Cheat 7

380 21 6

Seulgis pov

I had arrived now at the school, I smiled as I entered the classroom

I remember what happened yesterday or should I say last afternoon. I smiled at the Idea,
I saw my friends in there, I sat at my chair and studied for the upcoming test. It's been 30 minutes past but Jimin is not here yet (what happened to him?) after a few minutes I decided to go outside to get some fresh air, I was walking going to the bench where I love the most, but unluckily there is a group of people in there and I heard that they are talking
I noticed the voice seems familiar
"so have you decided yet?" Taehyung said,

Ahhh it's the boys

What to decide anyways? I was curious so I secretly hide behind the tree near the bench to sneak and hear what they are talking about, I know this is wrong but my gut is telling me I need to hear this
"yes" Namjoon,
"we decided to accept the offer" Yoongi

then jungkook stood up and said something "But how about Jimin, I thought he don't want to go because of Seulgi, he don't want to leave Seulgi here"

"but he said yes when I asked him yesterday" hoseok,

It took me a few seconds to realize what it is, they were talky about Jimin planning on leaving me, he didn't even tell me about this.

Tears are starting to fall from my eyes,
I turned around gradually and I saw Jimin standing behind me, he seemed shocked that I already knew his secret.

"I'm sorry" he said as he walked towards me

"Stop! please leave"

then I started to run away from him and I cried, as I run tears keep falling and my heart feels like it was crushing and pierced with thorns and arrows. It feels that my world is falling apart, I didn't expect this to happen
"Seulgi" I heard him shout but I didn't turn back, I wanted to, but I can't and I don't want to,
I hope that this is all a dream.


I'm now at the rooftop there are no people in here

I didn't notice that the tears in my eyes started to fall again and then I cried even more, why do I need to know him, why did I met him, why did I love him

the questions in my head are still right there and that's the cause for me to cry, even more, I can't stop crying.

I can feel my knees weak and brought me to the floor, my tears aren't stopping at all, what shall I do.

I was crying alone for 20 minutes now the tears are not stopping at all, then someone I don't know came to me, I really hope its jimin, I wanted an explanation and a reason about all this shit,

but I realize it wasn't him, the unknown guy handed me his handkerchief and I just starred at it, but soon took it and wiped my tears, I really didn't recognize his face because of his face mask,
then he left me, I didn't even have the chance to thank him or ask his name or even returning his handkerchief.

(I know that the reason is not enough to be angry at him, but I don't know why I'm mad at him.)


its been a week now since that happened, me and Jimin still haven't had a conversation or even an interaction, and that is the reason why I'm still crying, well, I know I shouldn't be crying because he didn't break up with me. But he kept a secret to me, and the fact alone that he wasn't interacting, texting and calling me means he was guilty of having a mistake,

I think this is for the better, he is going to leave me anways, we will just need to get used to it since we will break up soon because of long distance relationship, he will know a lot of girls in Seoul that he will love and me,

I might found another man here to love.


it's now 10 I should take a break, I went to the canteen and ate there, after that, I decided to go to the bench where I used to go, and then I saw Jimin with another girl
tears forms from my eyes after seeing that, my heart is pounding painfully

I know I'm not in place anymore because we, I think, broke up already but we still haven't had closure yet,

I hate you jimin, I really hate you, I was startled to see him kissed the girl.

The girl seems familiar and I guess its,

it's Irene

the tears in my eyes fall, then I saw Jimin happened to noticed me, he seemed really shocked

I stepped back as he stood up, then I turned around, then started to walk and run, I can feel my legs weakened but I forced my legs to walk

"Seulgi" he shouted and he ran behind me I ran faster but he's faster and grabbed my arms that caused me to stop, he hugged me in the back,

I cried, even more, I can't get off the picture of Jimin and Irene Kissing in my mind

"I'm sorry Seulgi I didn't mean it," he said and I noticed that he is crying too
"Sorry but I can't accept that sorry of yours, what you did last week hurts me a lot and I'm getting to forgive you, But what I saw earlier is too much, I can't even imagine myself forgiving you" I concluded and unsure statement. I tried to get free from his grip but he's strong and he hugged me even harder
"I'm sorry for everything seulgi, please forgive me I-I can't live without you" He stuttered
"Your sorry can't take back everything, you're sorry can't heal my wounds, your sorry can't make me forgive you, I'm sorry" I cried even more,

then he forced me to turn around, I saw him crying
"you know what, we should break up, you're going to Seoul and having me is just gonna distract you and it is the thing I think I can't take, I'm sorry but I can't forgive you, I'm sorry I can't love you anymore, I-I can't," then I slowly placed my hands to his face and slowly kissed him in the lips for the last time, This is gonna be my last kiss, This kiss will be my last love for you,
I honestly didn't expect this to turn out like this,

I stopped the kiss
I can feel my tears drips from my face.
"Please! we need to stop this, I'm hurting already. We are over. Goodbye and thank you for everything I know you'll find somebody else, I hope you'll be happy, I can't do this anymore" I forced a smile
And for the last time, I took a glance of him
I will miss you, I won't ever forget you then I untied myself from him and ran away.

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