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Sorry for late upload I was at my friends birthday party, shoutout to Estefany :)

Peridots POV

I thought I would be in one of those rooms with the telephones and glass dividing the prisoner from the guest, but I was wrong. I was in a small room with some couches and a coffee table waiting for my mother to walk inside.

A guard from the front desk walked her in, and I tried my best not to make eye contact with her, but I did.

"Peridot Greene I cannot believe you!" She bent down and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at her.

"How could you do something so vile and stupid to ruin the family's reputation! I am disgusted by you!" I could feel her spit hitting me in the face, but I sat there and took it.

She snatched her hand back and sat down in the chair across from me. "Explain yourself this instant!"

She tapped her long acrylic nails on the armrest while I was thinking of what to say.

"I-I uh helped rob a bank.." I sighed,  and stared down at the floor.

"Hell yeah you did, how could you do something like this?!" My mom was almost yelling now, so Topaz had to tell her to calm down.

"I- I don't know.."

"Well you better figure out why!" She stood up and walked over to me, slapping me very hard in the face.

I heard Topaz and another guard scramble over to pull her out of the room. While they were doing that I tasted blood in my mouth.

"I WILL COME BACK AND TALK TO YOU ABOUT THIS PERIDOT!" I heard my mother yell as she was getting escorted out of the prison.

Once they got her out, Topaz walked over and asked me if I was okay. I shook my head yes but she saw the blood slowly creeping out of my lips and frowned.

"Let's get you to the infirmary." Topaz helped me off of the couch and cuffed my hands back as we walked down a few sets of hallways.

We turned into a small room with 3 beds, curtains around each of them. Topaz asked the nurse at one of the desks to make sure I hadn't had a tooth knocked out or anything.

After awhile of waiting, I was given an ice pack and an all clear. Topaz walked me back to the cell and I saw Lapis sitting there with something wrapped around her knuckles.

"Woah what happened?" I rushed over and picked up her hand to look closer at the wrapping.

"I got in a fight." She put her head down to hide that she was crying.

"With who?"

She was silent for a moment before answering. "Jasper..." she sighed. "She started it so I fought back. I couldn't just let her beat me up. I had to stand up for myself."

I was a little shocked that she hadn't been thrown into solitary confinement, but decided not to question it.

"I'm proud of you." I finally said, squeezing Lapis's hand.

"You're proud of me for fighting? Are you okay?" She looked up at me, giving me a small smile.

"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself." I paused for a moment, my question about her not being in solitary confinement still lingering in my head. "How are you not locked up in one of those solitary cells?"

"They ran out of space, and Jasper started the fight, so they locked her up instead."


"Are you okay though, you have a huge bruise on your cheek!" She put her hand on my chin and turned my head where she could see it better.

"Oh, my mom got a little mad and slapped the shit out of me. I'm fine though." I chuckled, seeing the sight of her being pulled out of the prison was so funny to me.

"But I was taken to the infirmary by Topaz and I'm all good." I placed the ice pack on my cheek, so it would help prevent more swelling.

"I'm sorry that happened." She leaned over and planted a kiss onto my lips.

Once she pulled away, I busted out in tears. I guess all my built up hatred towards my mother just decided to flow out.

"No! Don't cry I'm sorry I-.." Lapis pulled me close and held on to me, kissing my forehead and repeatedly saying it was going to be alright.

"It's not you.. I just hate my mom so much. She's done terrible things." I wiped my eyes with my free hand and sighed.

"Do you want to talk about it..?" Lapis kissed my forehead again and started to rub my back.

"Yeah. I'd like to."

HelloooooOooOo! Sorry again that this chapter was wayyyy late! I had a friends bday party today and never had time to finish it earlier. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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