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Peridots POV

I woke up the next morning in bed next to Lapis, but the so-called 'bed' felt like a hard cave floor. I was also freezing cold, since we only had one blanket that Lapis had hogged for herself.

I looked over to see that Lapis was still fast asleep, and that my arm was wrapped around her. I felt my face heat up, but I didn't want to move it and disturb her so I just laid there like an idiot.

I eventually fell back asleep, despite how numb my arm was. A few hours later I felt someone tapping my shoulder for me to wake up.

I groaned, and opened my eyes slowly. "Whatttt?" I yawned and looked over to see the bluenette smiling at me.

"Good morning, it's about time you woke up." She chuckled and crawled over me to get off the bed.

"Actually I woke up way before you, so don't talk about me sleeping in!" I joked, finally feeling my arm gain back it's feeling.

"Okay, then why didn't you wake me up?" She was trying to fix her hair with some water, smoothing back the baby hairs in the reflection of the metal bars.

"Because you were asleep that's why." I sat up and swung my feet to hang off the bed, still watching Lapis fix her hair.

"What's your plan for today?" I asked, picking at my fingernails.

"Oh you know just going to go to the mall." She chuckled. "Well there's not a lot to do here, so I don't know. Why?" She walked over and sat down next to me.

"Just wondering, it looks like it's going to rain so we probably won't have yard time today." I sighed, and continued looking out the window.

"Fun, we'll be stuck in this cage all day." Just as she said that, the officer from earlier came in and opened our cell for lunch. We both stood up, eager for some food since we missed breakfast.

After receiving our food we sat down at the same table from the other day, the one in the corner so we could watch everyone. I took a bite out of my bologna sandwich, even though it tasted like literal shit.

Everything was going great until our 'friend' Jasper walked over. She looked at me and slapped me across the face. For a second I was stunned, before I smacked her right back. She started rolling up her sleeves, then a guard rushed over and handcuffed her. They pulled her away and probably took her to solitary confinement.

I sighed and looked at Lapis, who was in shock. Probably because I slapped her back, but who knows. Then I felt a pair of handcuffs wrap around my wrists.

"No, stop! What are you doing! She started it! I was just defending myself!" I wiggled in the guards arm and Lapis tried following us before a guard pulled her away. I was dragged down the hallway, and into a small solitary confinement cell.

There was nothing in there, not even a window. Just a small concrete room with a small window in the door, where guards could check up on me.

I sat down in the corner of the room, and pulled my knees up to my chest. I didn't deserve being in here, I was defending myself from the chunk of meat that Jasper is.

I tried my best not to cry, but tears came out anyways. I didn't want to be alone in here. I'd lose my mind in here. I remember watching some show where when prisoners got out of solitary confinement, they were mad crazy. Some even had to go to asylums.

I knew one way to keep myself sane, and I would focus on that one reason.

The reason was Lapis.

A/N: Woah what a plot twist, I'm on spring break right now so I might do a surprise update during the week but I dunno. Hope you enjoyed, and sorry it's short


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