Ch 11: Tournament p.2

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Funfact: Clair's based on actual people that I knew (and sadly still know) so both-her 'relationship' model and thoughts about being non heterosexual are outviews  that are pretty common in this world, which is sad. But that's why we have we can together kick their asses.


King combed up his red, thick mustache and nodded as the final result satisfied him.

Next to him, the queen was tring to hide dark circles under eyes with some sort of powder.

"You didn't get much sleep last night, did you?"

The queen shook her head "I was waiting for her. " her voice cracked "It's been 3 days and she still didn't come back..."

Fergus frowned "Oh come here my dear." he embraced her "She's strong woman just like her mother. I'm sure she's all right, probably training for the tournament. "

The queen sighed "You're right, darling. But I can't stop having a bad feeling about this."

The king grabbed the queen's arm and they left the castle surrounded by a group of guards. On their way to the tournament filed they met hundreds of locals who wanted to great the royal couple.

When they reached the field, they took their place on a wooden stage where four thrones were waiting. The triplets were already there.

"Hello mother. Hello father." Harris approached them as his brothers were trying to shove something under the throne.

When they all sat down, chief Hjalmar approached them with a group of people.

Fergus examined the group. Everyone was, from his perspective, was just a child. Most of them couldn't be older than 18 years old. Another thing that shooked him was the presence of women.

"Heh" he snorted "They let women fight among men, interesting. Merida would love to join them-" he bit his tongue as reminding his wife about the absence of their daughter wasn't the wisest idea.

"King and Queen of Scotland!" chief Hjalmar roared "I present you Nordic land's team. They're the new generation of the finest warriors from our village."

"I'm sure that their combat skills are impressing but will they be able to withstand the Scottish team?" Fergus replied pointing at a team of five huge men.

"Let this tournament be the last time when our people fight against each other!"

The crowd cheered as both groups made a loud battle cry.

A small guy climbed on a wooden tower-like thing and shouted "First fight! McGregor from Highlands vs. (y/n) from the North!"

The queen gasped and grabbed man's arm "Fergus look. He's going to slay her with one hit."

The red-haired men grabbed a huge wooden shield. It was nearly as big as the girl herself. However, she didn't seem scared nor even stressed.

"Oh! I can't look at this!" Queen covered her eyes "Poor girl"

But King, with his experience, knew that these were not the eyes of someone who is going to lose.

The referee blew the horn, starting the combat.

The man slowly took up his shield in an attempt to swing it and quickly smash his opponent. It was exactly the moment the girl was waiting for. She quickly slipped under the heavy weapon and hit the man in the knee with a handle of her ax.

Something crunched loudly. The king wasn't sure whether sound came from injured knee or the shield that the man threw second after he was hit.

The Scot grabbed his leg and cursed loudly.

(Merida X female reader) Scottish NymphWhere stories live. Discover now