'm a pervert and its reakly embarrasing.

I turned around and stared at the wall,
Suddenly, I warm hands wrapped aroung my waist and it sends me to shiver,
I was startled, I tilted my head facing at my back and I saw Jimin still closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around my waist,

I turned around again and stared at his face,
"Good morning!" he suddenly said and still his eyes were shut,
"Good morning" I replied as I gently placed my hands on his warm face and caressed it.

Then he slid his hands out of my waist and he started to tickle me,
And obviously I was tickled and laughed,
He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me,
He slowly kissed me on the cheeks and I felt my face getting red but it looks like it doesnt realky bother him and continue stared at my face
Then he tickles me again,

"Yah~Stop it, it tickles" I said in the middle of my laughs,
"Okay,okay I'll stop but please stay for me for a few more hours" he said with his cute voice
I chuckled softly
"Yahh~what hours are you talking about, Ill stop after a few mintues okay" I said as I stared at him, then he chuckled a bit.
"You know what, I love cuddling with you, you're like a cuddling bear, you're so soft, I mean your skin was soft and your waist is a lottke but squishy" he said
"Okay, okay, now, I'm a bear now?" I asked teasingly as I acrched my brows,
"Yes, you're ny favorite cuddling person cause you're like a bear" he said while lauging
He thought if something,
"I can even ca you Seulbear" he laughed and I just rolled my eyes pretending I'm not interested.
After a while he stopped laughing and frowned when he realize I'm not laughing at his joke.
"Just make sure you'll come back sooner okay, I'll miss you"

I nod

he stopped and wrapped his arms around my waist again and after a while I began to pull off, I smiled
"I'm just going to make a breakfast, I'll be right back" I said while I sat on my bed,
I was about to stood up when a cold hands grabbed my wrist and pulled me that caused me to fell and lie on the bed,.
"Please, stay with me for a copule of mintues, I still want to cuddle with you,please" he begged using a cute voice
I smiply nod as I smuled at his cuteness,

Then he began to tickle me again so ticled him back,

we were both laughing,
All of our laughters takes over the silence on the room, then suddenly he stopped and hugged me again,
I felt warm and protected, I hugged him back,
I was smiling like an idiot at the moment,
I love cuddling with him, I was tickled when he tickle me but at the same time he was gentle.
"Okay, we'll stop now cause I'll make our breakfast, Im kinda hungry, I'll be back after I finish making our breakfast "
He nodded and smiled.

I stood up and began to walk outside the room, when I heard him shout,
"Make something yummy okay"
"Yes, sir" I shouted back sarcastically.
Then I proceded to the the kitchen and made something yummy for us.

End. Byer

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